Sensual Inclination

A/N: This means neglect for my other fics, yay! ...Nah jokes. I don't know where this came from and I have no idea what's going to happen in future chapters or even the next one, but I hope it goes well. Thanks for clicking on this :D

Just a small note to those who are reading my other fics (or awaiting that one-shot), I'm really sorry~I know I should be updating them instead of making a new one, but I had this huge urge to publish this! D: I promise (maybe?) that I won't make any more long-shot fics until one or two of the others are finished! Please forgive me if this plot seems a bit cliche or something, but I really hope it's going to be worth the read.

Sorry, that was just me rambling on about something...

Summary: As a task set by Reborn, Tsuna and his 6 guardians must live under one roof and support themselves without relating to the mafia. Though, living with crazed pervs isn't an easy task. 4YL/all27/eventual A!Reborn.

Warning: OOC-ness here and there. BL (or Yaoi if you would like to call it) in future chapters. Rated T for cussing and other things in later chapters. UN-BETA'D!

DISCLAIMER: Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn belongs to Akira Amano-san! (This is the first and last time I'm doing this for this fic).

Chapter I: After graduation

"Finally," a brunet haired male said softly, stretching his arms above his head, "I finally get a one month break!" relaxing his arms, he smiled in content and flopped backwards onto his bed.

A suit wearing infant with his fedora tipped low hopped onto the bed next to the brunet. "That doesn't mean you'll be slacking off." the 'infant' said with a playful voice and a smirk, kicking the side of the others' head.

"Mou, Reborn." the brunet whined, pouting. "I finally graduated - I deserve a break at the least!"

Reborn sighed, "Do you want me to send you back, Dame-Tsuna?" he asked, almost threateningly.

"N-no, o-of course not!" Tsuna said hastily, smiling sheepishly as he abruptly sat up with two hands in front of his face defensively.

Sawada Tsunayoshi, an 18 year old high school graduate. With autumn brown unruly spiked hair and glimmering honey brown orbs, Tsuna, as he was known, was the most beautiful person you would come across. Despite being a male, his angelic appearance lingered more over to the feminine side. Though he was blessed with perfection in beauty, he was a total klutz and wasn't entirely good in most academic areas. But that only added onto his 'cute factor'. During his younger years, he was often teased, bullied and molested for being too cute and 'useless'. Even during middle school it still came along with him, however, around the end of his second year in middle school, he began to change drastically - this included his looks as well as his actions and personality. Then finally, when he entered high school, those he never met before, those he knew from middle school and even those who used to bully, tease and molest him admired him like an idol. Though, this only made the number of troublesome events occur more frequently.

Reborn, Tsuna's home tutor, who literally lived with him and often slept in the same bed when he felt like it, tutored and 'trained' Tsuna as the tenth generation mafia boss. Yes, a mafia boss despite being so 'innocent'. Reborn was an unforgiving, demonic and one hell of a spartan tutor. However, it was thanks to those aspects that Tsuna managed to graduate a year earlier than most of his classmates along with his two best friends - Yamamoto Takeshi and Gokudera Hayato.

Interrupting his thoughts, the sound of a doorbell resounded through the house.

"I wonder who it is." Tsuna wondered aloud, hopping off his bed, "It's only us two; were you expecting visitors?" he questioned, walking down the stairs as the infant followed behind, only to stop at the top of the steps.

"I called over your guardians." the childish voice replied, making the other spin around.

"Huh, why?" Tsuna asked, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Just open the door," Reborn said, sliding down the railing of the stairs. "-and come to the lounge."

Tsuna nodded curtly, stepping down into the genkan (A genkan is the place in Japanese homes where people take off/put on their shoes) to open the door. Immediately, he was greeted with a warm welcome despite him being the one visited. (Normally, the people visiting are the ones who are welcomed, right?)

"Good afternoon, Juudaime!" Hayato said with a toothy grin, bowing ninety degrees, "Pardon the intrusion." he said to no-one in particular.

"Yo, Tsuna."

"Hey Sawada!"

"Kufufu. You look cute as always, Tsunayoshi-kun." Mukuro greeted, a sly grin appearing on his face.

To make a long story short - Tsuna had freed Mukuro from the Vendice two years ago by striking a deal and promising he would take responsibilities for Mukuro's actions and faults. Adding to that, Mukuro started becoming quite fond of Tsuna and promised not to do anything that would sadden him. Of course for the fact that he was a major pervert that liked to get in the way of relationships.

"Come in, Reborn's expecting us in the lounge." the brunet said with a brief smile, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall next to him. Nana should be home soon.

Just as Mukuro came in, Tsuna lifted a hand to close the door, but stopped when he realised someone was missing. "Huh, what ab-"

At that very moment, Hibari strode in without a word, though, he shot Tsuna a curt glance. "Hello, Hibari-san."

"Hn." he slipped out of his black shoes and walked towards the lounge where he was greeted by Reborn. The only reason he gave a damn to come was because Reborn made a 'small' deal with him.

Tsuna closed the door and smiled to himself. Hibari was already 20, the oldest out of all the guardians, and he worked as the CEO for his fathers' business company. Of course this shocked everyone including him, but for some strange reason, it made him feel warm inside that Hibari was actually giving up time to spend time with them. Well, sort of.

"Sit down." Reborn ordered, sitting on his own tiny chair on the coffee table. He turned to Tsuna to speak, but suddenly the sound of the door opening disturbed him.

"Whoops, I forgot the lock the door." Tsuna said, smiling sheepishly as he curtly excused himself to see whoever it was. "Oh, Kaa-san. Welcome back!" he welcomed his mother, grabbing a few shopping bags for her.

"Oh Tsu-kun," Nana giggled, "You're such a gentleman!" though Nana was always greeted like this once Tsuna started changing, she couldn't help but giggle.

Tsuna laughed nervously, as he walked into the lounge to get to the kitchen. Followed by Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta.

"Ara, hello everyone!" Nana greeted, smiling like there was no tomorrow at Tsuna's 'friends'. "Oh, I better go make some tea and snacks!"

"Anyway, the reason why I gathered everyone is because I have a task for you seven. Including Lambo." Reborn started, getting their attention.

"Task?" Tsuna repeated, tilting his head to the side as he took a seat on the floor in front of Reborn, crossed-legged like a child. His guardians behind him couldn't help but think 'certain' thoughts.

"Why so suddenly?"

"Let me finish before you start questioning me. If you have a question, raise your hand like a good boy." the infant said, threatening Tsuna with his leon-gun. "Continuing on, it's a direct order from the ninth." he continued, taking out a letter with an orange flame at the top.

"Due to circumstances that are involved in the mafia business, knowing how to support yourselves without relating to the mafia is necessary."

Tsuna cocked his head to the side again, in confusion. "I-I don't get that."

"I told you to raise your hand." Reborn said, cocking his gun towards Tsuna's forehead. He smirked as he saw his student visibly pale and stiffen, raising both hands in front of his face defensively.

"S-sorry Reborn, d-don't shoot me!" he said rather hastily, smiling sheepishly at his demon tutor. Raising a hand as Reborn said, he spoke when the other remained silent. "W-what do you mean support ourselves without relating to the mafia? Isn't that what we do everyday?"

"Technically, no." Reborn started, pausing as Nana came into the lounge to serve tea along with snacks. As she left to start dinner in the kitchen, he continued.

"Tsuna, you can't go through an entire week without being attacked at least once. Adding to that, using dying will flames or going into HDW mode is not what a normal citizen would do. Moreover, have knowledge of it. If there was a situation where you would have to act like a clueless citizen for a period of time for your family or your own safety, you would eventually lose knowledge of how to do something that simple due to your constant relation to the mafia."(*)

Everyone remained silent for a few seconds, trying to think of a good question or reply to counter that. Tsuna blinked twice before interrupting the silence."H-huh?"

Reborn sighed, taking a sip of his tea. "You were and always will be dame-Tsuna." Tsuna glared, though, it looked more like a pout.

"Then, what's the task, Reborn-san?" Hayato asked, curious about what kind of task would relate to this topic.

Smirking at the thought of the task, the infant set down his small cup back onto the saucer and showed his playful smirk. Tsuna backed away slightly, not liking the look. "R-Reborn?"

"You seven must live together and support yourselves without the help of anyone but each other." he paused, waiting for their reactions.

Takeshi was the first to speak, "Live together?" he sounded confused. Hayato growled, thinking of nothing but 'damn muscle headed idiot.'

"Yeah." since he was feeling generous today, Reborn continued on. "This includes doing normal household chores, grocery shopping and taking care of everything whilst fitting in the requirements for everyday expenses and college."

Three gaped, one smirked and one other glared at the smirking infant.

"Kufufu. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to play your little games, arcobaleno." Mukuro suddenly said, standing up with his trident in hand, as usual. Straight after, Hibari stood up, still glaring. Without a word, he proceeded to head out of the lounge. That is, until they were interrupted by a bullet in the wall right next to them.

"Wait." Reborn said, sounding rather demanding. As the two turned around to face the infant, he mouthed something to the two, catching their attention.

As Reborn closed his mouth with a kitty-smile, Mukuro and Hibari sat back down. "I guess I have some time to spare." the illusionist said, staring intently at Tsuna, who had turned around.

"I wonder what Reborn told them..." the brunet wondered, not exactly quite sure what Reborn had mouthed to the other two. "Reborn, have you even gotten kaa-san's permission on this?" he asked, glancing back at his mother who was humming happily.

"Ah, mama!" Reborn called out, making the majority of the people sitting in the room sweat-drop animatedly.

Nana, who was wearing a light pink apron, was carrying an empty tray to the cupboard, but stopped at the door-less kitchen doorway when she heard Reborn's high-pitched voice. With a smile, she went into the lounge to answer Reborn and collect the empty tea cups.

"Yes, what is it, Reborn-kun?"

"Tsuna wants to live alone with everyone else here so they can experience a path to adulthood." Reborn said casually, smirking at the sight of his comically stoned student.

The guardians and Tsuna included, after knowing Nana for so long, usually knew the expected reaction from her, but this was a whole different matter. She loved Tsuna to bits, as he was her only son, and they didn't expect her to let go of him so easily. Though, they managed another sweat-drop when she did answer.

Nana's face brightened up, as she held both hands on her cheeks like a delighted high-school girl, "Maa, that's wonderful! My precious Tsu-kun has grown up so much!" she exclaimed happily, walking over to sweep up her son in a tight hug.

"K-kaa-san..." Tsuna squeaked, his head resting comfortably on her chest. He felt a rib crack, literally.

"I trust you'll be taking care of him, Reborn-kun?" Nana asked, letting go of Tsuna and picking up the tray again. "Everyone else as well?" she smiled, turning to smile at the other five boys in her lounge room.

Everyone including Reborn, replied back enthusiastically. Well, mostly everyone. As Nana left, Reborn continued on. Again.

"Then since everything's settled, I need all of you to meet at the front here at 10am with your luggage." he concluded, hopping off his chair. "Everyone dismissed." he said playfully, exiting the lounge without heeding Tsuna's complaints.

Slumping down back onto the floor as Reborn ignored him and left, he let out a deep sigh and looked up to his guardians/friends with a small smile.

"At least I'll be with you guys!" he said happily, gladly accepting Hayato's hand to be pulled up as he shot the five of them a warm, radiating smile.

They told themselves it was just the weather that made their cheeks rise pink with heat.

"You can stay over for dinner if you want!" the brunet said, before excusing himself to the bathroom. Hayato and Takeshi accepted the offer, Ryohei declined saying that Kyoko was waiting for him at home and as expected, Mukuro and Hibari declined and left.

However, before anyone moved, they all exchanged 'certain' looks. Two of them glaring instead. The atmosphere would've turned tense if it wasn't for Tsuna who had come back from his quick trip to the loo. Reborn, who was secretly looking at them from the kitchen, pulled his fedora down, letting a deep smirk play on his lips.

Let the fun begin.

A/N: My first chapters are always short. Ahem. About the pairings, I haven't decided yet. SO, if you want your favourite pairing to be the main in this fic, I suggest you go and vote (the poll on my profile). Oh, but don't worry, since Haya-chan and Yama-chan are like totally made for each other, 8059 is a definite main pairing!

(*) - I had to come up with a random reason why they have to live together. I came up with it on the spot so it's weird, but that's all I can think of right now.

I accept feedback (reviews) -heart- Until the next chapter, ciao ciao!