MGM owns all characters

A/N: The flash fiction challenge got me thinking about a series of shorts around the concept of Rodney and Jennifer's friends finding out for the first time about them. Thanks to Koinekid for the grammar check.

Spoiler: The Lost Tribe and Brainstorm

Ronon pushed people aside with just his scowl as he hurried through the corridors after returning from his surfing vacation. It wasn't too relaxing even though Sheppard promised some down time. The Satedan had been in a bad mood since he saw Rodney and Jennifer laughing before they left for their vacations.

I'm kind of interested in somebody else. His anger at misreading Jennifer's friendship bothered him more than the young physician's rejection after the Daedalus mission. Their near kiss still taunted him. Why would she do that if she were interested in someone else? Of course the fact that almost a year passed from that day until her revelation didn't register with the young man.

Doctor Keller almost died while on Earth. That phrase uttered by Woolsey to Sheppard was all he needed to set his heart pounding and put him into action. The need to make sure she was safe overwhelmed him and pushed his wounded pride aside.

After checking her quarters he made his way to her lab off the back of the infirmary. When he stepped through the doorway, he stopped dead in his tracks. His brow rose, eyes widened and fists clenched. Jennifer Keller was locked in a passionate kiss.

Rodney had the physician pressed against her desk. She shifted so she could sit without breaking the kiss. His teammate wrapped his arms tighter around the petite woman and Ronon feared they might start doing more than kiss.

Realizing how embarrassing it would be if anyone walked in, Ronon coughed.

The geniuses flew apart with Jennifer nearly toppling to the floor. Rodney moved faster than Ronon thought he could and grabbed her. Once she stood next to his teammate, the genius wrapped a possessive arm around her waist.

"Ronon," they said in unison, both of their faces scarlet.

The Satedan strode over to them with a fierce expression and growled to Jennifer, "If he hurts you, I'll break his legs."

Jennifer's eyes widened and McKay opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by a quick glance from his teammate.

Their shocked expressions made him smile as he turned and walked away. In his heart he was proud of Rodney for going after what he wanted and not backing down when Ronon refused to step aside. "Don't think I won't do it, McKay," he barked over his shoulder as he left with a disbelieving shake of his head. Things are gonna be even weirder around here than normal.

A/N: Always tried to reconcile Identity with the rest of the show. This is my attempt. Sorry to the Ronon haters, you know who you are, but this appeared in canon too often to be ignored. To the Ronon lovers, sorry if I got him wrong. I just don't think he'd be too upset for his friends in the long run.