Disclaimer: I am not J.K Rowling, so I don't own Harry Potter.
Another addition to my Twenty Truths series. I'm quite proud of this one, although it's been a while since I wrote a Harry Potter fanfic, so I hope it's not too rusty. Rated T.
1. Snape dislikes dogs. He likes to assure himself that it has nothing to do with the unconscious association he makes to Sirius Black whenever he sees one.
2. Although he is not stupid enough to deny that Lord Voldemort is an incredibly powerful wizard, possibly one of the most powerful to ever live, there is still something about him that Snape finds somewhat pitiful.
3. Generally, he hates sweets, but sour things tend to agree with him.
4. Contrary to popular belief, Snape did not hate Hermione Granger. The truth was, she was so book smart that it unnerved him a little. It reminded him alarmingly of himself.
5. He is not deaf to the comparisons his students make- spider, bat, raven...but these, reflects Snape, are all creatures that are misunderstood.
6. Snape does not drink. He doesn't like how disconnected and out of control it makes him feel.
7. Strangely, sometimes he thinks that he resented Lupin even more then Sirius or even James Potter. He couldn't exactly explain why, but perhaps it was because he knew Lupin wasn't ignorant of how easily the taunts and jeers might have been for him, not Snape.
8. All of the Weasley's annoy him, without exception, but there are times when he cannot decide who is the most irritating.
9. It comes as a surprise to everyone else but himself and Dumbledore.
But Severus Snape has a fondness for flowers.
10. It is an utterly bizarre thought- he has no idea why it pops into his head, or indeed what to make of it- but when Narcissa Malfoy's eyes light up in the glow of the Unbreakable Vow, he thinks she has never looked more beautiful.
11. He has nothing but contempt and hatred for Wormtail. In fact, he enjoys treating him like vermin. It seems only fitting.
12. There are moments where Harry looks so disconcertingly like Lily that it almost makes Snape give a second glance. It's almost a relief when he opens his mouth and ruins the illusion.
13. After her death, Snape attributes her sacrifice to her simply being Lily Evans, an embodiment of the kind of person she was. But when the Unbreakable Vow is made, Snape reflects that perhaps this is merely what it means to being a parent. He hopes that both boys know how lucky they are.
14. During the Carrow's reign of terror throughout Hogwarts, Snape still finds himself wondering where Neville Longbottom got his newfound courage from. He would never say this to the boys face, though, obviously.
15. Despite his resemblance, Snape has never once made the error of mistaking Harry for James.
16. He has some grudging respect for Luna Lovegood. There aren't many people as unflappable as she is, particularly not when they're on the receiving end of one of his barbs or glares. She always merely smiles dreamily back at him.
17. It annoys him how good Potter has become at using Expelliarmus.
18. There are times when Snape feels almost guilty that he doesn't stop Draco Malfoy's bullying and manipulation, but then he crossly reminds himself that it is not his responsibility. But he doesn't always believe it.
19. His resentment of the strange bond between Potter and Dumbledore disturbs him. He had long ago learnt to ignore feelings of being isolated, so why should it bother him now?
20. Just before he dies, he irrationally notices a powerful irony- he died seeing a green light, but it was not the light of Avada Kedavra.
Snape knows he is not a hero, but he is grateful that he could see her one more time.
As always, a review would be lovely. :)