Hi all, this is my first TMNT fan fic, so please be honest, but merciful.
Anyway, I guess you could call this the result of watching the 2007 movie WAY to many times and wonder how the heck nobody realized Raph was the Nightwatcher. Oh and the fact that I think the movie was completely unfair to Don.
So, please read and review!
Disclaimer: As much as I love it, I will never *sob* own the awesomeness that is TMNT.
I know your secret.
I know why you're always so tired
I know why you're never here anymore.
I've known for a while now.
But, to be honest, I should have figured it out a lot sooner.
Why? Because it was so obvious…
Suddenly, you were gone and he was here.
Chasing down criminals.
Stopping robberies.
Breaking up gangs.
He was a regular hero.
I found out months ago.
It was raining, don't you remember?
I'd just wanted to get away, to escape for a while.
I wish I'd just stayed at home.
There he was, fighting some gang, a real vigilante.
Then, something clicked
I recognized the moves, the witty banter, the way he carried himself.
You didn't even need to take off the helmet.
That just confirmed it.
Really Raph, do you think I'm stupid?
That I wouldn't realize it?
My brother, the Nightwatcher.
You were disobeying Sensei's direct orders.
You were risking your neck every single night.
Mikey looks up to him, you know.
Thinks he's a real-life superhero.
Just like in his comics.
I wonder if he'd think that if he knew.
If he knew the same hero he idolizes is the same person who snubbed him at dinner, who told him to shut up.
But what do I know.
I'm just quiet, passive Donnie.
The brother who refuses to fight.
The brother who couldn't lead to save his life.
The brother who's trying so hard to hold this damn family together.
Don't you think I care?
When you come in at three in the morning, nursing some wound.
Expecting me to patch you up without question.
Which, of course, I do.
That's my job isn't it?
Donnie fixes things.
You never look at me; try to avoid my concerned gaze.
There's no emotion in that face, only the occasional wince as I stitch you up yet again.
Do you think I'm so caught up in my job that I can't see how far gone this family is?
What a god-awful job I'm doing as leader?
Yes, I admit it. Are you happy now?
I'm a terrible leader.
A regular screw up.
Isn't that what you've been saying all along?
After all, I'm no Leo.
That's why I need you.
Damn it Raph! I need you!
Don't you know that?
Your family needs you!
Sometimes I wonder if you even care.
Is chasing criminals really so important?
Or are you just running away?
Tell me Raph!
Where does the Nightwatcher end, and my brother begin?
I've known for months now.
The knowledge burns inside me.
Whenever Sensei asks me where you are.
Whenever Mikey asks me why you're never here.
Because I know, but I won't tell.
I'm silent.
Because it's not my secret to tell.
I only hope that I'll never have to face a day when my big brother leaves one night and never comes back.