Pairings: Remus/Sirius, James/Lily
Rating/Warnings: Sexual situations, language, descriptions of violent acts/deaths
Notes: Magical AU written for the Marauder Big Bang at Livejournal. This is complete and will be posted in 10 parts. If you'd like to read the whole story at once, please see my profile for a link to my LJ page. From there, you can find the post leading to the Marauder Big Bang. Thank you to my beta and inspiration, dogsunderfoot for her help and support, and to brighty18 for going above and beyond the call of duty to get this fest back on track.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all characters, places, objects, ideas, and related material are the property of JK Rowling and her various publishing entities. Neither the author, the artists, nor the marauderbigbang are in any way making a monetary profit from this posting.

Perfect Strangers

The strobe lights sent rainbow-coloured flashes of light flickering across Sirius Black's sweat-slicked skin. The deep bass pulsing through the floor was resonating through his entire body, flesh tingling and muscles energised. It was hot in the Muggle club; the scent of sex and sweat and booze filling the air as the mass of dancing bodies gyrated as one. An elbow dug into Sirius' ribs and, as he moved in time with the fast beat of the synthesized drums, his hip bumped against his dance partner's. He grinned at the other man; the smile enthusiastically returned.

They were pressed close, so close Sirius could feel the heat of the other man's body through their thin cotton shirts, could feel the rub of his erection against his own answering hardness through the heavy denim of their jeans. His breathing - already heavy from exertion and anticipation – hastened as the friction tightened the knot of arousal in his gut, and Sirius could feel the reciprocal rise and fall of his partner's respiration against his chest. Blood pounded in his ears, dulling the steady thumpthumpthump of the music.

Sirius licked his dry lips and boldly reached out, spreading his fingers very deliberately over the jut of the other man's hip. He squeezed enquiringly, and the man responded by grinding their groins together, his hand coming up to clutch at the front of Sirius' red t-shirt. Sirius moaned, the rush of sensation making him dizzy with lust. Without another moment of hesitation, Sirius reached around the other man to clutch at his arse. He met with no resistance, and the other man took the opportunity to slide his thigh between Sirius', rocking rhythmically against Sirius' own pumping hips. Sirius' head fell forward, braced against a hard shoulder as his partner's arms came up around his neck to hold him close. They moved with an erotic elegance, acutely aware of every single inch of their over-stimulated bodies.

'Fuck,' Sirius grunted, closing his eyes as their cocks dragged deliciously together, sending spikes of pleasure sparking along the length of his spine. His hands curled around the other man's arse, fitting his palms along the curve where buttock met thigh.

'Yes,' his partner hissed into Sirius' ear, lips brushing against the shell before Sirius felt the wet stroke of a tongue against his lobe. 'Please.'

Sirius shuddered as lust surged hot and hard through him. His fingers clenched convulsively around the tight flesh in his hands, and he turned his head to nip sharply at the long column of the other man's neck.

'Come on then,' Sirius muttered into his partner's throat, flicking his tongue over the warmth of the pounding pulse point he discovered there.

He slid a hand along the bony protrusions in the centre of the other man's back, following the bumpy path to his nape. Sirius lifted his head and pulled back, his body screaming a complaint at the loss of heat. He smiled seductively, licking his lips again, and was pleased when the other man's eyes followed his tongue's every move.

'Let's go.'

Sirius put gentle, but insistent pressure on the other man's neck, encouraging him to follow. His smile widened when the man came along eagerly, his arms stretching to seize the hem of Sirius' shirt, tugging Sirius back towards him so their bodies were once again touching. Sirius groaned as already sensitized nerve-endings buzzed at the contact. He tangled his fingers into the man's light-brown hair before dragging him in for their first kiss.

Sirius' head span and he clenched his hand tightly around fine strands of hair. They wasted no time on niceties, mouths greedily devouring, tongues sweeping across lips and teeth. It was hot and dirty and all-consuming, Sirius barely aware that he was moving as they stumbled off the dance floor and into a darkened corridor at the back of the club. Sirius' lips bit at the other man's – he'd been wanting to see that mouth all red and swollen from the moment he saw him through the writhing throng – and his cock swelled impossibly when the resultant moan went directly to his balls.

He found himself with his back against the wall, pinned by the man's long, lithe body. Hands were shoving under his shirt, sliding over his stomach. The calloused touch made him quiver, and a breath juddered from his lungs. Gods, he loved this! The thrill of a new partner, the mindless rush of pure lust without the complication of emotion... He needed to get out more often.

Sirius' shirt bunched under his arms and suddenly the other man was on his knees, his open mouth forging a searing path across Sirius' abdomen. 'You are so fucking sexy,' the kneeling man muttered, his hands already working Sirius' button fly open. 'Wanted to do this as soon as I saw you.'

Sirius' knees buckled a little and his fingers scrabbled at the rough wall behind him as he tried to regain equilibrium. The backs of the man's fingers brushed over the now-exposed shaft, and Sirius swore, letting his head fall back against the wall with a clunk. As his cock sprang completely free, Sirius heard a litany of groans and whispered instructions drifting up from the other end of the corridor. He turned his head, watching in a lust-blown daze as two men fucked vigorously just five feet from where he was about to get a blow job. He looked past the screwing couple and saw other men in varying stages of copulation. A tiny moan escaped as he watched the others then he hissed and thrust his hips forward as wet heat surrounded the head of his dick.

He looked down, huffing out a little laugh when he saw his partner's quizzical expression. 'Sorry. Distracted,' he managed, and the other man released his cock with a pop.

'Not while I'm sucking your cock, mate,' he retorted before he dove back in, sucking Sirius down to the root without any warning.

Sirius cried out, reaching out and tangling his fingers in the silky hair as his cock was expertly worked over. His breath came in short, erratic pants as he rocked his hips, encouraged by the other man's muffled moans. He let his hand fall from the man's hair to his face, dragging his thumb over those soft lips as they stretched around his cock. The man looked up at him, and there was enough light from the bar that Sirius could see the amusement stirring in those gorgeous eyes.

Sirius canted his hips sharply, a grin flashing across his own face when the other man gagged slightly. He was paid back with a light scrape of teeth along his length then he laughed breathlessly when the man covered his teeth just in time to avoid the sensitive crown. A talented tongue toyed with his glans, and Sirius could feel his orgasm burning through his veins. A rush of overwhelming ecstasy surged violently through him and, before he could try and hold it back, Sirius was shuddering his way through his release, gripping the back of the stranger's head as he spilled hot pulses of come down the welcoming throat.

Sirius collapsed against the wall, only the presence of the other man's steadying hand on his hip keeping him upright. He blinked, watching in a haze as the blue-eyed man rose and swiftly unzipped his trousers.

'You gonna help with this?' he asked, his voice hoarse as his fingers closed around his erection.

Sirius felt a renewed jolt of desire at the knowledge that the man's sexy rasp had been a result of sucking his cock, and he grabbed the other man's shirt, pulling him in fast for a messy snog as he reversed their positions. Reaching down, he batted the other man's hand away, wrapping his own fingers around the throbbing, pre-come slicked shaft.

'Won't be... ah... long...' the man whispered against Sirius' mouth, biting down on his bottom lip and making Sirius yelp. 'Oh, yeah... Fuck, faster.'

Sirius' hand picked up pace and it was only seconds before the man was keening, thick ejaculate spurting in ribbons all over Sirius' wrist and fingers. He slowed now, still pumping the softening cock until the man made a noise of objection and wrapped his hand around Sirius' wrist to stop him. 'Shit, stop now,' he gasped then he exhaled contentedly. 'I needed that. I really should do this more often.'

Sirius laughed and planted a wet, sucking kiss on his neck. 'I was just thinking the same,' he mumbled, worrying the delicate skin under the man's chin with his teeth.

The man chuckled again then jerked his head away when the teasing nibble became a bruising bite. Sirius grinned at him then wiped his soiled hand off on the man's shirt. 'Do I get to know your name?' he asked, smile broadening when the man pulled a face at the sticky stain.

'Do you care?' he retorted, and Sirius shrugged.

'Not particularly,' he admitted, pushing himself away from the man and quickly re-buttoning his fly. 'Thanks for that.'

The man snorted, tugging his zipper into place then he looked directly into Sirius' eyes. 'No problem,' he said wryly, a sardonic smile playing about his lips. 'Might see you in here again sometime.'

He gave Sirius a wink then headed back towards the dance floor. He stopped just short of the end of the corridor, staring for a long moment at the half-dressed snogging couple against the wall before he continued out to the club. Sirius watched him go, smoothing his clean hand over his hair.

'Yeah,' he said, tucking his shirt in and eyeing the now-naked couple himself as he passed them. 'Maybe.'

'Don't fuss, Harry!' Lily Potter said impatiently, brushing the four-year-old's hands away from his head. She dragged a comb through his unruly dark locks one final time then sighed when he made a high-pitched noise of protest. 'Fine! I give up. Go.'

Harry whooped and ran out the front door, nearly barreling one of his honorary uncles over as he did.

'Whoa!' Peter Pettigrew yelped, calling a goodbye after Harry who waved distractedly at him. 'What's his hurry?'

'He's off to his lessons,' Lily said with a despondent little moue. 'I still can't believe he's old enough to be learning elementary magic and control...'

Peter smiled and slung an arm around her shoulders, giving her a quick squeeze before he held out his hands to help her up. 'You could do with the rest,' he said as he pulled the heavily pregnant woman to her feet. 'He's such a handful, and in your condition...'

'I'm pregnant, Pete,' she said in the tone of one who had grown tired of repeating herself. 'Not ill. I can look after my son.'

Peter opened his mouth to defend himself, but James Potter beat him to it. 'I don't think Peter suggested any such thing,' he said soothingly, shooting Peter a sympathetic look. 'But he is a Healer, and he is right. Your back has been hurting all day. You need more rest, and Harry just never stops.'

'Wonder where he got that from,' Lily muttered then glared at James when he tried to help her to the stairs. 'James! I'm fine. Just go and take Harry to his lessons before he's late.'


All three turned at the sound of the voice, Lily making an exasperated noise.

'I found this playing in the dirt outside,' Sirius Black said with a grin. He glanced down at a giggling Harry who he was holding upside down. 'Does it belong to anyone here?'

'Oh, for Merlin's sake,' Lily snapped, hurrying across the room faster than her bulk would suggest possible. 'Look at the state of you, Harry James Potter.'

'She's middle-naming you, Harry,' Sirius said, staring wide-eyed at the bespectacled boy in his arms. 'You're in big trouble.'

'Yes, he is,' Lily agreed as Sirius flipped Harry the right way up and planted his feet on the ground. 'Why would you go rolling about on the ground when...?'

She gasped and her eyes bulged as she looked down at her distended stomach. 'Oh, Gods,' she whispered, turning a panicked gaze to her husband. 'James...'

James leaped to her side, sliding a hand over her tightening stomach protectively as Lily whimpered from the pain of the sudden contraction. 'It's too early, isn't it?' he whispered, horrified. 'It's too early.'

Peter gently pushed James out of the way, taking his place beside Lily as he pulled his wand from his pocket. 'James, go and get the Emergency Portkey and Lily's hospital bag. Lily...' He looked up at the woman and smiled his reassuring 'It's okay. I'm a Healer' smile. 'Lily, it's alright. It is a little early, but it's fine. Let me check your vitals, okay?'

Lily nodded, gripping Peter's hand gratefully as he expertly performed several tests. Yellow and pink clouds swirled around Lily and, after a few minutes, Peter nodded. 'She's fine,' he smiled, patting Lily's belly fondly. 'She's just like her brother - impatient as hell.'

'No cursing around the baby... oh, no!' Lily gasped, holding her stomach. 'Another one.'

Sirius shifted from foot to foot, feeling absolutely useless. 'What can I do?' he asked, gripping Harry's shoulders a little too tightly. The little boy complained loudly and wriggled out of his godfather's grasp. 'Give me something to do.'

'Take Harry to Molly's and let his tutor know what's happened,' James said as he entered the room at a run. 'And pick him up this afternoon for us. Please?'

Sirius nodded quickly, wincing when Lily doubled over and howled in pain. 'I'll just... take him right now,' he said, paling when Lily broke her own rules and swore loudly. He scooped a puzzled Harry up into his arms and backed towards the door. 'Um... good luck...'

A turn of phrase that made him blush followed him out of the house and he shook his head. 'Your mum kisses you with that mouth?' he muttered to Harry, who frowned in confusion.

'Yes?' he answered innocently.

Sirius laughed then grimaced when another loud screech filled the air. 'Right,' he said, giving Harry a hug. 'Mummy's going to St Mungo's to have your baby sister and you, my man, are going to go and learn how to turn her hair purple one day. Let's go to school, yeah?'

Harry looked over his shoulder at the house, a little frown creasing his brow. Sirius smiled at him. 'Your mum will be fine,' he reassured Harry. 'You can tell your teacher all about how you heard mummy swear. Maybe you can teach some of the other kids those new words?'

Harry brightened at the thought of mischief – he was definitely his father's son – and nodded. Sirius smiled then, with an overly dramatic twirl, he Apparated them away.

Remus Lupin checked his watch. 'Molly?' he called, leaning back in his chair so he could see into the house.

Molly Weasley appeared in the hall, peering through the dimness of the house to the porch where Remus sat. 'Are they misbehaving already?' she asked in exasperation.

Remus quickly shook his head, glancing at the six red heads sitting angelically on the ground in front of him. 'No, not yet,' he said with a wink at Fred Weasley (or was that George?). 'No, I was just wondering if you'd heard anything from the Potters? Harry's late.'

'No, dear,' she said, wiping her floury hands on a dish towel as she bustled towards the front door. 'Perhaps Lily isn't feeling well?'

'Mm,' murmured Remus, gnawing at his bottom lip and throwing a distracted smile at little Ginny, who was hiding behind her mother's skirts.

He had planned this lesson around Harry's interest in the Muggle car Arthur Weasley had hidden – very badly – in the back shed and didn't want to continue without him. He'd grown fond of inquisitive little Harry over the last two months. Remus had held reservations about taking on the role of tutor for the young Weasley children when his friend, Arthur, first approached him, but the man's desperate pleas for Remus to teach his children magical restraint, plus the promise of free food and lodgings, lured him in. And when Lily Potter had visited and, after watching Remus in action with the rambunctious Weasley twins, practically begged Remus to take on Harry as well, offering cash as an inducement when he balked... How could a broke werewolf turn down the chance to be comfortable for a change?

He shifted in his chair, his bones aching as the pull of the full moon grew stronger. It was only a few days until the change and Remus' body was feeling the strain. He'd planned less active lessons on either side of the transformation, but his all-nighter at a Muggle club earlier this week had thrown his body out of whack, and he was paying for his delicious, but foolhardy, transgression.

Remus smiled to himself. Oh, but that mystery man had been a wonderful distraction from the upcoming change. Remus stared out over the unkempt yard, letting his thoughts drift back to that night, then he gasped as, with a quiet pop, the man in his memory took corporeal form. He blinked – once, twice, three times – then glanced at Molly to see if she could see what had to be an apparition. His mouth fell open when she not only seemed to see it, but she rushed out of the house to greet it with a warm hug.

'Sirius!' she said joyfully. 'It's been ages since you visited. And you've got Harry. Does this mean...?'

The dark-haired man smiled and nodded, tickling Harry's ribs. 'It means Harry will have a sister by the end of the day,' he said, and Remus gasped softly as that familiar voice oozed like melted chocolate over his senses. Memories of that voice, of that night, slammed into Remus and, overwhelmed by his visceral reaction, he closed his eyes, positive that this was some kind of hallucination.


Harry flung his chubby arms around Remus' neck, and he cracked open one eye to stare at that dark, disheveled head. This felt real, but if Harry was real then so was...

'Remus, this is Harry's godfather, Sirius Black,' Molly said enthusiastically, linking arms with Sirius as she tugged him insistently towards the porch. 'Sirius, this is Remus Lupin. My saviour.'

Remus managed a sickly sort of smile at Molly's introduction then reluctantly raised his gaze to meet the narrowed grey eyes that were peering intently at him.

'Remus...' the man called Sirius murmured, eyeing him thoughtfully. 'Do I...? I know you, don't I?'

'I... I don't think so,' Remus muttered, holding out his hand for Sirius to shake. 'Nice to meet you.'

Sirius frowned, but took his hand. As soon as the warm fingers wrapped around Remus', he was swamped with heat, his blood boiling and redirecting itself to his groin. Sirius' eyes widened and Remus felt the other man's thumb ghost over a callous on the side of Remus' forefinger.

'Oh...' Sirius breathed, his eyes lowering to Remus' throat, searching – Remus guessed – for the bruise his worrying teeth had raised while they were both still shivering in the aftermath of their orgasms.

Instinctively, Remus tugged his hand free and brought it to his throat – practically a confirmation.

'It – um – it's nice to meet you, too,' Sirius said quietly, intrigue laced through the words, 'Remus Lupin.'

Remus inhaled sharply at the sound of that deep, melodious voice uttering his name then pulled himself together when he heard the children giggling behind him. He nodded curtly then looked down at a still-clinging Harry.

'Would you like to have a drive in a real car today?' he asked, thankful he'd had to learn to drive for a previous job when he saw Harry's face light up like the sun. 'Alright then. Come on, you lot.'

He stood, letting Harry slip his small hand inside his larger one, then half-turned towards the other man. 'Give Lily my best wishes,' he said to Sirius, not quite looking at the other man.

'I'll do that,' Sirius said. Then, as Remus ushered the excited children away, he called, 'And I'll be seeing you this afternoon when I pick up Harry... Remus Lupin.'

Remus felt his cock twitch once again and mouthed, 'Fuck,' to himself as he shooed the children into the shed and shut the door firmly behind them.