Wit: Bwahaha! My rewrite of No More Childhood Innocence! I went a whole new direction, but kept the basic point of it.
Sesshomaru: Except, this time, she changed the point of view to mine. -sigh-
Wit: Yeah, your thoughts are a bit… random, Sesshomaru-sama. Oh, and I'd like to dedicate this fic to two very epic people. Luvandia, and Divine Rose.
Sesshomar: Why?
Wit: I was thinking about deleting this, but Luv said it was her favorite, so I jus decided to rewrite the whole thing. And Divine Rose is a fellow lolicon fan, so I just had to dedicate this to her! And on with the story!
Disclaimer: Me is not Rumiko Takahashi. So me no own Inuyasha. Or Sesshomaru..
There are some things in this world I never would've believed to exist:
Bacon will practically ruin my life, my brother having a higher IQ than me, love triangles, and me writing in a diary. And guess which one of those four happened to me? (First person to suggest the second one gets shot.)
But if you guessed the third and fourth one, then you are correct! Well, one can sort of count, but now's not the time to say anything about it… Anyways…
Here's my problem: I've been in love with my best friend, Rin Noto for as long as I could remember. And we've been friends for almost a decade. Now being 'besties' (Argh, damn you Kagome for teaching me that word. Wait, did I just say, 'Argh?' Shit, I just turned myself into a pirate. Uh, where was I? Oh right!) for that long should turn into some kind of love connection, right? Right!
But if you ask Rin that, she'll say no. And why would she refuse me, Sesshomaru Taisho, the sex god of Tokyo (Hehe, my unofficial official title)? There's the fact that I'm twenty one and she's barely learning how to drive.
And for those in the back, saying, 'Pedo! Arrest him!' Well screw you!
And to make matters worse, she decided to go out with Kohaku Kuwashima, aka, Uber-douche. So that's where the love triangle happens.
Me, Rin, and Uber-douche. Easy to follow, right? Just you wait till Sara, Kagura, Naraku, Sango, Miroku, Koharu, Kanna, Hakudoshi, and Jaken come into play. So basically, in the end, we don't have a love triangle… We get a freaking love octagon! Or a pentagon. Hexagon? Dodecagon? What the hell is a dodecagon? And why am I discussing random geometric shapes in my mind? I'm totally ADD.
…Did I just say 'totally?' Now you can add 'gay' to the list too. (But don't tell Jakotsu or Jaken that.)
So there's your love triangle part. Now we can talk about the diary part.
Yes, I am currently writing in this stupid diary. How did I get it, you ask? Let's just say I know a guy, kukuku… (-cough- Stole it from Jaken. -cough-) But I'm only writing in this to keep track of what happens. But don't expect me to be all 'Dear Diary' this or 'Dear Diary' that. (And yes, I did pull a 'Diary o a Wimpy Kid.')
Sigh. I'm doing all this for love. Kill me.
…Never mind. If I die, Uber-douche will have Rin.
So there's your diary part,
Am I missing anything?
Oh, the bacon part? Hehe, that's not something I can really explain. But let's just say this: Screw you, Inuyasha for bringing it up in my life in the first place. It's because of you we got arrested!
Yes, my idiot half-brother and I got arrested.
I won't explain that one either. But you'll find out. If you can handle all the random—and dangerous—things I ended up getting into, just keep reading.
That is, if you can handle all the random stuff that's gonna happen...
Wit: I'm trying to make it longer, but as usual, failed epically.
Sesshomaru: What don't you fail at?
Wit: … -whack-