Me: I know, it's been a while since I've worked on this story.
Angel: A while? You left me unconsious!
Me: No. That was in the Author's Note for A Change In Time.
Angel: What did you do to Mikey in there anyways?
Mikey: #walks out wearing a frilly pink dress, makeup gone overboard, and a red wig# How much longer do I have to wear this, Yuki?
Yuki: I dunno #shrugs#
Mikey: And why can't I take it off?
Yuki: Because I super glued it on and I have your Justice Force comics held as hostage.
Angel: Yuki ... Why did you have to do this to Mikey?
Leo, Raph, Mikey: O.o
Donnie: Angel, do the disclaimer before Yuki does something drastic.
Angel: #nods# Yuki10 does not own anything TMNT or FMA related. TMNT is owned by Nickelodeon. FMA is owned by Hiromu Arakawa. She only owns this plot. As such "Welcome To My Life" is owned by Simple Plan. 'It's Just You" is owned by LMNT. Both of which are great bands. I reccommend checking them out. For part of the argument between Ryan and I, she got the inspiration from The Lion King. Gramma's prayer was inspired by Mulan. I think I've covered everything now ... #looks towards the turtles# Where's the rope, gag, and or ducttape? Unless you can donate a wrench?
Angel's Story
Chapter 4
7 Years Later ...
"Angel, give it up!"
"NO! I won't!"
"Do it!"
"NO! I don' wanna!"
A thirteen-year-old died-purplette was currently arguing with her older brother. The pinkette was currently wearing a sleeveless light-blue hoodie, red cargo pants with a black belt. She wore purple fingerless gloves and elbow pads on both also wore two black, spiky bracelets on her wrists as well as bandages on each arm. Pink bandages that wound their way up her arms ending at her upper right arm and her left elbow. What caused this current display of sibling love? No one but these two would know. Ryan was wearing a dark-green t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of tan boots.
"Angel, give it up! They're gone! They're not coming back!"
"You think I don't know that, doofus? I just want to honor their deaths is all!"
"Why should we? They never gave a crap about us, so why should we care about them?"
"Stop talking about them that way!" Angel raised her voice at her older brother with tears brimming at the edge of her eyes just bursting to overflow onto her cheeks.
"I'll talk about them however the hell I want to, Angel!"
"Stop being an idiot, Ryan!" She tried to sell her point one more time.
"If anyone's an idiot, it's gonna be you, Angel." He retorted which shocked her.
"W – Wha?"
"It's you who won't give up on Mom and Dad."
"Because they're our parents! Why shouldn't I care about them?"
"Because they abandoned us!" Ryan yelled
Angel gasped softly. That hurt. That really hurt.
"Excuse me" She walked over to the stairs.
"Don't you dare turn your back on me, Angel!"
"Oh no, Brother. Maybe you shouldn't turn your back on me." Angel called back over her shoulder.
"Is that supposed to be a damn challenge?" He asked
Angel turned around and glared down at him from her spot at the top of the stairs. "No. Just merely a warning. Remember who have here to be thankful for. If not for her then we would either be on the streets or in custody as wards of the state. Remember that." With that note she went into her room and slammed her door shut.
"Ryan, you are wrong to treat your sister that way. You are both your own individuals with wonderful opinions on things. You are not only friends but much more than that. You are siblings. Family. Can you not treat her as an enemy?" Gramma told her 19-year-old grandson.
"But Gramma! How can I be nice if she's being so difficult!"
"Ryan James Samuels! Don't you dare raise your voice at me, young man!" Gramma popped her grandson on the head with her old maroon colored cane that had a silver dragon face on top. The dragon face had a sapphire gem in its mouth keeping it said that it reminded her of the old stories of the Dragons Land where Dragons wandered free. Free to roam, fre to fly, free to be wherever and whoever they wanted to be. Gramma said that the face of this dragon was supposed to be a replica of the Great Red Dragon. Angel always thought that this cane was the coolest thing that she'd ever seen.
"Now what have you learned?" Gramma asked as she lowered her cane back to the floor and held the dragon-faced topper in her leather-like, old hands.
"Not to be a stupid-head" Ryan mumbled under his breath
"What was that?" Gramma raised an eyebrow at her young grandson
"Not to raise my voice at you, Gramma" Ryan said boredly.
"Good. Now apologize to your sister." Gramma ordered.
"Wha? Bu - But Gramma - "Ryan complained again
"No 'buts' about it. Now go!" Gramma ordered him much like a parent would.
"Yes Gramma" He groaned.
"Oh and Ryan?" She asked
"Yes Gramma?" He replied
"Be nice to your sister!" He winced then complied to her wish.
"Yes Gramma. I will."
"Good boy."
Ryan headed upstairs to his baby sister's room. On the front of her tan wooden door were the words
Angel's Room
Keep Out Ryan!
Ryan could hear some music coming from behind the door accompanied by his sister's singing.
"Nobody ever lied straight to your face
Nobody ever stabbed you in the back
You might think that I'm happy
But I'm not gonna be okay!
Everybody always got you what you wanted
Never had to work to get what's always there
You don't know what it's like
What it's like!"
Ryan opened the door quietly and watched his baby sister sing her heart out with her eyes closed. Standing, just standing in the middle of her pale blue room that had the ceiling painting black with glow-in-the-dark stars on it. On her walls were posters of bands, dragons, and drawings that she drew. Drawings that she claimed were from dreams. Dreams of princes, princesses, knights and dragons. Angel had a small closet in one wall and next to said closet was her maroon dresser with the opposite wall was her tan-with-pale-pink flowers twin bed. It had two fluffy red pillows, a Beauty and the Beast comforter, and her dark-green stuffed turtle named Shelly. The only thing she had left of their old home. Maybe that was why she refused to give it up to the Garbageman.
"To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
Feeling like you've been pushed around
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
What it's like!
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked whenyou're down
Feeling like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life"
"Well done, Angel." Ryan spoke up as he clapped softly, "You were slightly off-key in places but otherwise very good."
"How would you know? You don't even like music," Angel crossed her arms over her chest as the next song on her mixed CD came on. Tearin' Up My Heart by N*SYNC, to be exact. "What did you want anyways?"
Ryan sighed, "Angel, I never said I didn't like music. I just don't very much like to listen to music."
"You sound like a grouchy old man when you talk like that. All because music reminds you of Mom and Dad."
"And you sound like a spoiled little brat with a parent complex," He smirked, "Hey waitasec. Wh're you calling grouchy?"
"It's better to have music than to be angry all the time! And by the way you're the grouchy old tiger who can't even keep a steady girlfriend cuz he's too incompetent to understand how to love."
"I'm not a grouchy old ... wait. What?"
"I'm not gonna repeat it. Either you understand it or you don't."
"Angel ... It's not like that," Ryan sighed, "Those girls. They don't get me. None of them do. They just want me so they can screw themselves senseless."
"And you go along with it ... why?"
"Cuz ... it feels good."
"You're a sick perv, ya know? I mean whenever you're not angry and that's basically all the time."
"I'm not angry all the time" Ryan told her, struggling to keep his voice even.
Angel walked over to her bed and picked up Shelly to hold in her arms. "Why did you even come here for? If you just came in here to yell at me, then you can just leave."
"I'm sorry" He mumbled
"What was that?"
"I'm sorry" He said a bit louder
"Still can't hear you" She sang
"I'm sorry, Angel! I'm sorry for the way I was acting towards you. I'm soory for not respecting your wishes. I'm just ... really sorry, lil' Sis." He told her and then he saw a rare sight. Angel was smiling.
"That's all I wanted to hear," She told him as she set Shelly on her bed, "I just wanted to hear that. Anyways I'm going out tonight."
"Does it matter?"
"Yes. Now tell me where."
"Some girls at school told me about this cool gang. Tonight's my initiation."
"What gang?"
"The Purple Dragons. After tonight, I'm gonna wear my dragon with pride! And then we'll be able to have some extra money. We can live in a nicer place. We can get some things that we really want." Angel smiled
"Angel, don't do it." He warned her
"Why? Is it too awesome for you?"
"No! That gang's a bad influence. You shouldn't join."
"Why? Is it not good eniugh for you? Am I not good enough for you?"
"Yes! No ..."
Angel glared at him, "Get out. Now."
"LEAVE! Get out of my room now!" Angel yelled
"Don't you yell AT ME!"
"GET OUT!" Angel pushed him towards the door.
"You coulda just told me," Ryan said softly.
"What the hell do you think I was fucking yelling about, jerkface," she glared up at her older brother, "Now get out."
"Fine, fine. But you're not the only one who's going out tonight."
"Who're you screwing tonight? Amy?"
"Naw! It's a hottie named Kitty."
"Kitty huh?"
"Yeah, she's a total babe!"
Angel sighed, "That's what you said 'bout the last one but whatever. I'm not the one who's completely fucking myself up just to screw some girl senseless. Have fun, Jerk!" With that last word she slammed her bedroom door in Ryan's face.
"Angel! Open up this door, you little bitch! Open up! NOW!" He yelled through the door as he pounded his fists against it. Then there was a loud WHACK! and a "OW! Gramma ... What the hell was that for?" Another loud whack was heard.
"Do not speak to your sister in such a tone and watch your language, young man! You are not so old that I cannot bend you over my knee like a toddler."
Angel giggled at the thought of her older brother being spanked. She walked over to her window and looked out of it. She gazed up at the night sky filled with all of its tiny twinkling lights. She smiled and then frowned as her discussion with Ryan came to mind. He was really cursing her out in the beginning. All because she wanted to honor their parents' deaths. Was it wrong of her to want to do that? According to him, apparently it was. She didn't ask for much. A family that cared for her, friends to like her, and to one day find someone who loves her for just being herself. Out of her family, only her Gramma really cared for her. Angel didn't have many friends, if any, so she doesn't have anyone outside of her family that cares for her. Except for her neighbor, Casey Jones. He was a cool guy that she could go to whenever her brother really pissed her off. But other than him, she had no one. And as for the love thing ... she's only 13 for crying out loud! She's aloud to dream about something like that!
Angel then turned her head to face her clock that was on the wall to the left of her. It was a black and grey raccoon-shaped clock. It read 9:38 P.M.
Her eyes widened considerably. "Shit! I'm gonna be late! And that store's halfway cross town. How am I gonna get there in time?"
You can do the things
That can't be done
You can win the fights
That can't be won
Angel was freaking out as she pulled her hair up into pigtails and grabbed her black combat boots.
When you're on a mission
You see it through
''cause this savin' the world thing
Is what you do
She yanked open her door as she pulled on her boots while half-hopping down the stairs.
That's the way it has to be
It just comes so naturally
Of course once she manages to have them on, she ends up missing a stair and falls on the floor that was 3 feet away.
It's just you
Doin' the immposible, it's you
You're practically unstoppable, it's you
"Ow ..." She mumbled
You're totally ontoppable
It's you, it's you, it's you
"I am ... OKAY!" She grinned as she hopped up onto her feet
You're Kim Possible
"I'm going out! See ya later, Grams!" Angel called over her shoulder as she darted out the front door.
"Angel, wait!" Gramma cried out trying to stop her but she was too late. She stood on the front porch and watched where Angel ran off to. Instead of yelling after her grandchild, like so many others would have, she settled for a prayer instead. "Ancestors, watch over Angel. Keep her safe. Bring my Angel back to me before it's too late."