Chapter 6


The sky has turned dark. How many hours has it been since we had separated ways? I don't think it matters anymore for the only thing I had in mind was to catch up with Lyn and the gang, and ensure their safety. It wasn't easy to make out the hideout; the Black Fang really has a flair for keeping things hidden. Their hideout, for one. As I go down the stairs, dark and sinister with only torches to light the way, I noticed some of the Black Fang members scattered around. Incapacitated. I crouch over one of them and examine his wounds. Did Lyn or anyone else do this? Judging how the wounds weren't fatal, it's likely.

"…. Help… me…"

I looked up. One of the Black Fang warriors is slowly crawling towards my direction, mortally wounded.

"What happened? Who did this to you?", I hurried to him.

"The gang of mercenary… They've broken through here...and… beaten us. Hurry… we must recapture the kids…"

"I see. Then…"

I brandished a knife and slit his throat. With a suppressed gurgle, he fell to the ground and died.

"My apologies, but I couldn't allow any witnesses to exist. And as for you…"

I walked towards the rest of the Black Fang; the bloody knife on my hand.

It's finished as soon as it began; they lay motionless on the cold stone floor, lifeless. Having dispatched of the potential "trouble", I can now solely concentrate on locating the party.


No sooner than when I had finished the train of thoughts, two fireballs darted past me and reduced the corpses to ashes. Had I not dodged in the nick of time, I would've met the same end… if not worse. Before I could even catch my breath, the next things I heard are subtle footsteps and chants. It would appear the mage is still intent on finishing me off.

If you insist, then…

I grabbed a dirk from beneath my cloak and fling it towards his silhouette. The knife didn't manage to find its mark but it was a sufficient focus-breaker; the moment he double took, I dashed towards him, grabbed his shoulder, and launched a light blow to his diaphragm. He spouted a light groan; I didn't give him a chance to take his breath and quickly flung my free hand around his neck and locked him in a strangle. He gasped for air and struggled to break free, but it was futile. Intent on keeping him conscious for a little longer, I loosened my grip on his neck. It was then he managed to let out a voice,

"Let me go, you bastard!"

A familiar voice. One that belonged to…


"… Mark?", he replied in the same confusion that I had, only that his voice sounds like a chicken about to be butchered. Realizing my mistake, I released him at once. I still can't see his face though I imagine it's still blue from the lack of air. At this situation, the first thing one would ask is forgiveness, but more urgent matters were pressing. I grabbed his shoulders instead and shook it.

"Where are the others? Where's Lyn?"

"*cough* They must be nearby… *cough*… We've just swept through the rooms to find the girl's stolen bracelet… *cough cough* Lady Lyndis just headed southwest, when I last saw her…"

Not wasting any more time, I left the roughed and bedazzled Erk to chase after Lyn. I might have heard an "insolent bastard" coming from behind my back, though.

Minutes that felt like hours passed, but still no sign of Lyn or even her shadow. Oh, I met Serra and Sain on the way, only that our reunion lacked the level of enthusiasm it should've had. At the very least, they were alive and well and that will suffice for the moment. I kept running until I've finally arrived in front of a room… with steel doors.

This one looks a little different from the others.

I cautiously reached for the handle and opened it slowly. The first thing I saw inside was…


There she was, lying out cold. Unimaginable fears skipped through my heart when I rushed to her. She was hardly breathing, and her temperature was rising beyond normal. Could this be… poison? I hastily reached for the pouch hanging around my belt and pulled an antidote from inside it. While holding her steady, I forced the wax sealing the cork open and dripped some of its contents into her mouth, slowly, but steadily. Once she'd taken all of it, I put down the empty bottle and examined our surroundings.

There were cuts scattered across the room, definitely the leftover from the battle just now. On the other side of the chamber, we have the limp, lifeless body of a Black Fang swordsman lying motionless on the cold granite floor. The purplish sword he was holding on to must have been the source of the poison that almost put Lyn's life in danger. Did she start the fight, unaware of how underhanded the Black Fang could be? Worse things would happen in the future if the higher ups at Bern ever got a wind of this.

"Lyn, you bloody fool… You rush headlong to the battle without thinking of all the consequences… But I… I'm sorry. I should've been there."

Unconsciously, I held her right hand on mine and squeezed it, as if the mere act of it could bring her to open her eyes again. And as if answering my plea, Lyn's eyes twitched and slowly opened their lids, revealing the emerald green, jewel like pupils. A weak "Mark" came out of her lips when her eyes met mine. The twinge of guild that was slowly building inside me came crashing down.

"Lyn, I…"

But my words were swallowed by what comes next: she threw herself on my shoulder and hugged me tight. The relief, it makes me that I've been forgiven… a little.

"You're back."

"Here I am."

"Everyone, I am sorry."

Funny how it turned out. I never expected I'd be making a public apology in this kind of place (we have moved from the Black Fang hideout to a small, cramped inn on the outskirts of Kathelet), let alone one that is witnessed by two nobles. Eliwood, the son of the Marquees of Pherae. And Lyndis, of course. Apparently, the former had just arranged to meet his friend around this area to spar when the mishap took place. We've shared perfunctory greeting before, but I specifically kept my distance from Hector.

"Well, I must say you've been quite an ass.", Wil said.

"And you stole my spotlight", Sain added.

"… Cheeky bastard."

The last statement came from Erk, who, disgruntled as he was before, sure would feel double the animosity against me. I threw a small apologetic grin towards him, which he did not seem to think as adequate.

Kent, analytical as always, said, "Suffice to say, we still have a strategist position vacant at the moment. If you are willing to…"

"It would be my honor", I said, smiling.

'Well that's that then, though I do wonder where that cheery thief, Matthew, went. It seemed he disappeared right after they rescued Ninian from the Black Fang. Now that I can get a closer look at them, these siblings were very… unusual. Ninian and Nils. They said they were travelling performers, a dancer and a bard, but their clothing, and their physique… it's a bit out of the ordinary. I'd like to question them, but not now. At least, not when I just came out of penitence.

"So, your search for Nils' sister brought you this far?", I asked Lyn, when we finally managed to separate from the crowd.

"Yes… No, actually, we came here to find her lost ring. The Black Fang had stolen it from her."

I gagged. "A what?"

"Ninian's ring. She said that it's an important family heirloom. Well, we've delved pretty deep, so we might as well retrieve it for her."

I snorted at that 'innocent' statement.

"What?", Lyn asked defensively.

"No, it's just like you."

She looked like she was about to argue, but her statement was cut short by Kent's arrival.

"Milady, Lord Eliwood wishes to speak to you." I was prepared to stay behind, but he added, "And Sir Mark too, if you don't mind."

We both nodded and followed him to the dining room, where the Lycian noble was seated. We took a seat across them.

"So, Lady Lyndis…", Eliwood began,

"Lyn's fine", she cut in, apparently still uneasy with the honorific.

"All right, Lyn, about the problem you stated earlier… That you are trying to cross the borders of Caelin..."

"So you are aware of the lady's current predicament, I presume?", I cut in.

"Oh yes. I found the story quite appalling at first, but the proud people of Sacae don't tell lies. And Lyndis has her grandfather's eyes, that made me certain that the problem she faces is genuine. Now, about the problem… I'm sorry to tell you this, but I cannot guarantee I will be able to provide you with direct assistance as for now."

Lyn nodded.

"But I have sent my men to liaise with the neighbouring houses. I will try to convince them to remain neutral at the very least. That should leave you with less problem getting into Caelin's borders.

"I see. Thank you, Eliwood. I really, really thank you."

He smiled and shook his head.

"No, it's the least I can do. I expect the news will come tomorrow morning. I will be able to inform you by then. Now, I wish you the best of luck."

Now that the deal had broken, we all got up from our seats and bade farewell to the Pheraean Prince, and he left the room, escorted by Kent.

"I see some things have been going on while I was away", I said to Lyn.

"Yes… Now all that's left is to go to Caelin. I will NOT let that scum Lundgren do anymore harm to my grandfather!"

I smiled to her. "Your wish is my command, my lady."

A / N: Phew, it's been an eternity since I last updated. For those who wait, deepest apologies for making you wait. I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Oh, and I'm writing the next one as we speak, so stay tuned!