Alrighty, so I've decided that I'm gonna write this, I'm leaning towards a collection of one-shots, just of specific things from their time together. Let me know what you think, and please do review.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Angelique and her family.

There are pictures of Angelique and her family on my profile


Angelique Castaneda stood in the mirror, inspecting her reflection to the finest detail. She turned, inspecting her body from every angle. Her hips jutted out, and her bum was curvy, as always. Her legs were long and towering, her neck slender and long, giving the illusion of a graceful composure. Sure, she was pretty, but rather simple, why would he insist on marrying her. Why?

Though her heart refused to believe it, her head already knew the answer to this unspoken question .

The Malfoy's had searched long and hard for a suitable wife for there now eighteen year old son Draco Malfoy, and to their great displeasure, they had come up unsuccessful. Considering families like the Greengrass's, the Parkinson's, and the Bulstrode's, there unsuccessful search had finally come to an end.


Narcissa was starting to believe she would never get grandchildren, until she met her.

Terradawn Casteneda, a lovely pureblood witch who had just arrived here from France with her husband, and three girls. With short chocolate curls and lovely brown eyes, surely if this woman had a daughter, she would be exquisite, would she not.

Imagine her complete and utter joy when she learned that one girl was nineteen years of age, and still unmarried.

She immediately rushed home to consult with Lucius, and later that night, they sent off a letter to the Castaneda residence, requesting the marriage of Ms. Angelique Castaneda to Mr. Draco Malfoy.


Terradawn was pleased, and rushed to inform her daughter of the news, and Angelique had taken it better than she had expected. Angelique had always been that way, the suffer in silence type, not like her sisters, who would have blown and fit and stomped about the mansion. She had simply nodded her head, and said that if it would please her parents, she would do it, but Terradawn had seen the slowly collecting tears in the back of her daughters large, doe-like eyes.

She felt awful, but to bond the two families would bring prestige and power to the Casteneda's, so she moved onwards with the wedding arrangements.

Angelique would be fine in the end, the Malfoy's were wealthy, and could take good care of her oldest daughter.


Why did they want me?

Those thoughts entered her mind as she awaited the appearance of the rest of her family in the parlour room. She looked out the window, and it was as if the weather seemed to agree with her numb emotions. The sky was dark, and filled with dreary grey clouds, with no hint of a shine on the horizon.

She looked around the parlour room, taking in the sights. This wouldn't be her home in a few matter of months, this would be her parents house. She was miss the light tile floors, where she used to sit on Christmas morning and open gifts, she would miss the dark blue color of the walls, and the breeze that filtered in from the large open window.

She would miss her home.

She caught her reflection on the shiny surface of the round window, and the corners of her bow shaped lips upturned. Her long, chocolate brown curls reached half way down her back, and bounced as she tilted her head to the side. Her large, shining dark brown eyes were wide, and nervous, her slightly ruddy cheeks were rosy, and tinted with a slight blush, her angular cheekbones balanced out a small button nose, and her face was long and narrow.

She sighed, and layed down on the plush sofa, turned her head to the side and smoothing out her dress. It was a loose, draping dress that reached just above her knee's, and was a deep golden color, accentuating her fair skin, her small feet crammed into high shoes, making her legs look even longer. Her bangs were held back by a thin black headband, and gold charms dangled from her pierced ears.

Finally, a clicking was heard as someone approached the parlour, Angelique straightened up, expecting her mother, who would chastise her for looking unlady-like in the presence of others.

But soon a smiling face emerged, and Angelique smiled her bright, ear-to-ear grin. It was her youngest sister, Sienna, the clicking was coming from the low white heels she wore, to accompany the form fitting white dress that she wore. Sienna's long curly red hair was let loose, spilling over her shoulders and bust, her intense light blue eyes held a catlike quality to them, and her elegant nose was wrinkled in distaste.

The youngest of her sisters, Sienna had just turned fifteen, and looked at her sister carefully, trying to read her expression.

"Oh cheer up Ang, everything will turn out all right." Sienna encouraged, her slight French accent mingling in her words. All of the family had it, except her mother, who had a full French accent.

"I'm fine, but you look stunning S," I replied, ruffling my hair and looking over at her sadly. "You look more like a bride than I do."

"Mmmm. I'd like the marry Draco Malfoy, he's scrumcious." The red head giggled, causing her older sister to chuckle. Sienna had done her research on Draco, as soon as she found out he was to be her brother-in-law. "And you look lovely, don't worry, everything will be fine."

"Thanks," I whispered, nudging her with my elbow, and stifling a giggle as my father's voice floated down the long hallway.

Demario Casteneda emerged, his light eyes narrowed in concentration, and his tongue firmly between his teeth as he attempted to fasten his tie. His short light red hair was in its usual manner, slightly messy, but still presentable, and he stood to his full, lanky height. Sienna was the only tall one, her other two sisters were a mere 5'3 and 5'4.

"Having difficulties dad?" Sienna asked, raising an arched eyebrow in her father's direction. He paused, looking up for a moment, and then muttered under his breath. The only words that Angelique caught were "monkey suit".

Her father was a ministry official, working closely with the minister himself. He hated dressing up for event's, but he was a fool for his wife's lips, and did whatever they told him to do, including stuffing himself into dark brown dress robes, and enduring extreme uncomfort.

Two distinct laughs floated down the narrow staircase, one high pitched and the other deep and husky. She knew each, and where it had come from. Her mother's short curls were magically lengthened, and thrown into an elegant ponytail, and was wearing a baby blue, long sleeve silk dress, with white stitching running along the sides.

Her younger sister, the middle sister, seventeen year old Catherina, was right behind her mother, wearing a light pink ruffled dress , that fell to the middle of her thigh's, and accentuated her small curves. Her long straight brown hair was back in a plait, her light blue eyes worried and tired.

They looked at each other in appraisal, her mother flitting over to fix her father's slightly askew tie. Angelique rolled her eyes, geez. Who were these people, the queen?

"You look great, I'm sure Draco will be impressed," Her mother assured her, and together the family linked arms, huddling close together.

Once they stepped into the bright light of the floo, she felt that familiar sickening tug in her stomach, and they disappeared with a crack, and there feet landed hard on a deep, plush carpet.

Five eyes snapped open to be met with two icy cool stares of two elegantly dressed blondes that stood before them.

"Demario! It's nice to see you again, how have you been my friend?" Lucius greeted, a smile plastered on his face as he got up to shake Mr. Casteneda's hand.

"I've been well. Nice to see you again too Lucius, we didn't want to keep you waiting," Her father smiled back, shaking Mr. Malfoy's hand firmly.

"Terradawn! It's wonderful to see you again, and you look lovely as ever," Narcissa burst, her smile had actual warmth to it, unlike her husband's.

"Thank you Narcissa, your ever so radiant," Her mother giggled, embracing the blonde woman kindly. Angelique and her sister's stood close together, observing their future family members. Narcissa was tall and slim, and very pale, with long pale blonde hair and pretty bright blue eyes. She was quite beautiful, but looked almost arrogant, which marred her good looks slightly.

Her husband was pale as well, and had a pointed face with cold grey eyes and bleach blonde hair. He was towering in height, and muscled under his layered dress robes.

It was then that both set's of the parent's eyes travelled over to the huddle of sister's. "Now, I know you can't be eighteen," Narcissa regarded Sienna, and her blue eyes travelled to the Catherina and Angelique. "Which is Angelique?"

Her mother made a jerking hand motion, and Angelique stepped forward, "I am."


Narcissa raised an elegant brow, and looked at the girl who had stepped forward, glad that she had been Angelique. The straight haired one looked only fifteen or sixteen, and wasn't as beautiful as her sister. Angelique was far more beautiful.

She examined the girl, looking her up and down, examining every detail of the girl, making sure the right choice had been made. She was petite, smaller than herself, maybe a mere 5'4, and had bright brown eyes, they looked nervously back at her. She had a pretty face, with sharp cheekbones and small lips. Her waist was small, and her hips jutting, good for carrying heir's, and her legs were long and pale. She had a slight French accent, and huge, doe-like eyes, wide and pleading all the time.

Oh yes, there children would be lovely.


Angelique was starting to sweat, why was Mrs. Malfoy looking at her like that, like some new piece of furniture they were buying. Finally after several minutes, Narcissa smiled brightly. "It's nice to meet you, your even more exquisite than I could have thought, I'm sure you'll make Draco very happy."


That name fell into her stomach and make it swirl. She had never even seen the Malfoy's, the back of their head's at party's perhaps, there was no mistaking that white blonde hair, but she had never actually spoken to them, her parent's had, as both men worked in the ministry, and her mother had talked to Narcissa all of one time, and BAM.

She was engaged.

"It's nice to meet you to Mrs. Malfoy, it's a pleasure to be here," I smiled back, and she blinked.

"Oh, dear. Call me Narcissa, with two Mrs. Malfoy's around this place would be confusing," The blonde giggled, sending the vibrations all the way down to her stomach.

Mrs. Malfoy.

"Narcissa," I agreed, and Lucius smirked, looking at the exchange between the lady of the house, and the soon-to-be-Mrs-Malfoy.

"Where is young Draco?" Her mother asked, looking around the vast parlour room.

The Malfoy's was so different from there's, sure, it seemed there mansion was bigger, but the Malfoy's were more elegant. The parlour room was painted a dark forest green, the trimming around the edges a shining gold. The floor was covered in thick black shag carpet, and the couches were black leather, accompanied by a wooden table between them. There was a large crackling fireplace that was set on low in the corner, and a large bookshelf beside it.

It was dark, but also very, very elegant.

She loved it.

"He was at a Quiditch match this morning, with his friends and he should be back any moment," Lucius replied smoothly, not taking his eyes of his sons bride.

They sat, Lucius and Narcissa in the two matching chair's, her mother and her sisters on the longer couch, her father and her on the shorter one.

"So Angelique, tell us about yourself," Narcissa suggested.

"Um .. what do you want to know?" I asked, looking at Narcissa.

"Well anything. Birthday, favourite subject, favourite color, best friend?" Narcissa suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Alright, well my birthday is December tenth, my favourite subject when I was in school was Ancient Runes, but I wasn't very good at it, my favourite color is red, and my best friends names are Junie DeLaurentis and Illsa DeLorme," I answered swiftly, and remembered, I still hadn't told Junie and Illsa about my engagement, but then again . . . I still didn't have a ring.

"Both pureblood's I assume?" Lucius cut into the conversation.

"Of course, both," I replied, my parent's, as nice as they might be are all about blood purity, why do you think I'm not married yet?

Lucius nodded thoughtfully, sipping at the tea that a ragged house elf had presented him with.

All of a sudden, a crack echoed through the house, and the door swung open, there stood a handsome man, one of the most good looking men she had seen in London so far. He's tall and slender, with silverish blonde hair, like Lucius's which was neatly parted, and had small, cold, grey eyes. He was quite pale, like both his parents, and had rather sharp and pointed features.

"Draco! Your back!" Narcissa announced, and Angelique was still staring at the boy. "Draco, this is Angelique Casteneda."

The cold grey eyes wandered over and settled on her, and she felt a little shocked.

Draco Malfoy.