Chapter 8
Gaara's dream
He didn't know how long he had been wandering, he didn't know how many times he had pictured her face in his mind, he didn't know how many people had become victims that night all he knew was that the sun was rising and he had walked back home.
He stood in front of the door, waiting, lingering. There were many things Gaara didn't know but there was one thing he did know for sure; he had feelings for a Konoha girl he barely knew. Gaara had never known love, no one had ever told him the does and don'ts and no one had ever thought him how to love.
Seconds became minutes and as each minute passed he tried to figure out what to do with himself. He looked down on his hands, dried blood covered them and there was dirt under his nails. He took a deep breath before he opened the door, not a sound to be heard.
Everyone's asleep.
He walked up to his room, closed the door and striped out of his torn, bloody clothes.
The hot water of the shower hit his numb, cold body and he felt his tense muscles relax in the heat. His mind was tired, his body was tired, he was tired.
Never had a bed seemed so inviting to Gaara, he let his body fall down onto the soft madras and crawled under the bed sheets.
He could hear Temari and Kankuro waking up, preparing for school and soon there was a soft knock on the door and he could hear Temaris voice outside.
"Gaara, you coming to school today?"
He stayed quiet.
He was here.
He was nowhere.
He was stuck in-between.
Gaara drifted between dream and consciousness.
Drifting, drifting so far away.
Her eyes were like spears piercing his very existence, he didn't know this woman yet he did. She stood tall, the dead and grey landscape surrounded her. "Gaara…" It was a soft whisper, peaceful and caressing and the voice wasn't his mom.
"Who are you?" He whispered. Nothing but her silence followed.
"Please, what's your name, let me just know your name." The woman tilted her head; a lock of red hair fell across her cheek.
"You know me, Gaara. In your heart you know who I am, you don't need my name to know. I'm the first person you killed, the first person you betrayed and the first person you let down."
"Mother…" He looked at her, of course he knew.
"Look at me Gaara, no one can ever forgive a monster like you, love something as cruel as you. You're not even human!" Her previous beautiful eyes turned into a milky white color and her skin turned to a dusty grey and her veins swelled.
"No… NO!" He shut his eyes, covered his ears and fell down on his knees, tears streaming his dusty face, his face as a small child.
Slowly he opened his eyes and let his hands drop, there in front of him she stood. Like an angel.
"Hinata" Tears of relief now streaked his face.
"Don't listen to her. You are a wonderful person Gaara and there is salvation for anyone who seeks it, there is forgiveness for anyone who wishes it and there is happiness for anyone who persuades it." She looked at him, a small smile on her face.
"All you need to do is make a choice."
"Don't leave me alone, please. Only the nightmares of my mother have kept me company all these years. I need you." Gaara wasn't the type to beg, to whimper but the words left him like she had pulled out them from the depths of his weakness. Her smiled widened.
"Gaara, I love you." She reached out to him and pulled him close. "I'll always be with you, trust me." His urges were strong and as he looked at her face he said; "I love you" and kissed her…
For Gaara, this was the first night in a very, very long time where he had a nice sleep without his usual nightmares.
He dreamt of the love he really wanted, of the happiness he wished to obtain one day.
He was here.
He was nowhere.
He was stuck in-between.
Gaara drifted between dream and consciousness.
Drifting, drifting so far away.
But now he drifted without fear.