So... this is my first Durarara! fic! So.. bear with me with characters and stuff... But I hope you enjoy! This is a fill from the drrrkinkmeme on livejournal!
Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara!, Kida, Izaya, and any other characters that come from the anime/manga/light novels. The plot prompt came from an anon on the kinkmeme, but the writing and story from then on are mine.
Without further ado, enjoy ^^
It was raining.
Why did it always have to rain when horrible things happened?
The young man slumped against the alley wall hated the rain, but he made no effort to move out of it. He instead clung to his jacket, pulling it tighter around himself in hopes it would provide some further protection or warmth. One of the sleeves, however, had been ripped at the seam and now hung open, leaving only a light shirt between he and the elements. Other parts of clothing showed further signs of the extreme wear and tear that could only have been brought on by some kind of violent act. The knee of his jeans, ripped wide open, revealed a bloody gash across pale flesh… Fur trim hung off, ripped clean of its stitching, and trailed in a puddle of dark liquid that could not simply be water…
The lank, damp smell of the alley was punctuated by the pungent, metallic smell of blood, signaling the presence of more than what was visible. The dark clothing seemed to do a good job of hiding it, but it dripped slowly off a pale hand and oozed slowly from the knee wound. The young man had lost track of what wet was water and what wet was blood, both having come in such volume they had melded together both physically and mentally. Only his deathly pale skin and cooling temperature gave a clue to how much had actually flowed.
He shivered, but still made no effort to move from the dismal alleyway. It was not certain if this lack of movement was because he physically could not or simply did not have the drive to carry himself elsewhere after the event that had left him there. He merely sat, back leaning heavily against the cold stone wall as rain soaked through his clothing and dripped through his hair. It left him shivering uncontrollably, half drowned, and in a haze of pain.
Nobody noticed.
People could be heard moving past the alleyway, talking amongst themselves or chattering away on cell phones, but no one stopped to help or even cast a sympathetic look. Whether it was because they simply did not notice or care was a mystery. It could simply have been that it was far too common a scene anymore, and so to keep themselves from being targeted they left others to fend for themselves. No one wanted to fall under the wrath of the people who were responsible for these acts. And so no one stopped for him.
That was until a shape took up the alley's entrance, casting a shadow over the quivering, diminished figure. He looked up, eyes barely open a crack, only to see a terrifying flash of yellow.
So.. short first chapter! More to come!