Clare is back at Degrassi for the second semester of her sophmore year. The first day, didn't turn out too well. But decided she needed to talk to Eli and be prepared for when he returns from suspension. This is the first Chapter, see what changes Clare must face.
Clare hesitantly walked up the steps to Eli's house still in her uniform and holding her bag. She knocked after taking a few breaths. A little worried to talk to Eli, sense they haven't talked since he walked her home after the "Night in Vegas" dance fiasco. She stood silent for a few seconds when his mother Mrs. Goldsworthy opened the door, responding. "Yes? May I help you?"
Clare caught her breath still nervous, not expecting his mother to answer. She kept her head up but looked toward the ground. "Hi… Is Eli home?"
"Mom. It's okay." Eli stepped into the doorway, guiding he's mom back. "Hey." He had innocence in his voice.
"Hey." She sweetly smiled still nervous.
"You want to come in?" Eli invited.
"No. I'm okay. Can I talk to you though?" He fallowed her down the steps beside Morty in the driveway.
"So what's up?" Eli placed his hands in his pockets trying to look like he was laidback, however in his mind he was scared to even think what Clare might say. He knew he screwed up, and probably lost her forever because of his careless mistakes.
"We need to talk." She turned her purity ring around her finger constantly. "Eli." He held his breath at the sound of his name. "I missed you."
Eli let out his breath, surprised by her response. "What? You're not going to yell at me or anything?"
Clare looked up at him. "I still am mad. You were not smart about all this. Actually really immature and stupid." He looked down as she spoke. "But that doesn't stop my feelings for you."
His head snapped up with a light smile. "So does this mean…?"
"Promise me no more drama? And you go back to my funny, cute English partner that I fell for?"
Eli stepped forward. "Promise. You are way more important then a reputation." He interlocked their hands together and pecked a kiss on her lips. "I missed you so much."
She blushed as she smiled. But then shivered. "You're cold. Here." He removed his jacket and put it around Clare's shoulders. "Why'd you want to talk outside in the middle of winter?"
She laughed quietly. "I don't know. Well I better go." She started to remove his jacket.
He grabbed the collar, readjusting it on her. "Let me give you a ride. And I won't take no for an answer." He already had the passenger door open for her to climb in.
They drove in silence, but once he pulled up to Clare's house she spoke, "So when will you be back at school?"
"My suspension is up on Thursday. So at least we will have two days of school together this week." He grinned.
She looked at her feet and sarcastically replied. "Oh yeah, that'll be so much fun."
"It's just. School has turned into this mess. There are cops and security guards in every hall. No P.D.A. They even took away the open campus. It just sucks. And these uniforms are so stupid. I thought I was done with uniforms." She ranted.
"That sucks. Well then we should kiss, while we aren't at school." He leaned over and puckered his lips to kiss her. She kissed him back, cupping his cheek.
They pulled away. "See you Thursday I guess." Clare replied.
Once inside, she peeked through the curtains to see Eli drive off. "Who's that?" Clare jumped at the sound of her mother's voice. "Is that the famous Eli you're always talking about?" Clare blushed a bit as she smiled. Helen looked through the window. "He drives a hearse? Is he okay?"
"He's fine." She stared at the empty spot he was just parked in, and whispered so her mom didn't hear. "He's perfect."
Helen interrupted Clare as she begun to run up to her bedroom. "Clare?" She turned around. "How was school?"
"Good." She seemed confused.
"That's nice. Well I'm heading out. I have a fundraiser to go to. Your father will be home late so you need to fix your own dinner. Sorry honey." Helen explained as she gathered up her purse.
Clare nodded and smiled, then ran upstairs. In her bedroom, she walked passed the mirror, noticing she still had Eli's jacket on. It was so warm and she didn't want to take it off. She pet the sleeves liking the canvas-like feel of the fabric against her fingertips. She inhaled the sweet aroma from the collar that smelt like Eli. His own delicious, distinctive smell that she admired. She remembered how when she was with K.C. he always smelt like just some chemical body spray that he would put way too much on.
She decided she should inform Eli that she still had his jacket. So she just sent him a simple text saying, "You do know I still have your jacket?"
"I know. I want you to keep it. J" Eli replied a text back a few minutes later.
Clare eventually drifted to sleep for a nap a little while after.
Yes, I know I'm new at this but I love to write and I always think of Eclare story lines in my head. So I thought why not try fanfiction for a while. Please review! I love it when people critique! Should I keep up the story. I hope you liked it! Again, please and thank you for reading and reviewing.