I do not own Harry Potter or Cry Wolf, nor any of the quotes, they belong to their rightful creators.
WARNING: Sex. SLASH. Which means male/male pairing. Don't like, don't read. Exhibitionism. If you haven't watched 'Cry Wolf' and you don't want any SPOILERS, then don't read this! If you haven't watched it, then do so :D. Not beta'd.
Brief: Voldemort wasdefeated at the end of Harry's fifth year. He then goes to Westlake Preparatory Academy on his own, thanks to Dumbledore, and became a softmore and joined the 'unofficial liars' club. Over two years later, Owen arrives.
Firstly, Harry and Tom started dating in junior year, so they've been together for about eight months. Secondly, this will be from Harry's POV, and since he is with Tom, he'll know about the whole 'prank', and it will be viewed as that throughout the story, until the end of course.
Pairing: Harry/Tom
AN:/ This will probably only be about five or six chapters long.
It all seemed so surreal to Harry who stood facing his school headmaster. Who knew that only a couple of hours ago Voldemort was defeated for the second, and final, time. Most of the deatheaters were either dead or captured, awaiting trial. The few that escaped were on the run or pretending that they were imperioused. However, since the whole 'You-Know-Who is dead and Potter is an attention-seeking brat' campaign led by Fudge and his lackeys, Amelia Bones had stepped up and was leading the whole fiasco. Fudge himself was declared incompetent and had since then lost his title as Minister.
The battle was won, the war finally ended. But it didn't come without it's casualties. Sirius was dead. Cut down by Bellatrix and sent through the veil in the Department of Mysteries. Mad-eye Moody was also killed by several killing curses all sent at him at the same time by several deatheaters. Snape was in a coma after he outed himself trying to save Harry's life. It would be months until it was safe enough to awaken him without him feeling the intense pain his body was currently wracked with. Harry still felt a surge of guilt whenever anyone mentioned the potion master's name, and had come to snapping at anyone who slighted the surly man. Then there was Remus who would mostly likely be walking with a permanent limp, and his torso burnt and would scar from where Bellatrix sent a dark curse that was like liquid silver just before Remus killed her with a well-placed killing curse. Several other order members fell during the final battle, but less than was to be expected when Voldemort had turned up, dueling Dumbledore, and the fight had distracted the deatheaters long enough for the light side to gain the upper-hand.
Harry mentally shuddered when he remembered Ron meeting a blasting hex and Hermione with a purple curse that took them out early on. And Ginny. The redheaded spitfire that fought tooth and nail by Harry's side. This for some reason caused pause when as one they both worked almost seamlessly together, their use of what wizards thought of as harmless spells being underestimated only to knock out their opponents. Like Harry throwing the argumenti spell and soaking one deatheater, startling him, just as Ginny sent a freezing spell, turning the water into ice. The ground became dangerous enough that the less than bright dark fighters slipped on it. Ginny was finally sent hurtling into a wall, knocked unconscious. Harry himself was subject to the crutiatus curse when he looked away from who he was dueling to see what had happened to Ginny. Several cutting curses later, courtesy from Dumbledore, and Harry was stubbornly back on to his feet.
Voldemort had then faced the two of them. No one, apart from Harry and Dumbledore, knew what happened next. Instead of trying to shield Harry, the headmaster allowed the boy to fight by his side. Although more often than not Harry had to dodge, and became a distraction to the dark Lord, when he and a handful of his minions all sent spells at the old man, Harry had instinctively threw himself in front of Dumbledore, and the killing curse, the disarming spell already leaving his wand with the single-minded focus of protection. There was then a flash of a mix of green and red light as they met, rebounding on each other and flying back to their casters. Harry went flying back, crashing into Dumbledore, while Voldemort's own curse struck him in the chest.
Everyone had frozen, both sides staring incomprehensively at the sight before them, until the deatheaters started to panic and tried to flee.
"Ry... Harry?" Dumbledore's worried voice snapped Harry's focus back to the present.
"Sorry sir." Harry said, blinking to bring his eyes back to focus.
"It's alright, Harry." Dumbledore said gently.
Harry wrapped his arms around himself, as if shielding from the memory of the battle.
"How is Luna and Neville?" Harry questioned after a moments silence. "I lost sight of them."
"Young Longbottom is healing from several broken bones and a rather nasty concussion." Dumbledore sighed. "And Miss. Lovegood is asleep. It seems that she will be up and about within the next couple of days."
Harry bowed his head, staring down at his feet in relief.
"And as I understand it, you are planning to leave us." Dumbledore said. "Or at least your magical education."
"How did you- Oh it doesn't matter." Harry winced as he strained his side. Madame Pomfrey wasn't happy about Harry leaving the hospital wing. "I just want to get away from everything. Is that wrong?"
"No. No my dear boy, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact I have taken the liberty of getting you a place at a school in America."
"In Amer-" Harry choked on his shock.
"What remains of Tom's supporters will want to kill you, Harry." The headmaster pointed out. "America is a large place, and we can hide you there. You can escape from everything you want to escape from."
"You've already found me a place?" Harry asked instead, dazed.
"Yes. Miss. Granger actually informed me a couple of months ago that you have continued your muggle education."
"Hermione pushed me into doing it, sir," Harry admitted with a sad smile.
"She is healing," Dumbledore reassured. "And I do not doubt that when she awakens, that your friend will understand why you are leaving."
"I just... I can't..."
"I know, my boy. And if going to a muggle school, in America, helps you, then we will all support you."
"Thank you." Harry blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. "And for picking it out as well. I wouldn't know what to look for."
"No problem, Harry," Dumbledore smiled softly. "It just so happens that the headmaster is a dear friend of mine. Lovely young woman."
Despite his negative, mood, Harry couldn't help the small smile that flitted across his face.
"She's excited to meet you," Dumbledore continued. "A bright young man such as yourself."
"Does she... does she know about me?" Harry asked hesitantly.
"Yes," Dumbledore clasped his hands together. "And don't worry, she's perfectly fine with having a wizard amongst her students. Rather, she's flattered that one with magic would leave a prestigious school like Hogwarts," Dumbledore chuckled, "to go to her school. But then, Charlotte always had an interesting view on things."
Harry nodded, deciding that knowing how Dumbledore knew this woman so well wasn't that important.
"Does she know about why?"
"Yes," Dumbledore admitted. "But she will not push the subject. Charlotte will just keep an eye out for you, that's all."
Dumbledore moved round his desk, picking up several pieces of paper from the large wooden surface.
"This here has the information that you need to blend in and live without fear of the muggles discovering who you are."
Numbly, Harry took the sheets into his hands. "Thank you, sir."
"You're welcome, Harry."
I initially saw this when my friend's sister was watching it on TV, and I caught a glimpse of Jared Padalecki. So later I asked what the film was, and I sat down and watched it myself.
Please review.