Chapter 11

I was on my way back to my room later that night with a million thoughts racing through my head. The main one was how I was going to sleep with my mind so overloaded. I pushed the door to my room open and jumped back when a figure blocked the entry way. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding when I saw it was only Six.

"Coming back a little late." He said flatly. I pushed past him ignoring the comment and hoping he would leave. I made my way over to my bed and sank onto it. "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation-" he tried a different approach.

"You mean you couldn't help but spy. What do you think? I'm gonna hurt him or something?" Six didn't answer. His face was expressionless. And I snapped. "What is it going to take to prove to everyone that I'm not that person anymore?"

"You can start with telling the truth. Rex deserves to know." His words were like a slap to the face.

"He can't. If he knew he would see me as some monster. Like you do." I growled.

"If you don't tell him, I will." Six warned. And with that he turned and walked out the door. I was left to debate which way would be easier to lose someone I'd come to care so much about.

The next morning came but not soon enough. I'd paced my room the entire night. Finally, sick of going over the same speech for the millionth time and shooting it down again and again, I turned on the tv hoping to take my mind off things. The news was on and I was about ready to change the channel when a picture flashed across the screen. I could swear my heart stopped in that moment as I stared at the face looking back at me. I knew that man. In fact I knew more about him that I bet his own mother did. And that's because I spent the better half of a year stalking him to pay him back for what he did. I knew his routines inside out and backwards. And yet somehow he still managed to escape when I tore the town apart looking for him and his gang.

I stood slowly and made my way to the door. The news hadn't given me exact whereabouts of Jace. But it didn't need to, I had enough information. I already knew where to find him. The irony of everything suddenly hit me. I guess Rex would know after all. And Six had been right, deep down I was still the monster I was the day I murdered and entire town.

I brushed past every one, each step faster than the last til eventually I found myself running, despite my still wounded leg and injured arm. There was no stopping me. I had made up my mind. Jace Ramos would die but not before I made sure he regretted everything he'd done to Rei.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" next thing I knew I was being pulled backwards. I twisted out of Rex's grip and backed away from him.

"Just out. I need to clear my head. I'll be back later." I mumbled and tried to walk away.

"Maybe I should come with you. You know just-"

"No, Rex. Please, just leave me alone!" And with that I raced out of Providence.

It didn't take me long to get to Jace's little hideout. I had hijacked a vehicle from Providence to make travel quicker. My heart began to beat faster, adrenaline raced through my veins and every part of me that had ever tried to deny this monster crumbled as the beast broke free. I let my mind wander back to that night, let my heart feel the rage and pain it had been tormented with for so long. I saw Rei, his lifeless body, the pool of blood, the bruises and gashes and how I knew they had tortured him. My blood began to boil. I kicked in the door to the little cottage Jace had been using as his new hide away.

"What the hell man? Can't you ever-" Jace started to say before he appeared in the doorway. His eyes went wide in both fear and shock. He took off down the narrow hallway but didn't make it far. The last coherent thing I remember was watching blood spatter the walls.

After my mind had cleared I found myself sitting outside Jace's house. I was coated head to toe in his blood but thought it best to not go back inside. In fact I couldn't bring myself to move at all. I just sat staring into the distance. An hour passed an I heard the roar of a helicopter overhead. I looked up to find a Providence issue helicopter getting ready to land a few yards away. Of course the first person out was Six the second however I had been hoping would not be there. Rex trotted along behind Six until and spotted me and broke out into a full run.

"Kaycee! Are you ok?" I seemed to be hearing those words a lot lately. I nodded.

"It's not her you need to be worried about." Six said as he motioned for the other Providence agents to search the house.

"What are you talking about? She's covered in blood, Six, look at her!"

"Perhaps she should explain where it came from. It's not hers."

"He's right Rex." I said before Rex opened his mouth to spout off again.


"I said Six is right." I spoke more firmly now. "This blood isn't mine. It belongs to the man I killed. Jace Ramos. And his isn't the only blood forever stained on my hands." Rex only stared at me, his mouth gaping open. "I've done terrible things. I'm not the person you think I am. Six was right. I'm a monster. I killed women and children. Hell, I wiped out an entire town to exact revenge for one person. That man in there took what was most precious to me. He killed my best friend. Since I couldn't find him I made him suffer the same way I did. I killed everyone he knew. Now I've ended his pain." Rex backed away from me the look in his eyes told me he saw me as not only a monster but the most vile creature imaginable.

Six nodded to someone and an agent placed escorted me to the helicopter. I was taken back to Providence as a prisoner, escorted in like a prisoner, and thrown back into a dark cell like a prisoner. Only this time there would be no rescue, I would never see Rex or daylight again.