Mac's POV
I couldn't believe I almost died. Lindsay, Don and I were investigating a murder and I spotted drops of blood, so Don and I go and check it out, lindsay went back outside, I don't know what for. Don and I stop to where the blood trail leaves us, I climb a ladder and see a bag, once I open it there it was, a bomb, my eyes widen with horror as I quickly climb back down and tell don that there's a bomb. I radio lindsay telling her the building has a bomb to move everybody away from the street. Don and I run down to every floor evacuating everyone in sight til we stop on one floor which a young man there with head phones, as soon as he sees us Don shouts,
"HEY GET OUT OF HERE!" and before I knew it the explosion was heard send all 3 of us flying. When I wake up I have debris all over me, as I feel no pain to myself I quickly move it and go in search of Don. As I got up I spot the young man that is now trapped with us. I ask if he's hurt and he replies no and moves himself before anything else collapses.
"Don!" I shout looking for him until I see him there lying motionless.
"Don! I shout again as I run to his body only to find a whole in his stomach, and losing lots of blood, for a moment I get a flashback back to my days in the war, and I lost a soldier, but I was damed if I was gonna lose don, so I ask for the young man for his shoe lace and quickly tie it around his wound to make him stop bleeding. Next thing I know I hear banging and I hear danny voice.
"Maaccc!" as he runs up and rescues us. Next I know Don is being rushed to hospital while EMS works on my neck which had a cut due to the explosion. I start talking to Stella who starts explaining to me what is done and for a moment I get upset, and I apologize.
"I'm sorry, its just that don, " I start to speak as the EMS, starts to take off my shirt which was now drenched in my blood showing off my chest for a few moments and I suddenly feel my skin on fire. I feel a pair of eyes glare at me. But not in a bad way, she keeps on staring as the EMS keeps tending to my neck and she glares at my old war scar, she looks at it with a worried look on her face.
"Its an old war injury." I tell her
"Right- well I um, i'll get back to the lab to - to um see what I can find that triggered off the bomb." She replies
"Stell you ok?" I ask her noticing her somewhat tense posture, and see her nervousness. I mean is it me? It can't be she never talks like that what I'm around her, can it be her reaction to seeing my body? Is she shy? I don't know what it is but ever since my shirt was ripped off me and exposed my chest to her she for some reason started to act strange. Do I turn her on? I mean for a man my age I'm not that out of shape, does she have feelings for me the way I have for her. I'll find out for myself later
"Yea, I'm fine, just with the bombing, I mean Lindsay hurt her head a bit when the explosion threw her a few feet away, don is in the hospital and well you, I um, I'm fine mac, I'm gonna be at the lab."
"Stella?" I question her again
"I'm just glad you're ok. I - I have to go mac." She says as she rushed out
I have to find out for sure why she's acting so weird. But how? Ah, I know I'll go over to her house later tonight, and ask if she can help re- bandage me. Oh who am I kidding, she has a no men policy, she won't let me stay. {Ask he to come to your place} my brain shouts at me, yea, i'll call her and ask her to come over, that I need help with the bandage. Uhhhh she'll never fall for it. {Yes she will, she cares about you} my brain quickly reminds me.
"I just need to know!" I said to myself as I get back up and put on a shirt that I was given and head back to the crime lab.