Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, the series or the characters. I also don't own the quotes put at the beginning of each chapter. This disclaimer goes for the rest of the story.

The Trouble with Haruno

"Can you feel it, feel it? It makes you feel so good."

-Can You Feel It?-

Apple's In Stereo

There is a street, Motorhead Street to be specific, in the city of Konohagakure with an old house that was home to a depressed 35 year old man. His house was painted in a way that allowed him to remember his daughter. Unfortunately it also reminds him just how long it had been since she had been gone.

The carnation pink house had emerald green shutters that matched the wooden stairs and door, but this brightly colored house still managed to give off the aura of abandonment. Not that the depressed man let the house stay dirty and rot by any means, but it's been said that a house reflects it's owner. That saying, at least in this case, would be the only reasonable explanation for such a depressing aura emanating from such a cheerfully colored house.

This disheartened and deserted man, Moigi Haruno, had been doing nothing of much importance in the afternoon of one of the hottest days in September when he received a call that put a stop to his seemingly endless unhappiness right then and there. His daughter, whom he hadn't seen in five years, wanted to live with him her junior and senior year of school. Moigi, of course, agreed wholeheartedly.


Across the street from the Haruno residence stood a man with black hair and cold brown eyes. He had been watching his best friend since childhood, Moigi, receive the call, and wondered briefly why his friend's mood had suddenly taken a turn for the better. Not that it was an unpleasant sight, it was just unexpected. This man, Fugaku Uchiha, only had these thought for a moment because he then realized that the only thing that could lift the veil of depression that Moigi had warn for five years would be if his daughter was coming back home where she belonged.

Fugaku had to smile in spite of himself. Life around Konohagakure would be much more interesting now, and maybe he could convince the girl to date one of his two sons. Fugaku had always thought of the Harunos as merely an extension of the Uchiha family, and now he was hoping to make that official.


Across the city of Konohagakure, on Log Avenue, lived a blonde teenage girl with blue eyes. She had received a phone call from her best friend, a pinkette that she hadn't physically seen in five years, and the news was exciting. Finally, after five empty years waiting and missing her more with every passing second, Sakura Haruno was coming back.

"Ino-pig, please don't tell the others. I, obviously, had to tell my dad, and he's friends with Sasuke's dad, so Itachi and Sasuke already know, but please don't tell anyone else. I want it to be a surprise." Sakura requested of her third best friend. (She may be Ino's best friend, but Sakura's first two best friend positions were already taken.)

Ino could do nothing but agree. The blonde was ecstatic! In just a few hours her best friend would be back in Konohagakure.


Okay, I know I usually hate this couple with a passion, but after reading an ItaSaku fic I realized that Sasuke isn't a total asshole, and then I read "Ripples" by Yellow Mask…yeah. And I know chapter one is not long, but there will be longer chapters coming, I promise. Read and Review please!