Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, sadly ... (;.
A/N: And installment #3 begins!
I can't believe I even made it here! My sincerest thanks to everyone who's ever reviewed a drabble in the previous two installments!
I started out the last two installments with a drabble by Will, and I couldn't resist carrying on the tradition! This one carries slight spoilers about what I know about tonight's episode, 'Grilled Cheesus', from the promo; but just at the end.
To anyone who's never read one of my drabbles before, welcome! I really, really hope you enjoy it!
And to everyone who has, I hope it lives up to the standards I've been trying to set for myself!
Will knows that most of the time, half the kids in Glee can't stand each other.
It was frustrating at first (and sometimes it still is), but he's come to accept that it's an occupational hazard of them being teenagers. They just do not get along. It's a miracle in and of itself, he thinks, that they can come together for a couple hours every week to do something magical like this; he can't expect them to be best friends outside of the choir room.
He doesn't think, however, that it's too much to ask that they come together in a tough time like this and support each other. Because they may throw slushies on each other … and throw each other in dumpsters … and insult each other in the hallways … but they're still a family. They're like siblings who never stop fighting, but they're a family still. And family runs deeper than the social hierarchy, he knows. (Or at least, he hopes.)
And for the most part, he's not disappointed.
He's watched as Rachel swallowed her pride and got up on stage to sing Somebody to Love when they needed her back. (And he's watched her swallow her pride and come back so many times since then, he hardly even worries any more when she does storm out on them all.)
He's watched as Quinn fell pregnant and everyone rallied themselves around her and Finn when they needed the support the most. He's watched as the secret came out and Quinn needed them all to be there for her again. He's stood in a waiting room, watching eight kids sitting restlessly in chair's waiting for their teammate to give birth to her ex-boyfriend's ex-best friend's baby.
And now he's watching as ten kids sit in a different hospital waiting room, Kurt and Mercedes both in with his comatose father. He's watching as Quinn leads the group in prayer, their two resident Jews included. (Sure, Puck looks a little bored … but that's his default setting, and at least he has his eyes closed and his hands connected in the little circle they've created; Rachel, as per her usual, has a focused look on her face, putting as much focus into a religion different than her own as she does everything else.)
It's a terrible situation, and he hates that Kurt's facing this. He hates looking at his student's face and seeing the pain and fear in his eyes. He hates that Kurt has already lost his mother and might lose his father too, no matter how much they all pray.
But he can't deny that he's proud of his kids right now.
[A/N(2): Just BTW, I don't know much about praying but I've heard about prayer circles in passing and I figured it fit because religion is the focus of tonight's episode. I don't have a religion, I don't carry any personal opinion about religion, and - while I don't think I said anything that would - I don't mean to offend anyone with what I write.]
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