A first for me to do a FFXIII fanfic.

Have to thank my friend sucking me into the FF series. I must admit, the pairing of HopexLightning is a very interesting one indeed. It's nice to see a break from the typical 'Older handsome boy being with the younger shyer girl.' It also is the first time I have ever done a wedding fanfic. I did this ironically on the day before my parent's wedding anniversary, a rather fitting thought that. Note, i've only been to two weddings so I might not have got it alright, and maybe i've made some of the characters personalities a bit OOC, tell me if they are. Yeah and one other thing, i've tried to make it less sappy as possible.

So without further-a-do, let's begin!

Get This Done With

Ah, weddings. An occasion when you and your one true love shall become husband and wife and live out the rest of your days together, and along the way, have children. And today was no exception for one young Man who stood there at the altar feeling very nervous about this whole occasion.

"Hope," said the maid of honour, Serah. "Don't be nervous, it'll all be fine."

Yes, that's what she said. He couldn't help feel scared at the thought. Here he was about to marry someone called Claire Farron, better known to many as Lightning Farron. They had met about six years ago during the I'ce incident. Then he was just a helpless teenager who just found himself pulled into this adventure, which at the start of it all, he had tragically lost his mother. Along the way, he formed strong bonds with the group he found himself stuck with Snow, Sazh, Fang and Vanille. However he shared his strongest bond with the strong solider of the group, Lightning.

To Hope, there was no one like Lightning. Who else would be strong, smart, straightforward and beautiful like her? He did remember the first time he met her, though he found himself quite terrified at her, especially that she punched the large man Snow around nearly the whole time. Well almost all the time. However, Lightning took Hope under her wing and acted as his mentor during they're time with each other. After the fall of Cocoon, the colonies migrated to stay on the alien territory of Gran Pulse. In those six years however, things had settled down and everyone was now at peace. A new life had started for all of them.

Hope chuckled at memories back then; he'd thought he would never get the chance to be with her. However, back then he still had a crush on her five years ago and after being away from her and his friends for so long. No, it wasn't like they had confessed their undying love for each other at first sight (well it would be mostly coming from Hope) but they started to know each other once again in that time. A few months afterwards, Hope finally said his true feelings for her and amazingly, they became a couple. To everyone, it is still a wonder how Hope and Lightning became a couple but some think that Hope must have some sort of charm that can bring out Lightning's soft side while the other half think that Lightning has a soft spot for Hope out of all people.

Of course the age gap did raise a few eyebrows, but nobody seem to have anything against them being together. If Lightning had finally found happiness at last, then everyone was happy.

Now after all that, they were about to become husband and wife. Hope remembered his proposal to Lightning, it had been an embarrassing moment for him. This was because when the poor man proposed to her, with him sweating bucketfuls, it looked like he was about to faint. Nonetheless, his love had taken the ring out of the box, slipped it onto her finger and simply said with a smirk, "Does that answer your that your question?"

Much to his amusement, Lightning had just wanted a small register office ceremony just as she called it, 'Get it over with.' Of course her younger sister wasn't going to let her older sister have that attitude. Instead, they had now gone for a church for the wedding. Not many people were there, the guests were Sazh and his son Dajh, Snow and his gang NORA were there too, his and Serah's four-year-old twins, Buran and Vanille were there. Even Hope's farther was their too, Bartholomew, although he and Hope didn't meet much nowadays, he wasn't going to miss his son's wedding for the world and was happy to see how much his son had grown up.

Of course, Hope sighed sadly on another note. Those who wouldn't be here.

He missed Fang and Vanille a great deal but Lightning had said that they would always look over them. He could see Vanille crying a lake from of tears of happiness and Fang saying something like 'Well, it was About time.' Of course the one that Hope wished that could be there was his mother, Nora. No doubt he thought that she would have been so happy to see that he was finally getting married. His train of thought though was interrupted by the voice of his best man.

"Wake up, kid!" Came the sound of his best man, "Get your head out of the clouds, it's about to start soon."

Out of all things he wished that he could swap around at this wedding, it would be his best man.

Serah had jumped at the chance being asked to be the maid of honour. It would be only fitting that since Lightning had been Serah's maid of honour (or rather forced to do it however you look at it) that it would only seem natural that she'd do the same for her older sister. When Snow heard about this, he thought he should have a part in it too, the best man. Unknown to Lightning and Hope, Serah thought it would be a great idea and signed him down for the part. By the time they found out, Snow was now ready for the occasion, much to their horror so to speak.

Hope dreaded of what Snow's speech was going to be like, was it going to be a list of embarrassing moments? Something that would last half a second? Or if he did remember to make a speech. Why of all people did it have to be his soon-to-be brother in law? He would've gone for Sazh, a wise pick indeed. Hell, even Dajh could of done it! At least he or anyone else seemed more mature than Snow. Kind of ironic that the person who Hope blamed at first for causing his mother's death was not only his best man, but a brother-in-law. Funny ho things turn out in the end, isn't it?

The chatter in the church soon fell silent, the ceremony was about to start. Then the music for the wedding march began to start.

Everyone turned their heads to see Lightning come through the doors and walk down the aisle. Even though she had a simple wedding dress on and holding a small bouquet of flowers in her hands, Hope thought it made her seem so goddess like. Seeing her in a dress, let alone a wedding dress was a very rare thing indeed and Hope (and many of the guests) took this chance to drink the sight in. Before he knew it, she was now standing alongside him at the altar handing over her bouquet to Serah to hold on to.

"This is it," he whispered to her. She just gave a small smile to him.

The Priest, a short, old fellow, looked at them for a moment, smiled, and then began.

"Dearly beloved," the priest began. "We are all gathered here today to bare witness the union of Hope Estheim and Cla- erm, Lightning Farron under holy wedlock." He was about to call her by her real name, but Serah said that she would prefer to be called by her other name, just to stay on the safe side.

"Now if anyone has anything to say why these two should not be together, please speak out now or forever hold your peace." Thankful for Hope, there was silen-

"She's all yours, kid!" boomed the voice of Snow.

Though a few members of the crowd gave out a few chuckles at this, Hope and Lightning both wished they had the chance to punch Snow for that remark. Even Serah was unimpressed by her husband's remark.

"Please can we settle down and continue with the ceremony," came the priest trying to have silence. Thankful, it didn't last long and the priest started off again.

"Now with that done, we can now start the vows." The priest turned to look at Hope. His turn was first.

"I Hope Estheim,"

"I Hope Estheim,"

"Take you, Lightning Farron,"

"Take you, Lightning Farron,"

"To be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward."

"To be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner and…my love from this day forward." Hope slightly croaked near the end of that vow. He couldn't believe after what had happened to him in his life, that this was happening.

"In the presence of our family and friends,"

"In the presence of our family and friends,"

"I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow."

"I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health…in good times…and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow."

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

The Priest gave Hope a small smile after he finished his vows. "Do you have the rings?" he asked in a whispered voice. Hope gave him a small nod and turned to look at Snow on his right, who was sitting with Buran and Vanille. Snow realized that Hope was looking at him and wondered what Hope wanted from him. Hope just pointed to his hand to show Snow what he wanted. Snow, thinking what Hope wanted, then checked his watch.

"The time is twenty to two," he whispered to him.

"The rings!" snapped Hope in a low voice.

Snow, realising his little mistake, quickly got rose up from his seat and made his way up to the altar beside Hope. Snow placed his hand in his pocket to get the rings, then his eyes widened in fear. He quickly checked his other pockets in his suit. Hope and Lightning held their breaths. Had he lost the rings? But Snow gave than a cheeky grin and brought out the two rings out from the first pocket he checked in.

"Great," thought Lightning, he was doing the classic 'I-think-I've-lost-the-rings' scenario. Trust Snow to do that on her wedding day. Cleary, Snow as the best man was certainly not a good idea at all.

The rings though were a matching gold pair with a weaving pattern on them that did look quite beautiful Lightning had to admit. Hope began placing Lightning's ring on, while she did the same for him. The priest cleared his throat for Lightning to start her vows.

"I Lightning Farron,"

"I Lightning Farron,"

"Take you, Hope Estheim,"

"Take you, Hope Estheim,"

"To be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward."

"To be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward." Lightning stared at Hope and then remembered the fourteen-year-old Hope from all those years ago for a brief moment. Back then, she would never had guessed that this boy would become her husband some years later. Looking away from Hope, she turned her head back at the priest.

"In the presence of our family and friends,"

"In the presence of our family and friends,"

"I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow."

"I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow."

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

"I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Serah sniffed a little at the end of that vow. She could never have felt so happy to see her sister find her true happiness after many years of being the cold person she had been for so long. To Serah, Hope was all Lightning needed after this.

The priest looked at the two of them before saying the final part.

"Now that you have confessed your love for each other for all of those here, it now gives me the greatest pleasure of making you now Husband and Wife. Congratulations, you may kiss the bride, and you may kiss the groom. Hope, not wasting a second, pulled his new wife closed to him and pressed his lips to hers in a tender and passionate kiss. A large applause echoed through the church while they kiss. No matter how much Snow came close to screwing it up, those thoughts were replaced with loving tender ones about the future for them. After a good few seconds, they finished the kiss and looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

Right after, Hope felt Snow's large arm on his shoulders. "Welcome to the family, little bro," Snow smiled.

Being called 'bro' from now on from Snow? Now he had to get use to it. Now Hope knew how Lightning felt being called 'Sis' all the time. Hope saw Lightning and Serah embracing warmly, with tears of joy rolling down the younger Farron's face. Then Hope realised it wasn't over just yet. Snow's best man speech had yet to be done…

Uh oh, what will Snow's speech be like? I may do a bonus chapter if this is goes down well. So review please, it makes an author happy to know that people are reading someone's work.