By My Side Forever

Disclaimer: Gintama and all its characters belong to Hideaki Sorachi

Important/Author Note: This is my first Gintama fanfiction. I'm not sure how things go in the GinKag ship here, but looking at the number of Fanfictions based on this pairing, I'd say we are not very famous eh? So, I'd like to make it very clear right from the beginning, I do not expect any flames for my choice of pairings as its already clear its GinKag.If you don't like, don't read.

Even though I prefer to label this fanfic an 'Alternate Universe', the story is still set in the Gintama Universe, only four years into the future of the current timeline (Yes, Kagura is legal, so don't cyber-kill me for her sexual relations with Gintoki). Unlike the Gintama Universe, my story will have a more serious and less humorous tone to it. Expect a mature, slightly depressing, and an 'in love' Kagura. Gintoki will also be out of character. I'm manipulating the original occurrences and characters from the series (I'm way, way behind the current episodes) to create my own desired storyline. Also note, the Amantos did not have complete control over Edo in this story and the humans were still rebelling against them four years ago. This story will probably be four to five chapters long. Oh, one last thing, ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE, so please ignore my literature mistakes.

Warning: (M) Crude Language in all Chapters; Sexual Themes in Later Chapters; Strictly GinKag; Female Character Bashing; Out of Character; AUish; Older!Kagura

'Kagura's thoughts'


Chapter One

The Only Option Remaining

To Kagura the golden light of the setting sun reflecting on to the flowing river was one of the many beautiful sites she had seen on Earth. The gentle breeze caused the long bladed grass on the slopes to sway almost gracefully and the river to ripple and shimmer.

At that moment her mind was free of the recent turmoil's it had suffered. A turmoil caused by the newly formed multi-party, multi-racial government in Edo and her changing feelings for a certain someone. That moment, however, was gone the next second and Kagura was back to thinking of her uncertain future.

The beautiful and tranquil moment was gone just like everyone else would be, soon. 'No! They won't be the ones to go. I would be leaving everyone and everything behind, all for the sake peace and unity'. Not just her though, there would be hundreds or even thousands of the alien races residing on Earth asked to return to their home planet. Going back to that lonely place was not what she wanted, but that was what the new administration had agreed to, unanimously.

A peace talk between the human delegates and the Amantos had started more than two years ago, and was meant to be nothing but a waste of time. And so no one paid much attention to their undertakings or progress until all was solved and decided, and irrevocable. 'I wonder if things would have been different if people had known of the possibility of such an agreement'. But then again, many humans would be happy to have the Amantos that roamed their precious soil taken away. She could hear many Edo citizens still celebrating even after a week since the announcement.

Her chest constricted, knowing she was one of the many who were not wanted here, an outsider. One of the slogans she had seen lying on the streets was particularly harsh. 'Good Riddens to the Parasites' it had read.

She was 16 then when the reconciliation meetings had started, and the beginning was what all expected. There were many walk-outs, rude comments, and many flying objects intended to harm, but these disagreements seemed to have a positive outcome. It was like a weeding process whereby all the useless, arrogant, and selfish participants were discovered and gotten rid off. Those remaining were knowledgeable, professional, and liberal individuals ready to hear all points of view. Even though quite a number of them had been dismissed from the talks, surprisingly, there were still many high ranked individuals amongst the residual group. It would be these individuals that would change the norm since the great battle so drastically two years later, the present.

Issues such as over population, crime rates, dwindling resources and space were pointed out by the humans while the Amanto representatives raised issues regarding lack of support and collaboration by the humans-together with matters of increasing and persistent rebellion. After many, many, months of talks and plans, the bill that had been crafted for the benefit of many, but definitely not all, had been passed. The bill dictated all aliens not bound to Edo by way of a family relations, business ownership or governmental obligations, were to leave within the next three months. That meant all outsiders who were working for others, lawfully or unlawfully were to be deported. Those individuals, who had started up successful and unquestionable businesses of their own, had married Edo citizens or were working for the current administration would stay. Failure to follow such directives would lead to severe penalty, including imprisonment. Anyone that knew what the prison terms were like would rather die than suffer such horrible confinement.

All the enforcers of the law had been brought together for the sole purpose of organising and implementing the new rules, and these included the Shinsengumi and the Dog Stars (Dog Amantos), amongst others. Apparently, the Dogs were now seeking peace and unity with the very race they had initially sought to conquer and dominate. Their true intentions were still questioned by many, as were the objectives of all those involved in bringing about this change. But the ultimate result, or that what was hoped, seemed correct and logical.

Kagura had received the letter this morning, summon really, to present herself to people who would advice her of the procedures to be followed in regards to her departure from Earth. The 'please see us as soon as possible' had Kagura speeding away to the address enclosed before anyone had woken up and seen it. Before coming to the riverside, she had been closed up into an office with three people asking her various questions that ranged from the duration of her stay in Edo to her current occupation. She, in turn, had asked for all the possible ways she could stay back. Unfortunately, none of the conditions were practicable to her.

There was no way to stay in Edo any longer than two months and three weeks! There was no way for her to stay with her friends...No way to stay by his side, forever!

'I could start a new rebellion' (or join one that had formed straight after the law was announced). But that would be nothing but selfishness on her part as the new law was meant to bring the humans something they have not had for a long time. They would get some semblance of control, freedom and peace back, and the law was made in such a way that anyone questioning or rejecting it would only be seen as self-seeking and corrupt, as that law was as unbiased and generous as it could be for the inferior humans. She would never be able to take that away from them.

Being amongst the humans for more than four years, she could see the changes in her. Apart from the maturity that came with age, she knew she had deviated far away from the expectations of a Yato. She felt more human, had human emotions, and reacted accordingly to such emotions. Yato's were not meant to have attachments to anyone, family or friend. 'Could I at least take Sadaharu with me'? She contemplated. Would it be fair on him to endure the same harsh conditions she had to and would go through in the Yato planet? It had been so long, she didn't even know how things had changed back in her home planet. The possibility of anything improving was extremely low, if not nil. Then, it would be better if he stayed.

She wondered if Gintoki (she had grown out of calling him Gin-chan many months ago and either dubbed him Gin-san or teased him Tokitoki) would forget about her after a few years. His cool and non hesitant dismissal (when her father had come for her) years back had left her insecure, very insecure. So even though he had always been there for her, like he had been for everyone else, Kagura could not help thinking he was only doing it to make up for his inability to protect his comrades during the battle with the Amanto and not because it had anything to do with her as an individual. But she did not resent him for that, she could not; after all, it was not his feelings that had changed but hers. She had started seeing him in a different light and started experiencing unfamiliar emotions for him. There was a combination of things that had led up to it; him spending more time with them at home instead of going out drinking somewhere, being there and talking to her when Shinpachi wasn't present, in the kitchen cooking together, his growing protectiveness of her, and his attention to whatever she wanted to say or do. But all these things had brought about a very gradual change. Her feelings had changed drastically when she had seen him coming out of their shared bathroom with just a towel hanging low around his hips. She had, for the first time, experienced the most peculiar sensation ever. It was as if a vacuum had formed in her stomach, and she could do nothing but stare. He had of course, only looked at her in total puzzlement and what she was staring before snapped her out of whatever she had gotten into by calling out. She had been so curious; it had only made her seek to feel it again and again. To do that, she usually found herself sitting on the sofa in front of the bathroom waiting for Gin-san to finish his shower. Shinpachi had been confused about the new sofa arrangement but she had given him a casual shrug, saying she liked it better this way. Gin-san didn't seem to have a problem with it; he kept on reading his favourite Jump and ignoring them completely.

When she had told Otae-oneechan what she was doing and about her empty but sensitive stomach problem, neechan had been totally horrified upon hearing of the former and slightly hesitant about the latter. Kagura had no idea it was improper for any decent female to do what she had been doing for the past few months. In fact, she had realized she had done quite a few things over the years which could only be deemed 'indecent'. She had just wanted to know what was causing her to have such feeling for Gintoki. Needless to say she had stopped her 'peeping' sessions immediately after their talk, especially when neechan had told her what the sensation resulting from them meant.


Kagura had never felt that emotion before, and because she had been very young when her own mother was alive, and had never met other female Yato, she had no idea what to do about it. When Otae-neechan had asked her how she had felt about Gin-san and whether she liked him, Kagura had not been able to give her a satisfactory answer which would have helped figure out the predicament. Of course she liked Gin-san, she had always liked him. But at that time she did not know what neechan had meant by the term 'like'. It was only recently that her so called desire had become much more tangible, leaving her wanting to touch, feel, and even taste him. 'It must be a Yato thing'.

Kagura did everything to hide such feelings from the ever-alert samurai's in the house. After all, it was improper for a lady to be so forward with a man that did not feel the same way. And she knew he didn't! Neechan had told her she felt that way about Kondo-san, her former persistent-admirer and recently acquired husband, and Kondo-san had felt the same for her. It was all part of the love they had for each other, neechan had told her. Kagura had been silently watching the married couple interacting since then, and came to the conclusion that Gin-san had and would never feel the same way she did.

When she had first heard of the new law put in place for the Amanto in Edo, the fear of being separated from him had made Kagura realise she did not only desired Gintoki Sakata but was in love with him, the love which neechan had defined for her. For the first few days after the announcement she had managed to keep the pain inside and let it grow by the day, but on day three she let all the hurt flow from her eyes unchecked. Kagura still didn't know if she was crying because she would be leaving him or because he did not see her the way she did him, or was it the combination of both.

'Would it be more painful to leave him or to love and live with him knowing he wouldn't love me back'? Kagura didn't know the answer. She knew however, that if given the choice, she would not go back. She would continue living with him, hiding her feelings from him, and let things be the way they had always been.

"Oi, Kagura". A tear dropped from her left eye at hearing his voice. She wiped the offending thing off quickly before turning, not being able to register his following question in her mind. "What are you doing out so late"?

"Hi Gin-san. What are you doing here"? Her automatic response had him raising an eyebrow a fraction. 'He looks nice from this angle'.

Kagura mentally slapped herself as she looked towards his approaching form. It would be better if she didn't dwell on those types of thought anymore; they would only make it harder for her.

"I asked you the same question, and first too", he replied flatly. 'Oh'. He smirked that toe-curling smirk before adding on, "I thought Yatozoku only suffer hair loss at old age, do they also have hearing issues, Kagura-chan"?

That question was a good distraction for it had made her forget everything else and concentrate on launching a shoe at him. He, of course, caught the impromptu weapon before it could do him any damage, chuckling as he plopped himself beside her on the slope. Kagura pouted and turned back to the river as twilight set in. 'Well, it was good to know he wasn't losing any sleep, and he seemed mighty happy teasing me'.

Oh great! Now she was hurting again. Why do people become so sensitive when they fall in love with someone?

"Kagura-", Gin's intonation was interrupted by Kagura as she proceeded to get up.

"It's late, isn't it", Kagura said tiredly. "I'll take the lead home, see ya-".

"Sit down"! Gin commanded as he snagged her wrist to restrain her.

"Owww! Gin, let go".

"Sit DOWN", he repeated more seriously now, knowing perfectly well she wasn't hurt a bit. There was none of his carefree or teasing manner left. In fact, he had never spoken to her in that tone before.

"Fine", Kagura sighed, as she settled back to where she was sitting prior.

"What did they say"?


"Kagura", he stated exasperatedly. "I know where you went today, so don-"

"You already know what they would say", Kagura replied irritably. She wasn't in the mood to repeat the bleak information; it would only make her more depressed. "They were just giving out the possible dates for my de...depar—departure, that's all".

"That's all"? He asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that's all".

There was a lull in their conversation and both were left staring at the river ahead. As she mulled over their conversation, Kagura also wondered what he was thinking about. 'Maybe about his next Jump issue or that kawaii weather girl'. She titled her head at exactly the same time he did and neither of them looked away.

"Do you want to go back"? He asked, as he looked searchingly into her candid cobalt eyes.

If he had known her even a little, he would not be asking her that. He would have known the answer to it already. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to leave after all. She didn't want to, but...

"It doesn't matter what I want. I don't have a choice in the matter".

"It matters".

"Why? You did not ask me that the first time".

"I thought you understood what I was trying to do then, and this time is totally different".

"Things are not totally different. Yes, I did get what you were trying to do then but my wishes were disregarded when I did have some choice in the matter, they were completely overlooked. This time around, whether I want to stay or not doesn't matter. I do not have a choice". She would congratulate herself later for speaking to him so calming even though she was falling apart on the inside.

"But I'm asking you now; do you want to leave"?



"It really doesn't matter, Gin-san. I don't want to talk—"

"Kami Kagura, just fucking tell me. Just say it", his choice of words and the frustration in his voice was so shocking it had left her stunned for a moment before she too, snapped.

"What do you think I want, huh", she asked impatiently. "I, I don't want to go. I don't wanna leave Sadaharu. I don't wanna leave oneechan, or Shinpachi, or Otose-san, or the Yorozuya, or the district, or even Catherine, and...oh heck, not even that homeless man on the street. And I...I don't wanna leave, Gin". His constant prodding was really getting to her. Kagura had no idea why he wanted to know in the first place.

"What are you going to do about it"?


"Kagura-chan, I know your hearing's better than even Sadaharu's so just stop making me repeat myself. It really is annoying, ya know".

"Annoying?Who's the annoying one, Gin-chan"? Her voice was now increasing in decibels. Apparently, they were both pissing each other off quiet successfully. "I just told you I don't have a choice, you are making me repeat my words, baka".

"They told you what options you had if you wanted to stay". He decided to ignore her outburst in favour of making this statement, not a question.

"Those options are not possible".

"The third one is". Kagura gasped audibly at his response. Should she dare acknowledge that little spark, that little spark of hope?

"How did you know"?

Gintoki just shrugged his powerful shoulders and turned to the stars above. "Did you really think I wouldn't do anything", he asked quietly.

"I—didn't...". Kagura was completely lost for words. Her insides were babbling with hope and happiness. At least he had made an effort to know what the possibilities for her to stay here were. No one talked or asked her what she would be doing since the announcement had been made. She had presumed they had all accepted the inevitable. 'I shouldn't have lost faith so easily. He may not feel the same way I do but he does care, just like he does for everyone else'.

"So, what do you think of the third option"?

"Marriage is not an option, Gin-san".

"Why not"?

'Is he stupid or something'?

"It is not just the signing of some legal documents", Kagura stated informingly and unenthusiastically. "All marriages that would be taking place within the three month period would be completely binding. The couple would never be able to end the marriage later, and...", there was a noticeable bush on her pale cheeks now, "...they would have to con—cons—consu—"


"Yes", she snapped. "They would have to con—consummate the marriage straight after their vows and produce a child within two year or give evidence that would show the match is incompatible to reproduce". She understood peace and unity but this was just plain barbaric. "If both of the parties failed to follow the rules of the marriage, the Amanto would be deported and the human would be sent to the 'Hell-hole'", which was another name for the prisons in Edo. "Which human would forsake their freedom or risk their life for me, for an Amanto", she asked with a humourless chuckle.

"I will", Gintoki stated while looking back at her widening and shocked eyes.


"If we get married, you would be able to stay here for as long as you want".


"Kagura? I'm saying for us to get married so you could stay back".

"Ehhhh—mmmph", she near-deafening scream was muffled by the hands Gin had quickly place over her mouth to stop her from getting any louder.

"Ya too loud, my ears would burst if you shout any louder", he said while frowning at her frozen stance. "What is so hard to understand in 'get-married-so-you-could-stay-back', Kagura? Do you want me to write it down for you"? He shook her rather harshly to get her out of her stupor.

"Whah—Why? Why would you want to marry me? Didn't you say you would never marry. You don't even like children".

"I had said those things a long time ago, Kagura. As for the reason for marrying you; didn't you say you wanted to stay? I want you to stay as well. It's only logical for us to marry since we both want the same thing".

Just like a transaction huh?

She was happy to know he wanted her to stay enough to marry her, but could that be fair on him. 'What about his happiness, his precious and treasured bachelors' life, his future, and his chances of being with someone he might...might really want to be with'.

"Don't think too much into it, Kagura".

Could she be selfish enough to take all that away from him? He was still very young to commit to something like this.

"How can I not", she whispered. "It's so, so—".

"You don't want an older man, or you don't want that sort of a relationship wit—"

"That's's not about you being old, which you're not, or not wanting a relationsh—it's just so one sided, Gin".

"It's not", he said unfalteringly.

"Yes, yes it is. I will be getting so much out of this...this arrangement", he had no idea how much or what he would be giving her if they married (And she was definitely not thinking perverted things). "You, on the other hand, would have to give up so much, and gain so little".

"How do you know that", he asked, aggravated tone and frown in place.

"Have you forgotten what the marriage entails", she was not hiding her exasperation either. She knew he was self-sacrificing when it came to helping others but this was just a bit too much. "It's going to be like a REAL marriage. We won't be able to end it for as long as the law stays, we'd have live, ohhh", she exclaimed frustrated. " how Kondo-san and oneechan live". She hoped he understood what she was getting at.

"I know that already, Kagura", he said calmly. "...and I'm ready to do everything the law requires, all that is necessary. If you do not have a problem with it, I don't see why we shouldn't go through it. I have told you before I want you to stay, and not just me, everyone wants that".


"Neither of us had any plans for the future in that direction, right? Let's just go with this and see where it takes us", he said compellingly. "It's unfortunate that we would have to consummate the marriage so soon. I know you would have wanted time to get used to the marriage first, but there's no avoiding it". Was it just her or was Gintoki deliberately speaking in the same tone as the medicine-man who came to the Yorozuya last month, and had ended up talking to them about safe sex instead of his own problem? It was a pity she had been kicked out of the room when he'd gotten to the interesting part. "We can go back to being how we were before, after the first night, then start to build on our marriage, slowly". It seemed he had said all he intended to, and was now completely focused on the dark glittering sky, giving her time to think.

He seemed so very sure of himself and what he was going to do. But then again, he was Sakata Gintoki and he would never do anything that would have such a big impact on his life without thinking it through. He sounded so logical, so realistic and so practical. Even if she was someone that did not love him, she would have agreed readily. He did say he wanted her to stay, so if he was doing so much for her and everyone else, she could get into this one-sided love marriage without guilt. He was asking her to think this the same way he was, maturely and logically, after all.

"If you are sure about this..." she said hesitantly and quietly, "...then, I...ummm...I'd be...I accept your pro—suggestion, Gin-san".

He did not shift his gaze from the sky and she was beginning to wonder if he had already changed his mind. But after a few, nerve-wrecking seconds, he turned his blank crimson orbs at her and nodded. "That's good, Kagura. I knew you'd be reasonable about this. People in Edo get married for lesser reasons than the one we have, and most of them work out fine. We'll be okay, Kagura", he stated confidently. He returned his gaze back to the stars before getting up. "It really is getting late. Your bedtimes long past, Kagura -chan. How about we head back home"? She ignored the bait, preferring to think of just what she had agreed to.

On their way back Kagura had realised she had never seem Gin being as serious, and for so long, as he had been during their conversation. They didn't say anything until they saw the Yorozuya ahead. "Tomorrow, we'd have to make the necessary arrangements and go see the guys at the Foreign Affairs. They'd tell us what all they need from us and how to go about the marriage".

"Hai" Kagura was already nervous at the prospect.

"Everything's going to be okay, so don't worry about it too much, neh Kagura. It will be just like one of those odd jobs we pick up, and just like those jobs, we'll do all we can to make it work and get through it".

"Ha-Hai". So that was how he saw it. Just one of their assignments, a very long term assignment.

She would have to do the same too, no matter how hard it might be. Kagura would have to pretend her feelings were nothing short of plutonic towards Sakata Gintoki.

End Note: There you have it; the first chapter. It's OOC but like I said, I'm manipulating the original plot and characters, and this is FANfiction after all. I would really appreciate reviews before I start writing the next chapter. I will definitely not appreciate any flames. I've already put up all the warnings so no one should complain. There might be plot-holes in regards to the 'new government' subject but I'm not very particular about that part. I just needed to create a situation like the one Kagura finds herself in now. If there are any questions or corrections, review or PM me. I'll only start writing the next chapter once I'm happy with the response (reviews).

All I want is for you to enjoy one of the very few M rated GinKag fanfictions, and of course, reviews ;)

Chapter 2 Preview: A wedding and the obligatory wedding night...Steeeeeamyyyyyy.