Title: Secret

Rating: T

Pairing: ColonelloXTsuna C27

Summary: Requested by runes01 and I-Kill-U-For-Yaoi, Colonello has a secret and Reborn knows exactly what it is while Tsuna doesn't have a clue on what's going on but there's a problem, the secret involves him.

Disclaimer: don't own and if I did then the whole world would be filled with yaoi

This has been beta'd by skepsis66.

"A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ." John Steinbeck

Chapter 4

Colonello's fingers ran through Tsuna's brown locks, almost petting his hair. A chuckle came from his throat and he closed his eyes, relaxing into the silence.

"Um… Colonello." Tsuna glanced up with a blush, trying to look directly into the blue eyes above him but not quite succeeding. "Do you… um… do you-"

He was silenced by a quick kiss. The former COMSUBIN just grinned. "Do you really need to ask? If I didn't like you, I wouldn't be doing this, kora."

Tsuna's face abruptly exploded into shades of red as he let out a little squawk in response.

An amused laugh came from the blond, his fingers reaching down to massage Tsuna's cheeks tenderly. "I guess we can miss training today. It's too cold for you to be out anyway. Wouldn't do us any good if you fell sick, now would it, kora?"

With a single quick movement, Colonello lifted Tsuna off him, his jacket still wrapped around the sky guardian's body, holding the brunet bridal style. He laughed at the facial expression he was getting.

"C-Colonello!" Tsuna yelped, shivering with the touch.

"Don't worry, I won't drop you, kora!"

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

Colonello just laughed some more, treading down the path back to his house. He managed to avoid the slippery spots but had to splash through some puddles, carrying the other without much trouble. Tsuna, meanwhile, clung to the older man, hanging onto his neck for dear life. He knew Colonello well enough to know that he wouldn't be entirely safe from being suddenly dropped into a puddle for fun. That was the type of person the blond was so he clung tighter, unaware of the wolfish grin the other was sporting.

As they entered the open field, it started to rain again and much harder this time.

"Shit!" Placing Tsuna onto the ground, Colonello grabbed his hand and started to run, dragging the other behind him. His jacket still covered the brunet, keeping him momentarily dry. They sped through the trees and bushes, their footsteps splashing into the puddles that were in their way, unable to dodge them. Tsuna didn't argue and allowed himself to get pulled, his free hand holding onto the jacket tightly and staring at the back of Colonello's head. For a moment, Tsuna tightened his grip on the taller man's hand, his soft pink lips lifting into a smile. Colonello seemed unaware of the tighter grip, but if he was, he didn't mention it.

Letting his smile widen, the sky guardian quickened his pace so that he could be next to the other man. As he did that, he was suddenly tugged sideways, forcing himself closer to Colonello. He glanced up at the older man with large bright eyes.

"Colonello…" Tsuna whispered, yanking the jacket closer to his body. The rain continued to fall around them, hitting their bodies incessantly, further dampening their clothes. But the warmth that was shared between their hands was wonderful and running by Colonello's side, the brunet fleetingly closed his eyes.

By the time they entered the house, both were out of breath; but while Tsuna was inhaling deeply, Colonello only looked slightly affected. The door closed behind them and they scraped the bottoms of their shoes on the doormat, trying to prevent from getting the kitchen floor dirty. The brunet folded up the soaked jacket and placed it onto the marble counter, knowing that the water wouldn't be able to damage it. The two took off their shoes and soon after, Tsuna pushed back the hair plastering his face, not liking the way the messy strands irritated his eyes. Colonello, on the other hand, plucked his headband off and shook his head slightly. "I think a nice warm bath would be best, kora."

Tsuna shivered, rubbing his now bare arms. "T-That might be n-nice." His teeth chattered, making his speech harder to decipher, and then sneezed. His whole body jolted with the motion and he shivered again, goose-bumps sprouting up on his skin.

Snickering, Colonello raised an eyebrow and brought his hand up to rub the other's flattened hair. "By the looks of it, I think you need that bath more than I do, kora."

"No, I- achoo!"

The blond just stared before grabbing Tsuna by the arm and dragging him to the bathroom upstairs. When they entered the cold tiled room, he released his grip and went over to the bathtub, turning on the water so that it would have some time to warm up. His hand tested the temperature now and then until he felt it was good enough before he plugged up the tub. Slowly, the water began to rise and once it reached a certain height, he pulled the lever up to turn on the spray. He twisted back to the other, who had stood there quietly, shivering and sneezing. "Seeing as you're about to catch a cold, I think you should go first, kora."

Tsuna instantly shook his head. "No, I think you should. You're completely soaked while me, on the other hand, only have the top of my shirt and my pants wet."

The blond sighed at this and ran a hand through his hair. He stared at the other, amazed at how the brunet had changed over the years. Tsuna was stronger, braver, and everything else that a Vongola boss should be; he could even get Reborn to work for him, though the hitman still did whatever he liked most of the time. Colonello shook his head, knowing that this was going to become an argument soon if he didn't do something. "I guess we better compromise then, kora."

"What's there to compromise? You're going in first." Tsuna gave him a glare, which looked more like a pout, but Colonello wasn't going to point that out. If the brunet had to hold his ground against someone stronger than him, then he would; especially for something like this. After all, to Tsuna, it would be rude to go first.

Colonello could only sigh again, seeing some of Reborn's training integrated into Tsuna's personality. There was only one way out of this. "Then we can both go in, kora."

This made the brunet pause in surprise. "Huh?"

Not wanting to wait for the other to figure out what he meant, Colonello immediately grabbed Tsuna, heaving him up over his shoulders and heading towards the shower. He could see the steam drifting out the top and heard Tsuna yelling in surprise, demanding to be released and put back down. He could feel small hands pounding against his back and see Tsuna's legs kicking, but none of that would work on him. Chuckling in amusement, the ex-COMSUBIN opened the curtains and stepped in, both with their clothes still on.

"W-What the hell, Colonello?" Tsuna screamed. "Put me down! Put me down right now!" He pounded harder at the blonde's back, feeling the warm water run down his body, shocked by the other's actions. Colonello just laughed in amusement, closing his eyes as the water hit his face, and felt his clothes getting heavier with each passing second. Finally, he placed Tsuna down into the bathtub and when he saw the scowl on the brunet's face, he couldn't help but reach over to ruffle the other's hair. He took a sly step away to let the spray that was hitting his back slam into the other's face. Tsuna almost tripped in surprise, flailing his hands in front of him until he figured out what he really should have done in the first place, and turned around so that the water was no longer directed at his front. "What are you doing, Colonello? Seriously…" Tsuna pouted and slowly twisted back, making sure to block the water, and stared up into Colonello's blue eyes. He had to admit, though, that the water felt great against his cold skin. It was so warm.

"Well, we weren't going to get anywhere so I did the next best thing, kora."

"Throwing us both into the shower with our clothes on?" Tsuna raised an eyebrow at the blond's logic but he should have known better. Both Reborn and Colonello were always unpredictable, sometimes to the point where it drove him mad. He wished that they were more like some of the others he knew, easier to anticipate. But if they were, they wouldn't be the people they were in the first place.

"That's right, kora." Colonello grinned and ran a hand through his hair, pushing the wet bangs back so that they wouldn't be in his eyes. The blond couldn't help but notice the way Tsuna's normally spiky hair was now flat, curving around his face. Feeling his clothes getting heavy, the blond took off his shirt, well aware that Tsuna immediately jumped and turned bright red. He grinned in delight at the reaction. "What's wrong? Too much for you, kora?"

"S-Shut up!" Tsuna turned a shade darker and closed his eyes. That was his biggest mistake. Colonello took advantage of that moment to lean in and capture his lips in one swift action. Noticing the surprise in the brunet's expression, he chuckled darkly, getting Tsuna to open his mouth, and slipped his tongue inside. Pushing the other against the wall, not too hard, he slowly made their bodies move downward into the bathwater below, sinking in. A muffled squeak managed to escape the brunet before getting caught up in the kiss, his slim fingers gripping the other's shoulders tightly. As the kiss began to deepen, the brunet allowed himself to get pushed down until most of his body was submerged in the water with only his head arched back against the wall, above the waterline.

Colonello, on the other hand, was on his knees with one arm keeping himself up as the other cradled Tsuna's head. The Vongola boss closed his eyes, remembering this sensation, as it had only been moments before when they had been so sucked up in their little world outside. This was no different. They immediately fell into a series of kisses and touches, this time with Tsuna more open, allowing his hands to explore the body before him, running his fingers over Colonello's well-toned chest. He moaned softly as the blond's tongue rubbed against his own and returned the action enthusiastically.

A leg suddenly nudged between Tsuna's.

The brunet snapped out of his daze, eyes wide as he felt the leg pressing upward, as if teasing him. He made another muffled squeak which was instantly swallowed up in another kiss. As the leg moved further up, he felt it rub against something. A moan broke through from the back of his throat and he arched his back slightly in response. Colonello smirked into the kiss, and continued to massage Tsuna down below, watching the teen fall into his arms willingly.

The hand that had been cradling Tsuna's face slithered downward and took hold of the other through his pants. Another loud moan echoed in the room and Colonello broke their kiss, the water from the shower pelting his back. The blond's fingers moved quickly, pulling at Tsuna's waist-band before slipping into his boxers to the waiting member, pumping it up and down to see the brunet's reaction. Although his movements were slightly sluggish from having to move through water, he still got what he wanted to see.

"C-Colon-Ah!" Tsuna screamed, his hips bucking upwards. The fingers gave him a hard squeeze and a rough digit gently scraped against his tip. A deep blush spread across Tsuna's face when he realized where the other man was touching him. He couldn't believe it; never in his wildest dreams had he ever imagined this happening, and with Colonello of all people. He only moaned louder as the hand began to move faster.

"I should probably be honest with you but where's the fun in that?" Colonello smirked, licking his lips as he watched Tsuna squirm from his ministrations. He had that sly grin as usual. "But I guess I should say something, explain why. Let's just say I've wanted to do this for a long time, kora." His eyes were gleaming with an emotion that was unfamiliar to Tsuna and he could hear everything over the sound of the water hitting the tub. Water was racing down Colonello's hair and face, dripping off elegantly.

All movement suddenly stopped and, though Tsuna desired release, he reached up shakily and ran a hand through the blond locks. He couldn't really believe what he was hearing and it was even harder to see through the large smirk that was on the blond's face.

"Colonello, do you like me?"

The man paused for a moment as the question fell from Tsuna's lips before nodding his head, his eyes closing. The movement was enough to get some water droplets to fall down, hitting Tsuna on the cheek. The previous mood seemed to be broken but the taller man still wore that same smile, like he was mocking someone, but Tsuna knew better. He felt a slight twitch that told him otherwise.

"For how long?"

At that, Colonello could only smile softly, arrogance gone.

Tsuna's eyes widened and he blinked, pulling himself up from the water. That smile meant a lot of things to him. It meant that underneath all the arrogance and hardness that Colonello normally showed him, the blond had really liked him for a long time. But for how long? The Vongola boss wasn't sure. Was it really 'like' or was it… something else. A gasp escaped his lips as he thought that. "Colonello, do you… love me?"

From that one question, Colonello's smirk shattered. It only took a second before it repaired itself and Tsuna was rewarded with a long kiss, proving to him that the blond indeed loved him, more than he had originally thought. He began to tear up at that and returned the kiss as passionately as possible. He had never had someone love him like this before, never. Everyone he knew loved him in a different way. Tsuna was the boss of Vongola and people there either looked up to him, following his commands, or despised him, seeking to assassinate him. And so, this type of love… it made him happy. It was something so precious and rare, something he couldn't get anywhere else.

Colonello stopped when he noticed that there were tears appearing in Tsuna's eyes. "What's wrong, kora?"

The brunet sniffed, wiping his face. He wasn't going to cry, he couldn't allow himself to do so, he was Vongola Decimo. He had given up that ability long ago for the sake of the mafia. But when Colonello said those words, he felt his heart almost burst. "Nothing is wrong, I'm just really happy…" He grinned, trying to let his genuine emotions shine through. "I've never been loved like this before."

The blond tilted his head in curiosity, eyes narrowed with confusion. "What are you talking about? You've loved by everyone, kora."

"There's that and there's this. There's a difference between those two types of love even you should know that. Everyone showers me with the affection of a person who cares deeply for me as a close friend or as family. But you've just told me that you love me as a lover, something that has never happened to me before. Sure, I've had many others tell me the same thing, but I know better. So many of them are liars, trying to gain my trust or rise into a higher position. But you're not like them and… that makes me really happy." Tsuna brought his hands over to rest against Colonello's cheeks. His hands were warm and the ex-COMSUBIN leaned forward, pressing their bodies together. The older man wrapped his arms around the brunet, holding him closely.

They remained still for a while, with Tsuna's head buried into his shoulder, taking long deep breaths, inhaling the scent of rain that still remained in the blond's hair, and clinging to the other tightly. But eventually, the sky guardian had to break the wonderful moment to let Colonello know something, something that was currently happening.

The brunet only had to take one look at the water before pulling away from the blond's grasp. "Um… Colonello, the water is overflowing…"

"What?" The blond glanced up and suddenly started cursing in Italian at the sight that met his eyes. Laughing at his reaction, Tsuna watched as the ex-arcobaleno reached over to shut the water off and pull the plug, trying to drain the tub. But because of his movements, Colonello actually caused more of the water to spill over the side of the tub and onto the tiled floor below. Tsuna slid his body to the side and peered over to see how much of a mess they had made, well aware that he had just made it worse when he had moved. Luckily, there was a drain in the bathroom and he saw most of the water swirling inside, though there was still some that refused to go. The curtains were pulled back and Colonello stepped out, his clothes dripping and sticking to his skin. Clear liquid ran down his body, adding to the numerous puddles that were on the floor, and his feet made light splashing sounds. Steam had fogged up both the mirror and window and dampened some pieces of furniture inside. Tsuna was the second one to slip out, instantly feeling the heavy weight of his clothes on him, his movements sluggish. Suddenly, something slammed into his face, an 'ack' coming from him in response. It took him a second to reach up and recognize what had hit him. Pulling it away, Tsuna stared at the towel, then back at a smirking Colonello.

The brunet pouted and tried to glare at the other but failed. "Jerk."

Colonello shook his head, rubbing his own towel over his body, and pulled his pants, along with his underwear, down in one go. Tsuna immediately blushed at the action and turned around instantly, yelling out at the blond while covering wide eyes with his towel to prevent himself from looking. The older man really had no decency! Colonello laughed at the reaction, wrapping a new towel around his waist before taking another one and rubbing it into Tsuna's hair.

"Ah!" The brunet squeaked as the towel messed up his flat hair. He tried to fight back, swatting aimlessly at the other's hands, but he couldn't get them to move away. Colonello eventually stopped, when he'd finally gotten enough of Tsuna's adorable expressions. He stepped away, laughing, to gather the wet clothes that were scattered across the floor and tossed them all into a basket in the corner. He was stark naked with only a towel covering his private area. Tsuna huffed, refusing to do the same thing as Colonello, unwilling to expose his entire body to the other's eyes, but at the same time, he really didn't want to go outside the room wet like this.

Then, all of a sudden, he realized something.

He had never voiced a reply to finding out Colonello's feelings.

The brunet spun to face the other, his eyes looking over the man before him. Stepping forward, he stretched out his arms to grasp the other tightly, blue eyes snapping to his direction. "Um… Colonello… I… I want to say something… Um… I-I really like you too…" His face turned bright red at his somewhat limp attempt at a confession; he had never had done anything like this before.

Colonello blinked at the sight before him and then smiled softly. Tsuna froze, staring at the other even when the blond moved closer, pressing their lips together for a kiss. It was short and sweet and as they pulled back, the brunet was stuck staring, unable to say anything else.

Reaching out, Colonello gave him a tender hug, burying his face into the crook of Tsuna's neck, and took a deep breath. "Thank you…" As he retreated, he once more ran his fingers through the caramel-colored hair, almost as if it was a habit now. "Stay right here, I'm going to change and then get you some clothes to wear. I can't have you getting my floor wet, kora."

"A-Alright…" Tsuna nodded his head, reluctantly letting Colonello go after grabbing onto him during the hug, and watched as he left. It was only soon after that he realized something, something very important.

The blond was going to have to go through his clothes.

"Colonello, you better not mess with my underwear and I better not find anything missing!"

As soon as he said that, mischievous laughter came from right outside the bathroom door.

When he saw the two coming back, Reborn smiled.

Oh yes, he was smiling.

He could see that brilliant beam on Tsuna's face from where he was standing, at a distance of two miles away. Stepping down the stairs that led to the Vongola base, he slowly made his way to the bottom, just as Colonello's car began pulling up. It stopped a few feet away from his position but Reborn remained where he was, watching the two interact. The blond got out first, going for the luggage, while Tsuna went second, moving around the car so that he could stand by the other's side. Reborn's smile melted into to a grin and looked the two over when they finally turned to him.

Tsuna swiftly blushed while Colonello rubbed the back of his head, refusing to look the hitman in the eye.

"You know, when I said training, I didn't mean it that way." Reborn folded his arms in amusement, chucking at the sight. That one comment instantly caused a chain reaction. Tsuna's redness darkened tenfold and Colonello actually got a slight tint on his cheeks. It was rare to get the ex-COMSUBIN so flustered, and Reborn took a wicked delight in recording it into his memory. "But at least you finally got what you wanted this whole time, right, Colonello?"

The blond sneered, watching the hitman leave and ascend the stairs. Before he could think up of a smart retort, he was distracted by Tsuna's question. "What did he mean by that?"

"It means that Reborn knew this whole time that I… liked you and put us together purposefully to get my feelings out into the open, kora. Damn bastard. I really hate him." Colonello grumbled, remaining where he was. Tsuna blinked at that, holding his stuff in his hands.

"You mean he planned for this to happen?"

"That's right. He wanted us to get together. And I fell straight into his trap… But who am I kidding? I'm glad it happened, kora."

Tsuna blushed again and looked at him with curious eyes. "And why's that?"

The blond smiled and leaned over, as if getting ready to disclose a secret to the brunet. He cupped a hand to the side of his mouth, watching as Tsuna leaned towards him, before whispering his answer. "Cuz now I have you. And I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon, I assure you of that, kora." Colonello placed a gentle kiss on Tsuna's cheek, somewhat hidden by his hand.

Tsuna could only smile in response.

Haha, victory! Victory I tell you. This chapter took me longer than I thought. It was so freaking hard to beta too. Seriously…