Pokemon Quartz Team Ch4
Aaron the Treeko, Terra the Grotle, Tropic the Ivasaur, Shell and Speed the nincada, Manacle the Skopri, Armor the Anorith, Yellow the Kanuna, and White the silcoon were in a Torterra unit. It was moving. Shell, Speed, Armor, and Yellow stayed out swatting starly out of the air, each trying to evolve.
Meanwhile, Manacle,Terra, Aaron, Tropic, and white stayed inside the pokemon's tree, it's lavish furniture being used for once, making the torterra feel satisfied. Aaron was scribbling down something, White and Tropic were watching a chic flick, and Manacle was playing a video game. Behind them, another torterra, bigger, followed the first, holding Sean, Patrick, D.W., Trap, Brooke, Jolt, and a Flareon named Heat, that was part if D.W.s Squad. Jolt was busy leafing through an attack and defense move booklet, Trap was on top of the trees, knocking starivia out of the air, Patrick and Brooke were in the tree somewhere, Sean was Playing Super Chimchar Ball (His favorite game because D.W. Hated it and he got to roll around), and D.W. And Heat were writing stuff down. On the end of this three torterra line, was Erik and his friend, a Duskull named Spite. They were busy goofing off inside while Recker practiced martial arts on the outside. The three torterra came to a stop at the edge of the water where a wailord was waiting for them. It had a giant metal capsule covering it's top, with glass windows.
The pokemon boarded it, and the wailord took it's journey fast, torpedoing into other pokemon and pissing them off. It made it's way to the island of Airis.
They landed on Airis and saw that a single bridge went into the middle of the island. The walked along the bridge, which had seemed to be formed out of pure clear crystal. It seemed short for a bridge that went from the front of the island to the back. They got to the end. Three caves, in a triangle shape, pointed toward the bridge. The tops were of various rock formations, all being random minerals and rocks that formed shapes and mountains on top of the island. D.W. Stood and addressed the team.
"We get the airship body, we fly back. Got it?"
"Okay. Trap, Heat, Sean, Jolt. Come with me. Patrick, Brook, Recker, Spite, and Erik go together. Aaron, White, Speed,Shell Armor, Manacle, Tropic, Terra, and Yellow follow Aaron.
Go!" D.W. ended. The teams split up and D.W., Jolt, Heat, Trap, and Sean went into the cave opposite of the two others.
He radioed in to Aarons team.
"Roger in, Copy, Alpha team, You are going to get 21 wheels that make the airship be able to do what it does. Copy out."
He radioed in again to Patrick
"You will go and get the airship."
"Roger that."
"Wait, if their going to get the engine and the airship, then what are we getting?" Sean asked nervously as they raced down the corridor.
"Treasure and Legendaries. It's a myth that will be told as soon as we retrieve it and the airship is done." D.W. Answered.
None of them had noticed the pokemon floating behind them.