I don't own a thing from SOA but my own characters.

Chapter 4...

Kit smiled as she looked at her brother playing video games with his friends. She liked this one. Jared or something like that but he had manners. Going back to her Facebook she looked over all of her high school friends and smiled when she came to Ryane's profile. Clicking on it she saw old pictures of Ryane and herself form high school in their outrageous clothes. Kit used to hate her hair and her eye color so she had dyed it a dark maroon color and work black contacts. She final realized though that her old look wasn't who she truly was so she went to her current style and let her hair grow out. Pushing her thick rimmed rectangular glasses that accent her skin nicely with the soft wine color.

She only wore them when she was staying home. She didn't like how she looked in her glasses at all. Running her fingers through her hair she looked at the picture with her straight hair. She bit her lip. It wouldn't hurt to straighten her hair. Smiling, she stood and shut her computer off and walked up the stairs and into her room. She dug through her closet for one of her unpacked boxes and smiled finding the forgotten black straightener. Pulling her hair down from the pony tail she had,it fell to just below her shoulders. She cut it after Jim decided to go psycho and bruise her. The bruises still lightly covered her skin in an ugly yellow. That was almost a weeks ago and so was her little moment with Jax. She only saw him when she went to talk with Gemma or work in the office but she hadn't really seen him other wise.

Walking to her mirror,she sat down and plugged in her straightener and looked at her reflection. She didn't have any makeup on so she looked tired and very natural. Her curls were bouncy since she had just taken a shower that morning. Her straightener beeped that it was hot enough for her to start and she smiled.

She tilted her head and looked at her hair when she was done. It look nice and reach just above her elbow in a straight fountain of red hair. Combing the small knots out she looked at herself before shaking her head. She left the old Kit in High School, no reason to try digging her up. Kit stood up and decided to get dressed. She shrugged and looked through her closet for her more comfy clothes. She decided on a white lace trimmed tank top that had a small dip in the collar, that she bought from American Eagle. She really did like that store. To match her tank top she slipped on a pair of skinny jeans that she bought from,yes American Eagle, they had little distress marks as well as small tares on them. After finding a pair of nice clean socks she walked the stairs to find Jared and her brother gone and the TV still on. She didn't like the fact that they disappeared and left a mess in the living room.

Going outside with her white vans that she called sailor shoes cause they looked like the white flat shoes the old guys would wear on sail boats. Walking around she blinked seeing Ian showing Demon,Tiny and Fearless to Jared. She guessed the kid hadn't seen a horse before.

"Y'all coulda' asked and I would of let you see the horses."Kit said and the two almost jumped out of their skin. She giggled a little and her brother glared at her.

"Yeah, but last time I showed my friends the horses you nearly flipped out."Ian said back with a sharp tone and Kit glared back at him.

"Yeah and who was trying to let my horse out of his stall."Kit shot back and he shut up. She hated it when he brother tried to be cool. He just needed to be himself. She sighed though and looked at the boys.

"Would you like to learn how to ride a horse Jared?" Kit asked the blonde haired boy. He looked at her with a surprised gleam in his eyes but a grin broke out on his face.

"That'd be awesome."Kit smiled at his response. Ian rolled his eyes and lead Jared into the barn. Kit was about to follow when the tom cat that lived on the ranch rubbed against her leg. She knelt down and picked up the large mound of gray fur. He was purring contently in her arms and she smiled.

"I think we should name 'em,Ian. Don't you think?" Kit said as she made her way into the barn were Ian was helping Jared learn how to tack a horse.

"I guess. Where'd ya find him?" Ian said looking up as he cleaned one of the saddle.

"I think he lives here,but what should we name him." Kit asked him and looked at the fat cat. He meowed shortly and it came out scratchy,she smiled.

"Name him Picnic, 'cuz he sure as hell don't look like he's missed one." Kit glared at him and throw a brush at him,it hit his skull with a thud and feel to the ground. Her brother looked at her with daggers in his eyes and Kit met his look with an even deadlier one. Sometimes she wanted to strangle her brother and she wasn't even hostile,half the time it was her brother made her hostile though.

"Your such a little jerk"Kit frowned and scratched the cats chin. He purred and rubbed his head against her cheek.


"That's so girly!

"Is not!"

"Name him Harley." Kit spun around hearing Jax's voice behind her and Ian jumped up seeing the biker. Kit look at Jared who was looking at tall man in the leather cut with fear.

"That's awesome! Don't you think sis?" Kit nodded and she looked at the cat in he arms before looking at her brother.

"Yeah, Harley. It's a perfect name for him."Kit said,"But um..Ian go get Jared used to getting on Fearless. She's the calmest of the horses." Ian and Jared both raced out of the barn.

(Jax POV)

Jax looked at Kit and was surprised to see her with long straight hair that fell around her in a curtain of red. She looked so different with glasses and straight hair. Not to mention her tank top and jean look. It was different then her retro style. His eyes roamed her body quickly before she noticed and his mood darkened seeing the yellowing bruises on her arms. Those were only made when someone grabbed onto you rather hard and on purpose. He looked up as she started talking,his mood lightened seeing her small blush.

"So why are you here?"Well obviously to get her but that would be harder then normal. Jax always got what he wanted and with Kit it seemed difficult. Usually his charm and looks did all the work but with Kit he needed to get past her walls. Plus he felt-for some odd reason-the need to protect her.

" I figured since I met Demon I might as well learn how to ride a horse. It can't be much different from riding a motorcycle." Jax frowned when Kit let out a small squeak of laughter.

"Jax a motorcycle doesn't have a mind of its own and an attitude. A horse can through you off because they feel like it."

" Well I have the balance." Jax said and Kit shook her head and set the newly named Harley down and turned to Jax.

"That's true...but..fine. I'll teach you how to ride but you need to take off your cut." Jax look down at his clothes. A t-shirt jean and his cut?


"Your scaring the crap out of Ian's friend." Kit said with a straight face. Now she trying to be funny. Jax grinned.

"And that's an issue?"Kit ignored his last comment and turned around with a large saddle in her arms and handed it to him the minute his cut was off. He shifted uncomfortable and looked at her while she clipped a lead onto a brown horse.

"I thought I was gonna learn on Demon?" Jax followed her out as she walked with the horse.

"And that would be dumb."She said softly,"Demon's a friesan. He's a working horse and has an attitude problem."

"So I'm a working man with a attitude."

"Least you admit it." She mumbled and layed a small blanket on the horses back."Alright Jax, this is Melody. She Peter's cattle horse but she'll be easy to learn how to ride on."Kit glanced over at Ian and Jared. Jax followed her gaze and saw Ian trying to teach Jared how to get on a horse.

"So I have to learn that first." Jax nodded toward the boys and Kit nodded and told him to put the saddle on Melody's back. He watched her carefully as she reached under the horse to grab a strap then she started moving quickly. She didn't stumble around like she normally would. When she was done he looked at her arms again. The yellowing were very noticeable against her pale skin. He walked over to her and touched her arm, she flinch away and looked at him.

(Kit's POV)

She had completely forgotten about her bruises that Jim had given her the other day. They were almost gone but for some reason the SOA prince decided to see them and touch the yellowed mark. She jumped away in a sense and looked at him. His face was set in a hard glare and she looked down.

"What happen?" Kit looked at him. She couldn't tell him what happen. He'd hurt Jim and well that would put a bigger rift between her mother and her. She wanted to though, she felt oddly safe thinking of Jax...but..No! Stop!Kit shook her head and looked at him. She had always been a good liar though she had dropped that habit or so she thought.

"I feel off of Tiny last week. Peter had to pull me out from under Tiny before he trampled me. He grabbed me a little to hard. I bruise easily." Kit said waving off his concern. She turned around to open the gate to the empty corral hoping that Jax didn't notice her lie.

"And that is a fat lie."Kit didn't tense up like a normal person would when caught in a lie. She turned around and put on scowl on her face.

"Why would I lie?I feel off of Tiny and Peter save me from getting my skull smashed in."Damn did it always sting when she was younger. She never remember the painful sting in her chest after she spit out a lie.

"Alright,alright I believe you." Jax said and Kit felt her stomach twist as he said he believed her, but she nodded and shook her head,playing it off as if she thought the whole thing was silly. She knew for a fact that Jim hurting her was wrong and that she should of told Jax but well she just didn't want trouble.

"Okay so how do I get on?" Kit turned and looked at Jax. He had his vest off and well she could see his back muscles moving as he crossed his arms and uncrossed his arms before looking at her.

"Oh well, first you put you left foot in the stirrup. Just like that."Kit smiled before she continued. "Alright now all you need to do is pull your self up and swing your right leg over." Kit instructed easily and watched as Jax did as she said. His muscles move together in rhyme,tensing and curling around every part on his shoulders. She blushed catching herself. That needed yo stop before she took it too far. Rubbing her face with a hand. Kit moved forward to hand Jax the reins.

"Alright... I'm on the horse,know what?" Kit looked at him and smiled a little to herself. Normally he looked confident in anything he did and now he kind of looked lost and well totally not confident.

"Well...lets see."Kit grinned.

( Jax P.O.V)

Her grin unnerved him. Her tone didn't help all that much either. Though her leading the horse around the coral was weird. She kept glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. If she was waiting for him to fall of that was a fat chance. Riding a motorcycle gave him enough balance to not fall off.

"So Kit...tell me about yourself." She tensed up and then looked at him before looking forward again as she let the lead out more and she moved to stand in the middle of the coral.


"Well I was just wondering why an obviously outgoing girl is hiding behind a shy act. "Jax knew he hit a nerve then. He wasn't stupid. He could tell she was a feisty person in general with her attitude. Even though she held her tongue on most of the thing she said. Almost like she almost wanted to be different. He wanted to see that fire, he wanted to see something more. He wanted more reasons to chase after her.

"I've always been like this."She said shortly. She was good at lying as well. She had been lying for awhile if she was that good at it.

"Liar." He knew she didn't fall of that large black horse that was in the barn either. She knew the animal to well to fall of one. That horse was too obedient to even throw her off to begin with. Someone did that to her and it wasn't Peter 'pulling' her out from under Tiny. Some one forcefully grabbed her arms and shoved her into something to get bruises like hers. He bet her back had bruises as well.

"Why do you constantly have to call me a liar! " Her false anger was easily seen through as well. He'd seen better fake anger. She didn't even seem like she could have a angry bone in her body, maybe a mean bone or two but anger not so much.

"Because your lying right know. Come on you don't have to lie to be. I can keep a secret." Jax grinned at her and she frowned deep. Her dimples were present in her cheeks and he really did like her dimples.

"I'm not fucking lying you annoying twit!" Kit glared at him and he grinned even wider. There's that fire he knew was in her. She realized what she had said and close her eyes before she took a deep breathe and seemed to calm herself down.

" I don't lie. I never have lied and I'm not lying now."

"Sure,whatever you say Kitten."Jax smirked at her and jumped off of the still horse. The brown beast shook her head and neighed at him.

"And don't call me Kitten." She said in a calm voice. He was about to say something when her phone rang and she gave him a look that said shut up all the way. She smiled though when she answered the phone.

"Ryane!I'm glad you called!" She was looking at the horse that walked over to them,as well as she kept a thought watch on her brother and his friend.

"Yeah!I was talking to Momma and she figured you could have the get room and Lille could have the small computer room. We can shop for all the stuff you'll need in the next town over."

"Who's Ryane?"Jax asked her and she turned her head a little.

"That's nobody. Don't pull nobodies always somebody!That is not true." Kit smiled," Yeah,yeah I love you too Ryane. Give Lille a hug and kiss for me. I'll see you guys in a few weeks. Alright Bye." Kit hung up and looked at him before sh rolled her eyes and turned.

"So you gonna tell me who Ryane is?" Jax said and followed her as she lead the horse back into the barn.

"Ryane's been my friend for a long time and that's all you getting. You can meet her when she moves here."

"Ah, I see. So that means were getting another you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"Kit sounded offended by his sentence but she didn't turn from the horse.

"Well if she's your friend she has to be quiet and shy. Am I right?"

"No your wrong. Know if you'd excuse me I have to go clean before my parents get home." She brushed past him and he let his hand touch hers. She flinched away and her steps hesitated before she continued.

"You know, if you want her to like you why don't you be nice and not try to piss her off every ten second." Peters amused voice made Jax turn around.

"I could but I want her to be herself. She acting like a mouse."

"You know,when I first met her mother. She was the same way. I was like her big brother that she had to get to know. Let her open up to you. Ya know. Give her some space."

"Ya, but my way is more fun." Jax grinned and looked at the older graying man. Said man chuckled and shook his head.

"If you say so son."

Alright here is chapter 4 and well I'm not sure how I did. I've been sick lately and haven't had time to write plus I had my midterms in school. So I apologize for not updating soon and please review and tell me how you like or dislike this chapter.