Okay, hello guys! Another movie fan fic here. It is Friday, I have had the whole week off :O Oh well, catch up next week. Anyway, I have four hours now, and then the whole weekend to finish this. I dont think this movie is as long as Faculty so it might be done before. Please review? I welcome flames, it is the only way to make my stories better.
The movie doesnt have subtitles so it will be difficult and if I get it wrong, I am sorry. Anyway, let us begin.
Chapter 1
I heard yelling outside and met Brigette by the entrance to the garage, I saw Ms Lovell holding her kid and yelling, 'it got our dog!'
I looked over at Brigette, 'what's her problem?'
She glanced at me emotionless, 'got her dog.'
I wanted to roll my eyes, well, duh. Normon started barking and we both together told it to shut up.
I followed Brigette into the room she shared with Ginger, I saw Ginger holding a knife to her wrist and I looked at it disgustingly, 'seriously.' I thought silently.
'Baxter's fertiliser.' Brigette said in monotone. I shut the door behind me and tucked my light brown hair behind my ears, this room gave the creeps. And to add to that, my twins behaviour also gave the creeps when she was still holding that damn knife to her wrist.
'And everyone's just standing there like,' I paused and Brigette and I both said simultaneously, 'staring.'
Even though Ginger was my twin, I adored my younger sibling more. She was exactly like her, I know, and I know she envied me for being her twin. Non identical though.
I didn't have the red colour in my hair, and I inherited my mothers brown eyes.
'Why dont they just catch that thing?' Brigette asked Ginger who still hadnt spoke. 'How hard can it be in a place full of dead-ends?'
Ginger made a prick on her wrist and stared at it, 'fuck.' I walked over to her and snatched the blade away, placing it on the table.
'Wrists are for girls.' Ginger snapped at me and she laid on her bed as I sat on Brigettes.
'I'm slitting my throat.' This time, I actually did roll my eyes. I hated when she talked like this, especially in front of Brigette, if anyone was gonna kill themselves in this house it was gonna be Dad.
Ginger and Brigette are still going to be promising eachother to commit suicide even when they're fifty.
Ginger looked over at Brigette, 'you should definitely hang.'
'Whatever Ginge,' I cut her off, 'just stop it. Fuck.'
She glared at me, 'what's with you Ash? Just because you love it round here doesn't mean we do.'
I scoffed, 'not everyone loves life Ginger, they just get along with it. You two are both dying for attention, please. Give me a break.'
'Maybe our final moments are cliche around here.' Brigette said ignoring mine and Gingers conversation.
Ginger looked over at her suddenly, 'not ours. B, ours'll rock.'
I furrowed my brows, 'you are like thinking this whole thing is paradise, aren't you?'
This time Brigette spoke to me, 'for us, it will be.'
I have to admit also, I direct most of my anger about this whole suicide ordeal at my twin. I just think a 16 year old girl has more responsibility to someone of 15.
'You don't think your death's should be a little more than cheap entertainment?' I asked laying on my back on B's bed.
Brigette looked at Ginger as if she agreed with me but Ginger glared at her, 'you jazz me on that. Don't wuss out now.'
I stood up then and walked out the room but before I went Ginger yelled, 'you know Ash, sometimes you should have a little more respect.'
I dismissed it and walked up to my room. It wasn't as if our house was small. Our house was average, had four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, dining room, kitchen and laundry room.
But ever since they were little, Ginger and Brigette always requested to sleep in the same room and that happened to be the basement.
It never bothered me how close Ginger and Brigette were. I was always the black sheep of the family anyway.
'Ashley! Ashley, you dumb bitch! Where the hell is she?'
I ran out with the red paint, tumbling over the step but recovering and shoved it in Ginger's face. 'There! Fucking happy?'
She smiled viciously at me but spilled it over the fence as I stepped back to stand beside Brigette holding the camera.
I watched Ginger get into position and then I spilled more paint over here as she lay there.
I stepped back again, 'too much blood.' Brigette nodded, 'and I can see your gonch.'
Ginger flipped us off, 'just do it!'
She got back into position as Brigette sighed and took the picture.
I went back inside to get some dishcloths and water.
I always hated this part, I didn't like the pictures Brigette and Ginger did but hey, it was Art. But no, I hate the cleaning up process. It takes hours.
'You think they're gonna laugh?' Brigette said aloud as we scrubbed the garden.
'No way B, they will be in awe.' I looked at her and Ginger gave me a look as if to say, play along, I sighed, 'she's right. They wont laugh.'
Brigette didnt seem convinced though. After cleaning, Mom and Dad came home and we sat down for Dinner.
'So, you girls do anything today?' Mom asked.
I moved the food around my plate and realized Ginger and Brigette were doing the same thing. 'Nope.'
Mom looked like she didnt want the conversation to die again so I spoke up again to make her feel better, 'but Ginger and B got their project sorted.'
Mom looked happy but didnt ask any questions and before long, Ginger left the table which meant Brigette had to follow.
'I dont understand why she leaves when Ginger does.' Mom said. 'Honey, you think you can talk to them?'
I knew the answer before Dad said it, 'let them grow up.'
We sat in class and I saw the pictures of Ginger and Brigette. I wasnt featured in any of these, thank God. They were kinda sick and very depressing.
I was present when all of them were taken though so they were of no surprise.
When it ended, the classroom clapped and wooped. I shot a reassuring look at Brigette but she didnt even smile.
Ginger was smirking though.
Mr Wayne turned around with a look of puzzlement, he settled down the class then cleared his throat, 'well that was very, uh, erm, disturbing. Wasn't it? You know the Fitzgerald sisters were very-'
He looked at the floor and mumbled something, 'I mean I- I am completely sickened.'
Ginger's smirk was gone and was replaced by a look of hatred and a frown. I looked over at her and she looked back at me before we both looked over at Brigette who glared at us underneath her hair.
'Sickened!' We looked back at Mr Wayne, 'by that. Wasn't I?'
I narrowed my eyes at him, was it me, or was he convincing himself we so wasnt turned on by that?
'Look, you two,' he pointed at them both except me, 'see me in the Guidance Office after class. Seperate.'
I looked up as Jason spoke, 'hey, can we see the ones of Ginger again?'
The class clapped and I rolled my eyes, Ginger was smiling though. Trying to hide it was failing epically.
We walked out of class, 'told you everyone would laugh. We should have never have shown them those pictures.' Brigette hissed.
'Calm down B. It was cool. They liked 'em.' Ginger said.
I shot her a look and walked alongside Brigette, 'no, you only thought it was cool because it hooked Jasons attention. Fuck sake.'
We all changed for Sport and as Brigette and Ginger stood to the sides having a cigerette, I got out there to play hockey. I hated Sports, but that didnt mean I was gonna fail it.
I could see Jason on the bleachers with Daniel and Clark, they were laughing but staring at Ginger and Brigette. Jason caught me looking and winked at me but I gave him the finger and ran to the other side of the field to get the ball.
I gave a few hits then joined back up with Brigette and Ginger, I caught the end of their conversation. Their very horrific and gory description game where you very graphically describe the death of a specific person, Brigette had chosen Trina SinClair.
'Fucking bitch.'
We all turned to see Trina glaring at Brigette. 'Shit,' I said as Brigette looked at us helplessly, 'uh oh.'
As Ms Fisher whistled us all into the game, Trina postioned herself opposite Brigette. Me and Ginger exchanged looks, 'we'll cover you.' Ginger told her.
'Good,' Brigette said a little nervously knowing what was going to go down.
Ms Fisher signalled the start of the game and Brigette took of running. Ginger was distracted by Jason though.
I caught Brigette in my sight and Trina following her. I got to her just as she was shoved to the ground. But landed on top of a dead dog corpse.
'Ooh, bonus. Guess your DOA on a dog, huh, fishface.' Trina said. Ginger knelt beside Brigette and asked her if she was okay. I stood in front of Trina staring her down.
Then before she knew what happened, I smacked my hockey stick into her shin. Not hard enough to break it, but hard enough to leave a mark. 'You ever touch my sister again.'
Then, me, Ginger and Brigette took off to the bathroom.
Brigette walked on ahead as me and Ginger slowed as we talked, 'well I had to do something. You said you would cover her.'
'And I was.' Ginger said defensively.
'No,' I stopped and looked at her crossing my arms against my chest, 'you were covering Jason and his friends.'
She glared at me but we continued walking to the bathroom watching Brigette get handed something by the janitor.
'You know that janitor was looking right down your shirt.' Ginger stated.
I shot her a disgusted look, 'ergh, please.'
Brigette looked at her disbelievingly, 'sure.'
'Want me to kill her?' Ginger asked switching the subject back to Trina, 'I'll kill her for you B.'
Brigette looked away, 'whatever.'
I took the rag out of Brigette's hand and walked to the taps, I soaked it and walked back to hear Ginger say, 'anything you want.'
I gave the wet rag back to Brigette who thanked me quietly, 'you come up with a plan to KILL Trina then?'
Ginger stared at me, 'you dont think I am serious?'
I chuckled and took over for Brigette scrubbing the blood off her face, 'whatever.'
Me, Ginger and Brigette were sat on the grass sharing a cigerette when we heard Brigette speak, 'or, she has that dog.'
Me and Ginger looked over to see Trina walking her dog with her friends.
'We could kidnap it. Make it look like it got eaten by the Beast of Bailey Downs.' Brigette continued. 'We got all that blood and fake guts from the slide show.'
Ginger nodded and smirked. I cut in, 'you guys aint serious.'
They looked at me, 'why not? It's better than killing her.'
I raised my hands, point taken, but, 'I still dont want any part in it.'
Then a yellow van pulled up beside Trina, Jason and their friends. They swarmed it and it was obvious, it was a drug dealer in that van.
'She screws the drug dealer, she's begging for negative attention.' Ginger said making me laugh. Something else Brigette and Ginger didnt aquire, a sense of humour.
I saw an arm very slyly give drugs to Jason as we all watched Trina, very evidently, flirt with the drug dealer.
But it reversed out of the lot leaving Trina there to talk to nobody. It got into position to drive away when his face leaned over the window to look at me.
He had a cigerette in his mouth and sunglasses covered his face but I could still see, he was pretty damn hot and had to envy Trina a little if she was actually screwing him.
I looked at him but took a drag of my own cigerette and looked away just as he drove away. Trina, the dumb bitch, was still talking.
'Let's go.' Ginger announced and we stood.
We walked down towards the pavement, 'you see, you let idiots get away with fucking you up. That's why the Big Boota made me, to stop them.'
'Yeah, right now you're really kicking ass.' I said sarcastically taking another drag of the cigerette and handing it to her.
'Hey,' she actually smiled at me, 'just give me one clean shot, I promise you.'
I laughed, 'oh yeah? Your gonna fight?'
'Yeah,' she said and we smiled at eachother with Brigette forming a small smile.
Our rare moment of bonding however, was disrupted by Jason.
'So, uh, Fitz.'
We all stopped and turned to look at him. He looked at me for a minute and seemed to check me out before I scoffed at him. He turned his attention back to Ginger, 'I think we should get together.'
Me and Brigette looked at her, the fuck?
'Um,' Ginger began, 'no.'
She walked off and Brigette immediately followed her, 'crash your ego?' I shot at him before I followed them.
'Bitches.' I heard him say but it made me smile. I think me and B were both expecting her to say yes.
Walking home was silent, our little happiness moment was over. It was times like that when I thought we could actually be a normal family. Or we could be normal sisters anyway.
Instead of them having that damn stupid as fuck, pact. And I was the one on the outside because I didnt adore suicide and plan it every minute of the day. And I loved Mom and Dad.
And to be honest, I loved my sisters a hell of a lot too.
'B,' Ginger began.
'Just say you wont go average on me.' She said.
She rolled her eyes, 'just because some Gomad gets his zipper going? I would rather be dead.'
Brigette stopped in front of us, 'I would rather die than be here without you two.'
I was surprised she included me. I felt uncomfortable and ruined the sappy moment, 'well relax, you're not. You big suck.' I pushed her and she stumbled.
'Ashley!' I was smiling at her when I heard Mom's voice from the car. 'Dont push your sister.'
Ginger leaned in close so she could talk to us without her hearing, 'man, I hate our Gene pool.'
I tutted and made a face, 'Ginger.'
But she ignored me as she walked into the house, Brigette on her tail.
I approached Mom who waved a fake flower in my face. It smelled kinda nice. 'Cool, what is it?'
'No idea, looks pretty.' She stated putting it back into the car to gather more.
'Awesome,' I said not very interested but I liked to reassure Mom had a sane daughter who actually cared.
I walked into the house after kissing her cheek and threw my bag onto my bed.
Oh wow, I thought, today was interesting. I changed into something other than my sweaty dark shirt and black jeans and tied my hair into a loose ponitail.
A couple of CD's and homework papers later, I was being called down for dinner.
Sooo, what'cha think? I am rating this story, 'M' 'cause of the language and the gore scenes. And some adult themes but concerning a lemon. I will need your views on that. And who you want it to be between, a Ginger/Jason or a Ashley/Sam. Let me know, remember to review or inbox me any comments or flames or spellchecks. Thanks!
~ Noxin.