I, Reira, present my first ever crossover to Harry Potter.


Cherry Dragon


(Takes place in sixth year)

Summary: Draco Malfoy, a new Death Eater is taken on the pressure of his mission: Assassinate Albus Dumbledore. Sakura, a student of the slytherin household, could see everything he was going through. Will she be able to help him?

"Hogwarts," Draco said with distaste, "Never thought I would continue to attend a pathetic excuse for a school. I guess next year I would just have to waste my time in Charms class." He heard the laughter of his friend, Blaise erupt. "Laugh it up." His eyes immediately darted to the a girl that was walking down the aisle. He narrowed his eyes as she sat in the next row of seats next to him. She was facing him.

He remebered her from their last five years and you know something, he knew nothing about her. She was the one that his father favorited him in marrying. Blaise looked over at her then back at him. "That's Sakura Haruno, she's in the same year as us. I expected you not to know her because she keeps to herself but don't take her lightly. It is said that she murdered her whole family at the age of five by just uttering the killing curse, no wand." Draco raised his brow in interest.

"No wand? Is that even possible?"

"It quite is. The Ministry of Magic keeps close tabs on her because they are suspicious of her of being a death eater and having a relation with Voldemort," Blaise didn't at all seem fazed by saying his name out loud. He ignored all the questioning, suspicious glances he received. "But all in all, she's a very talented and gifted witch, she would be higher then that mudblood, Granger if her potion making was a inch higher. She doesn't need a wand to cast spells, she can create her own charms and spells and also...she's a parsel mouth." Draco's eyes slightly widen then he turned his gaze back at Sakura.

The only known parsel mouth he knew of was Potter, but his ability was gone after the rise of Voldemort. Her unnatural strawberry blonde hair looked almost pink, her skin was a pale as snow. Her eyes were emerald, bright but held a emotion that made him want to stay away. She wore the regular uniform for a slytherin female; black Mary Janes, black knee-high socks, a short black mini skirt that stopped at mid-thigh, she wore a long sleeve oxford shirt, she had a few buttons undone that showed off her very nice developed chest and a sleeveless v-neck black sweater that bared the slytherin insignia.

Her hair was pulled up into a high-ponytail that went to her waist. He could only imagine how really long her hair was let down. Her face held a innocent, serene look that all of what Blaise just told him would seem like a lie. This girl was too small and delicate to look as if she could kill her whole family. Steely eyes met emerald.

They held the gaze for several moments before she blinked and smiled, sweetly, which confused him. She put a finger to her lips and utter a chant. Just as she finished the chant, something started to form over her finger. He stared as something silver formed, when it finished it took on the figure as a regular leaf. It slowly started to spin on her finger, showing the light that reflected off of it.

She pulled her finger away from her lips and opened her hand, where it followed every motion she did. She slowly brought her lips to the silver leaf and kissed it and blew it over to him, it flew gently over to him and stopped in front of his face. In each spin of the leaf, he saw a reflection of himself. He brought his hand up and clutched it in his palm, he opened it back up to find it was gone. He looked back over to her, to see she was staring back out the window.

He looked in front of him, Blaise and Pansy didn't seem to have caught what just happened. He looked back down at his hand.


Draco watched as people walked off he train, he stayed behind because he was very sure of himself that his arch rival, Harry Potter was above him, using his invisibility cloak. "Draco? You coming?" Pansy said. He shook his head, "No, go on. I need to check something." She nodded her head and turned away, walking off the train. He didn't want no type of audience when he confronted him but...He looked up to see that the girl was still sitting there.

He wanted to tell her to hurry up and get out but he didn't want her to expect something was up. Just then, she stood up and walked toward the exit but she did exactly the opposite on what he wanted; she closed the door and pulled down the shade, closing the rest of the shade of the train.

"I didn't expect you to be a eavesdropper, Potter." She said turning around looking up at the rack that carried the bags. Before they knew it, Harry threw off his cloak.

"Petrificus Totalus!" She whispered loudly. He immediately froze and fell from the rack. Draco had quickly gotten up and moved out the way. He stared amazed. Blaise was right, she could conjure a spell without a wand. She stared down at the petrified Harry. She walked toward him, "I'm sorry. Stupify!" With that he passed out. She looked up at Draco, she nodded her head and turned and walked away. Draco looked down and looked back up.

He stepped over him and caught up with her. Once he got off the train, he saw her at the end. He quickly apparated in front of her, making her stop. She looked up. "Is there a problem, Malfoy?"

"What was that you gave me, on the train earlier?" She smirked. "It was just a gift. You can summon it yourself if you want." She said before walking past him, she stopped, "Your in slytherin right. Walk with me." Draco flinched away digustingly. Sakura was taken aback, "Fine then." She said continuing her way to the castle.

Draco didn't mean to react like that, it was a force of habit when people tried to get closer to him. He really did need to work on that. He sighed, "Wait! I'm sorry. I'll walk with you." He called out. She turned, a smile was gracing her mouth.

They walked together and he became curious, "So, how do you do it?" She turned to him and gave him a questioning stare, "How do I do what?"

"Magic. Without a wand." She chuckled. "You should know this, Malfoy. The power is in you, not the wand. You can think of the wand as an instrument to focus the power at the proper point and in the proper shape. You just need to be focus and discipline." He heard that before, 'the power is in you, not the wand', he already tried to do magic without Hawthorn but it didn't work.

"So do you have a wand?"

"Of course I do, conjuring spells mentally tires me," She reached over to her side and pulled out hers. Her wand was white; Ivory. "What is it made of?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I found it and it started following me, the first time I picked it up, it felt like me and this wand was connected." She said putting away her wand.


"I welcome, returning or new students, to another excellent year at Hogwarts." Draco looked down the table and saw her. She was currently being ambushed by a group of slytherin boys, from first years to seventh years were flirting with her. "What is so special about that pink-haired freak?" He heard Pansy whispered to her friend Daphne Greengrass. "I know, what is so attractive about a murderer?" Draco smiled slightly, because of the irony. He was technically a murderer.

"Maybe because she'd not snobby and annoying and she's beautiful." Goyle said quietly but both girls heard him and threw an apple at him. "Beautiful?" Draco said to himself. He continued to stare at her, she was beautiful. He'd wonder why he didn't notice it earlier, she was an classic beauty, one that you didn't see to often. "I think Draco thinks the same." Blaise said, taking notice on how the way he was staring at her. Draco quickly looked away once he saw her eyes flicker toward his.

"My Draco would never be caught liking such a shrew." Pansy said. His eyes drifted to Pansy, he narrowed his eyes. "Your the shrew." He said angryly. Blaise looked at him then back at Pansy. Draco stood up, "you can forget about going to the Welcoming dance with me." He said before walking away. They all stared at him in disbelief.

Draco left the Great Hall. He couldn't really believe that he had gotten angry because they were talking about her. What had gotten into him? Was it that silver leaf she had given him? Now that he thought about it, she said he could summon it himself but how? He took out his hand, maybe if he said the same chant she said,"Silvio Sage." He whispered. He gotten the reaction he wanted. The silver leaf slowly appeared. He smirked from his accomplishment.

"I see you you figure it out." He turned and saw her standing there. He arms were crossed and a smirk adorning her face. "You know that was pretty mean back there, Malfoy."

"Well, she gets annoying at times." He didn't want to admit that the only reason he chewed her out like that was because she insulted her. "And you don't have a date for the welcoming dance tomorrow night." Draco turned away from her. "As you know, I have many admirers that wouldn't take up a chance to go with me."

"Okay, me too."

"I can see that." He said on what he just saw. "You've probably already have a date." She shook her head. "No, I do not. That's why I came out here to ask you do you want to go with me." Draco quickly turned to her, shocked. Did she just ask him to the dance. It stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Your awkward silence is making me nervous, Malfoy. Yes or no?" She said raising a brow. He snapped out of his trance. "Ye-yes."

"Okay then, meet me in the slytherin dungeon eight o'clock sharp."


The next day, Draco didn't expect the whole day to go by as fast it did. Classes even Ancient Runes would of been more entertaining than going to some dance. The most part of him saying he wasn't going to the dance with Pansy anymore was because he had to figure out a way to use the Vanishing Cabinet for he could have help in his...assignment. Now he was stuck with a girl that was accused of murdering her family.

And where was she? He looked down at his watch, it was already eight eleven. She told him to be here at eight o'clock. But that didn't apply to her, a small voice said to him. He sighed in irritation, he should have never said 'yes'.

"Malfoy." He turned and literally his jaw dropped. There she was, she wore a red form-fitting v-neck dress. It fitted so perfectly around her curves, her breasts looked luscious. The dress had a slit that went to her mid-thigh, showing her long smooth legs. Her hair cascaded past her bottom and fell in elegant curls and waves. She wore light make-up. She finished it off with red heels.

"What do you think?" She said spinning, showing her full self to him. He blinked then cleared his voice, "You look good." She frowned. "Good? I thought I looked better than good."

"You look...beautiful." He said lended out his arm, "Shall we go?" She smiled then linked her arm with his.

When they arrived at the ball room, Sakura was getting all kinds of looks; envy, lustful, jealousy. She had immediately lend him into the dance floor. He frowned because he hated being the center of attention, there were other people dancing but he knew they drew the most looks. They stopped in the middle and Draco put one hand on her waist and took one hand in his. Sakura put her free hand on his shoulder and when the music started they started moving.

Draco looked up and looked around him and saw most of people in the room were staring at them. "Calm down, Draco. Their just watching." He looked down at her. That was the first time she said his name. She smiled and her eyes glisten brightly in very light lighting in the room. As the song ended, they walked to a table and sat down. "That was fun." She said. He glanced at her, "Are you thirsty?" He asked.

"Butterbeer, please." She said smiling brightly. Draco left her and went to the drinks table. So far this hasn't been a waste of time, he was having fun in a way. "Draco." He turned to see his friend, Blaise, "When were you going to tell me you coming with her?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Come on, man. Are you and her...you know."

"Merlin, no!" He said picking up two butterbeers. "Now excuse me, I need to go back to my date." He said before turning his back to him. Draco didn't feel like being bother by anyone at the moment. As he made his way back to the table they occupied, a group of slytherin girls surrounded her.

"Just leave Draco alone!" He heard Pansy. Sweet Merlin, when was she going to get it through her thick head. He watched as Sakura said something out her mouth, that seemed to anger Pansy. Draco's eyes widen when he saw her slap Sakura. Draco dropped the beer and quickly ran over. "Pansy, I already told you, I don't want anything to deal with you anymore." He walked to Sakura's side and lifted her head for he could see her face. She had a red hand mark on her cheek, because of her pale skin, it was more prominent.

Before he knew it, Sakura snatched her head away and stood up, it startled him so he stumbled back a bit. Draco look at her face and was frightened by her sudden appearance. Her eyes weren't the bright emerald, they were glowing a steely hue, her hair was slowly moving on its on accord. She stared at Pansy with much hate. He saw from the corner of his eye, Pansy back away.

He saw Sakura utter something, he was pretty good at reading lips so he knew exactly what she said. "Crucio!"

Pansy yelled out and collapsed to the ground, spasming. She was yelping out a painful cry. Daphne fell to her side and pulled her into her lap, holding onto her tightly. Draco glanced at Pansy then back at Sakura. She was smirking with sadistic satisfaction as she watch her wither in pain. Draco didn't know what to do, he just stood there and watched.

From behind he saw Snape come from around the corner. He quickly pulled out his wand, "Imperdimenta!" He yelled out.

"Protego!" He saw a small shield form behind Sakura. She stopped the curse on Pansy and turned to Snape. Her eyes turned back to normal and she stared at him with regret. She put down the shield and walked out of the ball room in a hurry. Draco looked over to Pansy, she was passed out. He looked at Snape, he was as shock as him. Draco turned his head back to the disappearing back of Sakura. He ran after her. He didn't know why he was going after her, he was scared at the fact that he even wanted to get near her after what just happened.

He ran down the dark corridors of Hogwarts, following the sounds of her clicking high-heels -he was quite surprised that she could even run in-. He stopped, not hearing her shoes, then he heard quiet sobbing coming from the steps. He followed the sound slowly and came to in front on the staircase. She was holding her leg to her chest, tightly. Her head was buried in the middle. Her sobbing stopped, she looked up; her eyes were back to their emerald color.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Her voice cracked at his name. He flinched away when she called him 'Malfoy'. He didn't know what he wanted from her. "Just seeing if your...okay." He said unsure of himself. The look in her eye disappeared. "Can I trust you?" She asked, giving him a skeptical look. He nodded his head.

"Sit beside me." He nervously walked over and sat down.

"So what was that?" He asked, "Are you part Veela or something?"

"1/4 Veela but they said that that part of me was inactive, I guess I'm special in that too. All my life, I've been described throughout the wizarding world as a talented and beautiful witch and a monster. What happened when I was five was just an accident, I didn't mean to kill them, it was like somebody had cast the Imperius Curse upon me, ever since then everyone was frightened of me and when they found out I was a Parselmouth they thought I was related to Voldemort."

"Are you?" She shook her head. "No. I'm not related to him in anyway shape or form. It hurts me that when people see me they look at me in fear and disgust, and I stick out like a swore thumb because of my hair," She said running a hand through it slowly, letting it created a curtain of pink waves between them, "And you know after that night, after the murders, they didn't even asked me what happened, they thought it was me automatically, cause they heard story of the prodigy child of the Harunos, having enough skills the wipe out a whole city," Draco saw a lone tear fall down her face, "It hurts Draco...it really hurts to know that people don't trust you, that they are scared of you." He heard her sobbing start up again. He didn't know how to comfort people that much but he remember how his mother comforted him.

He wrapped a unsure arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his chest, he rested his chin on top of her head and his other hand behind her head and started stroking her hair gently. "Draco?" He heard her say. He then felt her dainty hand pulled down his arm and pull up his sleeve showing his Death Mark. He quickly covered it up, looking away from her.

"Your a Death Eater. I've seen it, your here to assassinate Dumbledore." Draco looked at her in disbelief, since when did she use Legilimency on him, "Your going through stress that will soon almost drive you insane." His stare harden.

"So, are you going to rat me out?" He said, "If so then I have no choice but to-."

"I will not. I know you will not be able to carry out the mission, Draco. You may have not found this out about yourself, but your a sweet person, your that type of -he's sensitive, people bully him, too, and he feels lonely and hasn't got anybody to talk to, and he's not afraid to show his feelings and cry- kind of guy. And to let you know, I'll be there when you need me." She hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.

She stood up, fixing her dress. She turned to him and smiled, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow in class, "She thought about it for a while, "never mind, they'll probably wonder why I cast one of the Unforgivable Curses on that rude girl in the ballroom." She turned and waved.

Draco stared at her, thinking about on how she had describe him and he had to admit it but...that was exactly how he was.

first chapter is done, finally. Hope you liked it.

Spell Dictionary (Spells that were mentioned)

Petrificus Totalus- Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; the victim will usually fall to the ground.

Stupify- Stuns victim. If used too forcefully, it will put the victim in an unconscious state.

Crucio- Inflicts intense pain on the recipient of the curse.

Imperdimenta-This hex is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally impeding the target's progress towards the caster.

Protego (Shield charm)- The Shield Charm causes minor to moderate jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker.

Imperius curse- Places the subject in a dream-like state, in which he or she is utterly subject to the will of the caster.

~XoxO, Reira~