Well, you asked for it. To be honest, I was really wanting to see what Snow's speech would be like. It is mostly based on my Uncle Colin's speech at my cousin's wedding, who for some reason he has a similar personality to that of Snow! How strange do you think of that? This is of course set after the wedding ceremony in case for those numnuts who weren't reading correctly or who just skipped the first chapter. So here we go...

Bonus Chapter

After an almost flawless wedding ceremony, the wedding guests had now moved from the church to a beachside bar run by LeBreau, using her own bar was agreed as a cheaper alternative than any other place in the town. Despite its rather breathtaking view overlooking the sea, especially with the sun just starting to set over the horizon, things during the reception party hadn't all gone to plan.

To start of with what had gone wrong so far, Although there were a handful of guests at the church, Serah and Snow had invited more guests along at the party, hardly any of them Lightning and Hope knew. These were made up of mostly, of what Snow had said, his groupies. Both Hope and Lightning had worried that with the amount of guests here (about two hundred of them there) and the amount of wine and champagne in hand, a fight was most likely to break out.

However, the worries with the wine and champagne were later proved to be not true, however it was embarrassing to know why they weren't having them. When it came for the wedding guests to raise their glasses to the new married couple, it had been met with a barrage of champagne and wine being spat out. Yes, the champagne and wine were found out to be hot and water had to be used as an embarrassing alternative. Poor LeBreau had tired to reassure the angry crowd that it wasn't her fault, but the by the bunch of chiefs that were used. To cut the cost down on some things for the wedding, LeBreau personally hired in a group of chiefs, but they were, to be fair, quite crap.

The food was no different from the drinks that were served. Although from a far glance, everybody seemed to be enjoying their wedding meal, they were however all masking how badly cooked the food was, so bad that poor old Dajh had ran to the bathroom to throw up, mind you, many of the guests would of done the same thing.

Apart from that, it had been a happy day for the new married couple. That was until a certain you-know-who was about to start his best man's speech. A small stage had been set up, though it was more like a large stair. A pianist was already on the stage providing the music for the party. After finishing another tune he had been doing, he walked up to the microphone stand that was on the stage, he tapped the side of the glass with a small spoon to get everyone's attention in the room. Once everyone was quiet, he spoke.

"Would the best man please come onto the stage to start the speech," announced the pianist.

At this point, Hope and Lightning held each other's hand under the table, fearing the worst. Snow however was enjoying the moment as he walked from his table the stage, getting cheered on from the crowd but mostly from the NORA table, A.K.A the fan club. He thought of himself as a T.V host walking down giving many of the guests 'high-fives' who had their arms raised out at him, all that was needed was some introduction music to like those game shows. Before getting on to the stage he turned round to wave to the crowd. But by walking slightly backwards, he tripped up on the stage and fell backwards near the piano. The crowd laughed at Snow's own misfortune. Lightning covered her face with her hand in shame.

"Great," she thought "he's already ruined the speech before he even opened his mouth."

The Pianist was there to help the large man up on his feet, once he was up though, that large goofy grin on his face was still there. The crowd cheered him on as he flapped his arms up and down for silence. He chuckled a bit, and then went up to the microphone.

"Now, before I start," he began "Lebreau has asked me to request that, for reasons of health and safety, none of you get up on top of the chairs and tables during my standing ovation." The crowd (except for Hope and Lightning) laughed a bit at his witty opening line.

Snow then unclamped the microphone from the stand, which he placed in the corner of the stage, so he could move about on the stage.

"I think an introduction is worthwhile," Snow said. "For those of you who do not yet know me my name is Snow Villers and I am the best man for today. I think I should tell you that the groom has specifically asked me to refrain from mentioning anything about his days as a young kid during this speech. Sadly, that cut the speech short by a good fifteen seconds, would've been funny, but he's the man of the day, and I respected his wishes."

Once again, laughter was heard. Hope just shook his head. Something was going to happen, he just knew it.

"May I first say that our lovely maid of honor, Serah, is looking down right beautiful today," he said looking at his wife. "I'm sure you will all agree with me there."

A few wolf whistles from the guys was heard as Serah blushed at the corny comment from her husband, but then again it was typical of Snow to do a comment about her. Snow then turned his gaze over to his new brother-in-law to start of the next part of the speech.

"So, Hope - my wingman; my new partner in crime. After all of our evenings in the bar, with me begging you on to go chasing women around the pool table with your tongue hanging out in a drunken stupor, he's finally found the woman of his dreams, who happens to my lovely and ever-so-nice sister-in-law, Lightning." Snow shook his head. "Boy, you know how to pick them." A few members of the crowd laughed.

Snow turned to look at the crowd. "But, as I have had my orders from Lightning and Hope not to mention the stag night at that Strippers bar we where at, which is a shame as I have lots of good things to talk about there. Never mind, I'm good at finding some funny and embarrassing stories to share with you all tonight."

The audience cheered at this and applauded, mostly from the NORA table, who were banging their fists on the table in delight.

"So here we go," Snow began. "When it comes to Hope driving, he's very good at it, very good. But when it comes to saving fuel, he needs to loosen up!"

The audience chuckled at this.

"I remember one time not so long ago, Hope was taking me and the kids on a trip to the beach, sounds innocent enough. Well when we stopped at a traffic light, he decided to put the car in neutral so we would roll down a hill to save fuel."

Snow chuckled a bit before continuing.

"As we were rolling down, Hope forgot that at the bottom of the hill, it starts going up…" The audience laughed thinking of what would happen next. "Yes, I know what you're all thinking." More laughter accrued. "The car started to roll backwards, but rather than crash into a car, he went crashing into a bus instead!" They all roared with laughter and some clapped, once again mostly from the NORA table.

"Hope tried to explain to the bus driver that he was only saving the fuel, though I guess the bus driver was not amused." To Lightning, at this rate, she wondered why Snow had never taken up a place as a stand up comedian. He'd more be suited at that job, rather than doing the best man speech.

Hope covered his face in shame; it's a memory that wished he could forget completely. Snow meanwhile looked over to Lightning this time. "Now don't think I'm leaving you out of this now, Sis," Snow grinned. "You need your own embarrassing tale to tell." The Crowd all cheered Snow on, all eager to hear an embarrassing story that Lightning had done.

"Good ol' Serah told me about this one," Snow said looking over to his wife. Lightning sighed. Trust her younger sister to tell Snow about any story of Lightning making a compete idiot of herself. Now she would know how Hope was feeling.

"As you all know," Snow began "Sis is quite the no nonsense type, you can ask me later when I tell you the amount of punches she likes to inflict on me, but then again I guess that's just her showing her gratitude for me." While the audience laughed, Lightning was so close to the point of running at him and given him yet another punch to the face.

"But anyway," Snow continued, "To see her make an 'oopsie' is like waiting for paint to dry on the wall, but there is a tale that is too good to leave out. When she was about thirteen, Sis told Serah that when they get older, they were going to start their own business of removing and maintaining chandeliers." Snow chuckled again; he just couldn't believe the story of what he had been told from his wife.

"Lightning then managed to somehow make a deal with some upper class guy to take down his chandeliers for him." Snow scratched his head in a puzzled manner. "I guess they weren't any people who did that job in the whole of Bodhum, so I guess he got desperate to find someone." Snow paused, the crowd eagerly waiting to hear the outcome of the story.

"Once everything was ready, Sis told Serah to go upstairs to unscrew the chandelier from the ceiling while she would catch it in a giant sheet at the bottom, sounds simple enough."

"Once Lightning said she was ready, Serah began to unscrew. Finally it came down just as Lightning wanted too…though Serah had been working on the other chandelier as it crashed down into pieces!" The audience laughed their guts out at this point, as well Snow. Hope looked over to Lightning seeing her head lowered and face turning red as a tomato. Just like Hope, she wanted to get rid of that memory from system for good.

Once Snow managed to gather his breath back, he flapped his arms up and down for silence. "But that's enough embarrassment for you two."

The Speech was nearly finished? Hope and Lightning's hands under the table tighten at the thought of it.

"However," Snow began, looking at Hope. "As you go of into the sunset with Sis, I'll guess as being a married man, I'll have to give you advice." Nope, it wasn't over yet. But at least the embarrassment had stopped.

"As your marrying a Farron woman, you have placed yourself in a right challenging position." The NORA table chuckled a bit at this. "They are a one of a kind breed being beautiful, smart and they are damn tough, and yes I mean sweet Serah too."

Hope looked over to Serah. Surely Snow didn't mean that she could be tough as Lightning? Then again, you must always never judge a book by its cover.

"And finally," Snow continued. "Sis is going to make you do all the house work, think I'm lying? Well, Serah make me do all the time nearly whenever I'm free." The crowd laughed at Snow's tips to Hope.

Hope couldn't imagine Snow being bossed around the place to clean every little thing but innocent looking Serah, but the thought of it made him chuckle a bit.

"I only have one more thing to say to you," he continued while getting the microphone stand back in front of him and clamping the microphone back on top. "Good luck, your going to need every single drop of it when your taking Lightning as your wife." The crowd laughed at this witty comment from Snow.

Snow turned to look at the crowd again.

"Well Ladies and Gentleman were nearly at the end of the speech." The crowd let out a few 'awws' of disappointment. "But don't feel disappointed now, I've got a great finale for you all."

The guests all looked at each other, practically Hope and Lightning. "Did you know I was going to have a choir of thirty-two strong here today all hired by me, but only sixteen got on the bus to go here, eight got off, four went into the dressing room, two came out and one made it onto the stage...me!"

The guests chuckled, but when the realisation came to them, they chanted Snow on to sing. Hope and Lightning looked at each other in shock.

"He has got to be kidding," Hope said to Lightning in disbelieve.

Snow pulled out a small piece of crumpled paper from his trouser pocket and motioned the guests to be silence. "Anyway," Snow began by reading the bit of paper out. "This song was written by a guy called Jorvik Pacora," Snow muttered the guy's second name to himself, then looked at the guests. "I don't know why, but that second name of his reminds me of an air fresher at home." The NORA table sniggered. Little did Snow know, that the person called 'Jorvik Pacora' was actually in this room with them as one of the guests! His reaction of disgust at the large man really said it all.

Snow began to read the bit of paper again. "Anyway, it says here he thought of this tune when he was working in the Bodhum sewers shoveling shi…" Snow's eyes widened as he read the bit of paper again to make sure he got it right. "Surely that can't be right, no it is!" Nonetheless, Snow looked out at the audience.

"But hey, here we go." He turned round to look at the pianist to start off the song (he had the sheet music for the song.) Once the little piano introduction was done, Snow just opened his mouth to sing, what happened next was amazing. Only a quarter of a second before hand, Hope dreaded of what Snow would sound like, most likely the sound of a bird getting crushed on. From the corner of Hope's eye, he noticed what seemed like a piece of chicken being thrown over with Lightning shouting out "Oh, shut up!" It was quite a large piece of chicken as it hit Snow in the face, which because of his wife's strength, caused him to fall backwards and land on the piano behind him.

The crowd now laughed hard at Snow's own misfortune. Lightning glared at Snow, with her husband grinning at her.

"Well he was right about one thing," Hope smiled.

"What?" Asked Lightning turning to look at him.

"I sure know how to pick 'em!"

Lightning rolled her eyes at him, then turned her head to see the poor best man, now getting off the now slightly dented piano, looked at her sister-in-law in confusion.

"What was that for?" Ask Snow. "I hadn't even started the song yet!"


It can be noted that after the reception, Hope and Lightning became a very beautiful married couple after that.

The two of them bought a somewhat large house near the cost which had caught their eye. It felt strange going into it at first as strangers, but it became home to them in a short space of time.

With the time they spent with each other, they had a family of two children. A year after they were married, the first one born was a boy named Rex. Although he had his farther's eyes he looked a lot like his mother and had a lot of her attitude, and when he got older, he even included his mother's unique pink hair! Most of the time he was a right lazy pain in the neck and wanted to head off into the Guardian Corps just like his mother, though this was just so he could beat up his Uncle Snow to a pulp. He hated him. Defiantly Lightning's son! Despite his mischievous behaviour, he was at heart a loyal boy and would protect those who were closest to him.

Two years after Rex was born, he gained a little sister. Although she was a spitting image of her farther as many said, including his silver hair but gaining her mother's blue eyes, Hope said that she reminded him of someone he was once truly close too. His Mother. The girl was then named Nora, after Hope's mother. Once she grew over the years, she started to look like her and in turn had grown a beautiful woman. This made many guys interested in her and this gave Hope a headache with the amount of phone calls he got from them trying to ask her out. Much like her brother, she didn't like Snow. But instead of hating him, she was terrified of him when she was very young, due to his size. Then again any small child would be at least be scared of someone as huge as Snow. But as she got older, she did overcome her fear for him, but couldn't stand his attitude still.

From this point on, many can say that it is a happy ending for Hope and Lightning, though a certain few see it as a new beginning for them and their kids.

Glad to get this done, we also get a glimpse of their kids. I might do two stories for each of them, I do have a rough idea how the stories would go but it would be helpful if you had any ideas what they could get up too. So please review, make me happy to know that you read my rubbish stuff.