Naruto: Mystery Inc.
A small girl runs through a forest. A loud howl is heard behind her. She pants as she quickens her pace. The sounds of running is heard behind her. A tree is heard falling over, followed by another.
She glances behind her, only to see blood red eyes watching her from the bushes. She lets out a scream as she continues to run. She turns her head as another noise is heard, completely missing a fallen limb and small hill in front of her. She trips over it and tumbles down the small hill.
Slowly opening her her eye's, she looks around. Not seeing anything, she lets out a shuttering sigh of relief. She crawls back into a standing position. Ignoring the pain in her leg, she starts running again. Intent on telling her parents what she saw.
Chapter 1: Curse of the Werewolf Part. 1
At a large airport, four friends and a large brown dog, stand next to a van with Mystery Inc. written on the side.
An airplane flying close by, causes the dog to yelp and leap into Shaggy's arms.
"Like... calm down scoob." Shaggy says as he puts Scooby back down.
"Sorry, Raggy." Scooby managed to say.
"What can you tell us about this boy?" Velma asks as she wipes her glasses off. "Your not dating... are you?"
Fred quickly looks towards Daphne. "That's not true... is it Daphne?"
"We are just friends!" Daphne lets out in a huff. For now at least.
Velma lets out a smile. "Sure you are..." She then notices a plane landing on the runway. "Looks like he's here."
"Come on... don't want to keep him waiting." Daphne said as she runs toward the airport entrance just as the morning sun starts to brighten the day.
Once inside, the four friends plus dog enter and begin looking around. The airport stores finally start to open, and the people sleeping on the chairs begin to stir.
"Daphne... you still haven't told us anything about this boy." Velma said.
Daphne shakes her head and sighs. "We met when my family went on vacation to Japan. His family owns a martial arts dojo." She lets out a dreamy sigh. "We bumped into each other one day and got to talking. I was sooo surprised he knew English. After that... he introduced me to his family... even though it was supposed to be a family vacation... I spent more time with him. He was the one who taught me Martial Arts and Japanese. But... he's more of a scholar than a fighter. A month ago when I left for Japan... I was spending time with him... I even went to a festival with him dressed in a Kimono." She then turns to Shaggy. "Oh, yeah... he can also out eat Shaggy which is an amazing feat."
"Woah... sound's like my kind of person." Shaggy exclaims as he turns to Scooby. "Right, Scoob?"
"Rep!" Scooby let's out as they reach a terminal with people stampeding out.
"Sorry about keeping him a secret from you guys." Daphne said while looking for a familiar face. "So that's why I decided... to invite him to join us as we travel around and solve mysteries."
"Thought you said he was just a friend... that date at the festival sounded kinda romantic." Velma stated with a sly smile.
"It... it was a friendly date." Daphne stuttered. Just then, a young man around 17 walks through the crowd. He wears an orange and black jacket that's unzipped, revealing a black t-shirt underneath and a gorgeous necklace hanging loose. And a pair of blue jeans.
The young man spots Daphne and walks over to her. His duffle bag slung over his shoulder.
Daphne and the gang spots him and she smiles brightly.
The young man smiles as he approaches the gang. "Hey, Daph! Looking beautiful as usual."
Daphne blushes a bit, then looks around. "Where's Kyuubi? I wanted Scooby to meet him."
The man scratches the back of his head. "He's staying with my little sister... he's very protective of her."
Daphne nods then looks back at her friends and mentally slaps her self. "Oh yeah... guys this is Naruto Uzumaki." She then points to her friends. "Naruto... meet my friends... Velma."
Velma pushes up her glasses and smiles. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Fred." Daphne introduced.
Fred throws out his hand and Naruto shakes it. "Nice to meet you."
"And of course... Shaggy and Scooby." Daphne said.
"Rello'..." Scooby greeted walking over to Naruto and sniffs. A fox like smell wafts through his nose, causing him to tilt his head. Naruto takes this time to pat him on the head.
"Hey, man." Shaggy said as he shakes hands with Naruto.
A question then pops into Velma's head. "Wait a minute... a while back we went to Japan to solve a mystery. We didn't see you."
Naruto raises an eyebrow. "You didn't tell them?" Daphne turns her head with a nervous chuckle. "Anyway... me and my family went on vacation in the mountains... it was just bad timing that we missed each other."
"So, in order to make up for missing him. I invited him to join us." Daphne said as she turns toward her friends. "So is it alright?"
The gang look to each other and back to Daphne and Naruto.
"Like we said before... any friend of yours... is a friend of ours." Fred said with a thumbs up and a glint in his teeth. Naruto's eyes widen as he remembers a certain duo that comes to the dojo everyday.
Shaggy and Scooby both nod their heads rapidly. "The more, the merrier."
"Rep!" Suddenly Scooby and Shaggy freeze as a heavenly scent flows through their nose.
Velma shakes her head as Shaggy and Scooby rush toward a noodle stand that was put up for the Japanese tourists. Daphne puts her hand to her mouth to stop a laughas she spots Naruto using all his will to stop himself from joining Shaggy and Scooby in ravishing the food of the gods.
Daphne lets out a small giggle. "Alright... he can tell you all about himself later... right now I believe we're all hungry."
After eating lunch that included Naruto, Shaggy and Scooby having a contest, which resulted in Shaggy winning by a hair and Scooby and Naruto pouting, while Fred and Velma looked on in awe and Daphne giggling.
After that, they got to know each other better. With Naruto telling Shaggy about the foods his mother can cook, about Kyuubi and of course Naruto's other friends that stop by the dojo on occasion.
Now we find the gang in the Mystery Machine traveling down the road. Night starting to settle in. Daphne leans on the window, eye's drooping. Fred behind the wheel. Velma sitting in the middle of them, on her laptop. Typing away. And of course, Shaggy, Naruto and Scooby in the back making a stack of sandwiches. The stack starts to lean like the Tower of Piza.
Scooby admires his stack, then looks at Shaggy's stack. A sparkle appears in his eyes. "Raggy... Look!" He pointed on the other side. Shaggy quickly turns his head. As soon as his head turns, Scooby gobbles up the sandwich's, along with his own. Shaggy looks back, only to see his sandwitch gone and Scooby leaning back with a large stomach, which Scooby pats, followed by a large belch.
"Like, not fair Scoob!" Shaggy complained.
Naruto lets out a laugh as he eats his own stack. He then leans back and lets out a belch that matches Scooby's.
Velma suddenly pipes up, causing Daphne to jump. "Guys!" Naruto, Shaggy and Scooby poke their heads over her shoulders. "I checked out the local news and I think I found a mystery." She pauses as she pulls up a picture. A small fishing village pops up. "Cat Flank village?" Velma shakes her head. "It's a village that makes a profit selling fish... some of the fish are even rare and dangerous... says here, a wolf-like creature has been scaring off the town folks."
Fred gives them a smile. "Well, gang... looks like we have a mystery on our hands."
Naruto nods and shares a smile with Daphne.
To Be Continued...
Another creation from my strange mind. And since I'm a huge Scooby-Doo fan, I decided to write this.
Not much of a first chapter, but first chapters are hardly every any good. Right?
I had this story sitting around, so I posted it. Otherwise I would've forgotten about it, since i'm very forgetful. So... Should I continue?