I'm a winner.

I always have been.

I thought I always would be.

But somehow.

Somehow I've lost.

I've lost to Schuester.

Because I sacrificed my life for his.

Because I pushed him out of the way.

I didn't let him get hit by that car.

So now I'm here.

Here on the cold pavement.

With Will Schuester crying over my body.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry Will.

But this is what is supposed to happen.

Because you deserve to live.

And I don't.

I don't deserve to live.

Because you're a good person.

And, well.

I'm the worst kind of person there is.

Because you always fought so hard.

So very very hard for those kids.

And I know you put them on the right path.

You let them know they were worth it.

Even when I didn't.

Even when I told them they weren't.

I'm sorry Jeanne.

You were the best big sister.

I'm sorry for letting people laugh at you.

Because you're perfect.

You're perfect in my eyes.

I said I don't believe in God.

And I wish I had.

But you're right Jeanne.

God doesn't make mistakes.

Because Will Schuester deserves to live.

And I don't.

So, Jeanne you can pray for me.

If you want.

Because I want you to.

Because, Jeanne, I need you to save me.

I need you to save my soul.

But I don't deserve it.

Because I'm not worth it.

Just like I told Rachel Berry she wasn't.

Because she came to me for help.

But I turned her away.

And I told her that if she wasn't a freak.

If she wasn't a freak she wouldn't be made fun of.

So I let her go.

And she let herself go.

She let go of her hope.

And she killed herself.

She let go.

Which is funny.

In a way.

Because she was the one holding on the hardest.

She was holding on even harder than I was.


It's okay that you were pregnant.

It's okay that you had a baby.

You want to know a secret.

I went and visited.

I went and visited your baby.

Because even though you're not perfect.

Even though I'm not perfect.

Your baby is.

Your baby is perfect.

I guess it was all for nothing.

Trying to destroy Glee Club was for nothing.

Because now the Cheerios don't have a Coach.

And their Coach was always a Winner.

I have always been a winner.

But now I've lost.

I've lost to my own game.

I've lost to will Schuester.

I've always been a winner.

Just, somewhere.

Somewhere along the way.

I stopped winning.

And I started losing.

And now the game is over.

And I've lost.