Ilana: On DA I promised that if I got a certain number of page-views by a certain time that I would write this, and HERE IT IS! A lemon for WHLN.

Drystan: *hugs Ilana* Have I ever mentioned how much I love you? And your writing abilities? 'CAUSE THIS IS FUKKIN' HOT!

Loralei & Artair: *drooling* Yeah, this is awesome...

Ilana: ^_^ Okkay, well, let's get this started already

Drystan: Ilana does not own Yugioh. It belongs to Kazuki Takahashi.

Artair: WARNING: This is a Yaoi fanfic. there's gonna be loooooooots of foreplay, a lime, and a lemon. No like-y, no read-y.

Yami just stood and watched as Yugi sauntered away toward the bedroom. His lust was been fed with every sway of the smaller teen's smooth lithe hips. However it was his aibou's parting words that really set his blood ablaze.

We're gonna finish whatever it is we started last night.

A shiver of anticipation and excitement went through Yami. Finally. Finally, after pining for his little one for so long, he would be able to be with him. To show the level of love and adoration he had been hiding and suppressing.

And, mind you, restraining from attacking him was a difficult task. This past summer, for example, had been torture for Yami's self restraint. Yugi didn't seem to realize that his shorts were so (blessedly) short, that whenever he even bent over the slightest bit they would reveal a tease of his lovely little bottom. Or how lewd it looked when he ate ice-cream. Dear lord, it was like watching pure porn if you gave the boy a creamsicle.

Yami felt his groin throb at the memory, and decided it was about time he got Yugi his tea and painkillers. He went over to the cupboard and grabbed two mugs from the first shelf. In one he put a pouch of Nana tea leaves and hot water, and in the other black coffee. Yami grabbed the bottle of painkillers, and was about to twist the cap off to take two lovely little pills, when he decided to take the whole bottle upstairs instead.

His aibou would probably be needing it later.


After reaching the top of the stairs, Yugi sprinted to his room, quickly shut the door, and sat on his bed with his knees pulled to his chest and a prime blush on his cheeks. Oh my Ra, I can't believe I just said that. And I can't believe I just tried to strut away. I probably looked so stupid. How embarrassing. Yugi was beating himself up about his last minute attempt at seducing Yami. Yup, you could just add the last 5 minutes to the long list of times Yugi had tried some form of seduction on his dark half (all done at the suggestion of a certain evil little white-haired devil named Ryou).

Whether it be purposely wearing excessively indecent clothing, or eating certain phallic-looking foods in incredibly suggestive ways, the result was the same every time; with Yugi feeling embarrassed and stupid, and Yami still not showing any sign of being tempted. And each time, Yugi felt depressed that he had willingly put himself out there and acted as he had, yet could not get his desired results. He had been contemplating giving up altogether.

But then last night happened.

Who knew all his effort would hold nothing to getting drunk on a random night. Although, it probably wouldn't have meant anything if Ryou hadn't made that embarrassing declaration as he left... Yugi mused chuckling. But I wish I could at least remember something from after my... fourth?...bottle of beer. Yugi touched his lips with the tips of his fingers and his eyelids slid down a bit. "...I can't even remember how we kissed... And it was my first kiss..."

"Really? I wouldn't have realized based on how aggressive you were last night."

Yugi jumped at the voice that broke him from his thoughts, and looked up to see that Yami was leaning against the doorframe holding a tray with two mugs and a bottle of painkillers. Yugi blushed and began to stutter, mortified that he'd actually said that last part out loud. "I- is to say-" His blush darkened with every failed syllable that passed his lips, until he just snapped his mouth shut and hid his head in his arms.

Yami walked over and set the tray on the bedside table. "I'm sorry little one, I thought you knew I was there." he said. He sat down next to Yugi and began rubbing his back in attempt to calm him down. It worked for the most part, as Yugi's body became less tense and he looked up at his darker half.

Yami reached over to the bottle of painkillers on the tray and took out two pills for Yugi. "Here, these should ease your headache." Yugi took the pills, quickly swallowed them, then chased after them with the tea provided by his dark. After drinking a bit more than half of his tea, Yugi placed the mug back on the tray. He took a sideways glance at Yami who was downing his coffee. When the cup was drained he placed it back on the tray next to Yugi's tea, and sat back facing Yugi with a smile Then a thought struck the amethyst eyed boy.

"Y-Yami..." he started, his voice a bit muffled by his pajama sleeve. "I was...wondering... When... When we I...uh" Ugh, this is so embarrassing to ask. He looked away as he finished his question. "W-was I... good?" Yugi turned back to face Yami, and was surprised to see that his darker half was now blushing.

The question caught Yami off guard, and his face blossomed with several shades of red. He coughed in his fist a bit trying to rid himself of his embarrassed state, and the rouge that came with it. He looked back up at Yugi, his cheeks still a bit pink, looked him straight in the eye and replied, "I have never known so much pleasure could be derived from mere kissing, until I had experienced your kiss." Yami gently took hold of Yugi's hand. "I doubt I would ever feel satisfied if it were anyone other than you that I was kissing. I only ever feel optimum happiness when I am in your presence." He brought the hand up to his lips, giving the back of it a light, lingering kiss. "Only you. It has to be you. I love you." he finished in a whisper.

Yugi hadn't realized he was holding his breath until it came out in a gasp. That was certainly better than a simple "yeah, your good." In actuality, the factors that led to their kiss would be seen as over-active hormones and a drunken stupor. However Yami still held Yugi in such high accord and loved him so completely, so strongly, so exclusively.

Yugi felt an overwhelming amount of desire and need bubble inside him. He moved to straddle Yami, and wrapped his arms around his dark's neck. Yami in return shifted himself to the middle of the bed and held his light about the waist, his hands resting on the small of Yugi's back. Yugi sat back a bit to look at the crimson eyed male, eyelids sliding halfway closed over his lust-darkened amethyst orbs.

"Yami..." His voice was soft, but not afraid.

"Yes, my hikari?"

Yugi licked his lips, trying to think of what it was that he wanted to say. He hungered for another kiss from the oh-so delectable man he loved. He yearned for skin to skin contact between him and the crimson eyed beauty that was Yami. He was consumed with desire for the sexual being beneath him. How could he possibly express all of this...

"I want you"

Yugi leaned forward and closed the distance between their lips, tightening his hold on the taller man and entangling his fingers in his hair. Yami returned the kiss with vigor, aiming to make it as sensual and pleasurable for his hikari as possible. He moved one hand up Yugi's shirt and began to massage his sides, moving upward with every rub. Yugi whimpered into the kiss as Yami reached his chest and began rubbing his nipples between two fingers. Deciding that their shirts were too much of a hinderance, Yugi tugged on Yami's tank-top as he slipped his own pajama shirt off. Taking the hint, Yami raised the garment over his head and threw it to the floor. Yugi took a moment to gaze at his dark's perfect torso before pouncing forward and connecting their mouths together again.

Yami traced the crease of Yugi's lips with his tongue, and was almost immediately given entrance. How perfect it all was, to taste his precious hikari. It was like the sweetest nectar, with hints of bitterness from the tea. Yami made sure to leave no crevice unexplored as he moved his tongue around in Yugi's mouth, committing to memory which spots would draw one of those sweet, sweet moans from his little love. He showed the same type of attention to the rest of Yugi's body, caressing Yugi's sides, back, stomach and chest. With their shirts out of the way and both their bare skin against one another's, they could both feel how they affected each other; how they made each other's heart race, how they caused each other's blood to boil.

Breathing became an issue, and they broke from their kiss. But Yami kept his mouth in good use, kissing along Yugi's jaw-line and down his neck. He suckled Yugi's pulse-point then gave it a small nip, causing a hitch in the boy's already erratic breathing. Yugi's arms tightened around Yami and his grip in Yami's hair caused him to pull at it a bit more harshly than he realized. But Yami didn't mind. He wanted Yugi's first sexual experience to be as pleasurable as possible, so any indication that he was achieving that goal, painful or not, was well appreciated. The moans and pants coming from his beloved little one were well worth the pain.

"Ah!" Yugi threw his head back in rapture and let a wanton moan escape his mouth as Yami started to rub Yugi's crotch with one of his legs and licked a path down to Yugi's chest. He took the chance to flip their positions so that Yami now crouched over Yugi. He took one of the boy's nipples in his mouth as he slipped a hand into Yugi's pants and grasped his erection. Yugi's eyes widened at the overstimulation. "Yami! St-stop- ah! If you do that... mmm! M-my pants will get- oh!" Yugi tried futilely to make his Yami halt his ministrations. It felt so good! He knew he was going to come any moment now. However, his warnings brought the opposite effect, as Yami began to rub his member faster and moved his mouth to the other nipple. Yugi couldn't take it anymore. He arched his back as he came with a libidinous cry of the other's name.

The room was quiet for a bit, except for the sound of Yugi trying to catch his breath. Then Yami gave a thoughtful hum. "Hmm, so messy aibou. You're pants are all wet now." Yugi could hear the smirk in his voice. "Th-that's... *huff* your fault. *huff* I told you to *huff* stop." Yugi whined back with halfhearted annoyance. It was hard for him to really be upset with his body still tingling from his orgasm.

Yami gave a small chuckle. "Well, at least it gives me another reason to rid you of your pants." Yugi looked at him for a second before mumbling, "I don't want to be the only one naked..." He sat himself up, using one of his elbows for support, and reached for the waistband of Yami's sweatpants. Yami in turn sat back to give Yugi more room. He looked up a bit nervously, asking Yami for permission with his eyes. He received a nod in response, urging him on, and quickly pulled down the garment to reveal Yami in all his splendor. He stared with excitement and trepidation as Yami pulled the pants off completely, his mind reeling slightly. Yami was big. Would it even fit in Yugi's slight body? And if it did, what would it feel like? Would it hurt, or would it bring as much pleasure, if not more, than what Yami had just done?

Distracted by his pondering, Yugi failed to notice Yami stripping him of his soiled pajama pants and boxers, until they were hooked around his knees. He looked up at Yami's face again, blushing at the solemn expression on the taller's face. As Yami slipped the clothes completely off Yugi's legs, a new set of worries hit the smaller: Was Yami satisfied with what he saw? A new sense of self-consciousness hit Yugi and his body curled up a bit. He felt a hand lightly hold one of his dainty little feet, and looked down to see Yami brush a kiss to the top of his ankle.

"So beautiful, my precious hikari" Yami whisper breathily.

It was as if those words held a spell, and Yugi's fear melted away. Precious. Beautiful. Yugi couldn't understand why Yami put him so high on a pedestal but the dark did anyway, using such intimate words and gestures. Yugi smiled and sat up to give Yami a hug. They both shivered as their members brushed together, turning the innocent gesture into anything but. Feeling that Yami was still hard Yugi blushed, remembering that he was the only one who came. He backed out of the embrace, causing Yami's face to contort in confusion, then reached down to grasp Yami's manhood. A surprised moan left the crimson eyed male, and Yugi felt him twitch in his hand.

"I... I want to make you feel good too" the amethyst eyed boy said. He situated himself in front of the sitting Yami, stroking up and down his long shaft. Then, after a split-second decision, Yugi bent his head down and began to lick Yami, starting from the base and trailing up to the head. Yami's breathing was getting shaky, and came out in low husky moans. Yugi didn't have any particular pattern to what he was doing, but Yami still felt that the boy was brilliant with his tongue. (perhaps those creamsicles weren't such a bad thing after all)

"Ngh!" Yugi suddenly took the head into his mouth and sucked on it lazily. Yami knew his self restraint was fading fast, and that if this went on much longer he might just flip the boy over and pound into him without any preparation. Yami took two of his fingers and sucked on them until they were properly lubricated, then reached over Yugi. Said boy was curious as to what his dark was doing, until he felt a finger prod at his ass. He halted the actions of his mouth to look up at Yami in confusion. Yami saw his bewildered expression and explained, "I'm preparing you for the main event, hikari. I fear that I will loose my senses under your touch and forget to ready you." Yugi blushed crimson. Was he really affecting his dark so much? He wrapped his mouth back around Yami's member, paying closer attention to how it pulsed and twitched. A new confidence bloomed inside of Yugi; I'm the one bringing him to this state, giving him this pleasure.

Yugi tried taking his dark in deeper, eager to please. He hummed around the cock as the finger pushed in and out of his hole. It didn't even seem to hurt as a second joined it, slowly scissoring to stretch the ring of muscles. Then all of a sudden a jolt of white hot pleasure coursed through the small boy, making him accidentally deep-throat Yami. His prostate had been found. Yami hit is a few more times, making Yugi moan and take him in deeper with every press. After Yugi swallowed around him, Yami felt that he would not last long enough for the rest. He quickly pulled Yugi's head away from his member and took several shallow breaths.

Yugi was concerned at how he had been so quickly stopped from his actions, and he was afraid he'd done something wrong. Seeing worry etched in his hikari's expression, Yami cupped Yugi's cheek with one hand and gave him a soft kiss. "You are too good, aibou. I was about to come." Yugi sighed in relief and pitched forward to give Yami another kiss. They broke apart from each other and Yugi laid back down, spreading his legs open. With a smirk he purred, "Mou Hitori No Boku, I need you. Now."

Yami groaned again and aligned his throbbing rock hard erection with Yugi's entrance. Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's back, and Yami pushed forward, slowly sheathing himself in the warmth of his aibou to the very hilt. Oh Ra, he wanted to move, but he knew by the nails digging into his back that Yugi was still adjusting to the intrusion. And it would completely disregard Yami's overall goal, to bring the boy much pleasure as possible, if he did anything so selfish.

Yugi hadn't been particularly sure what he had been expecting being filled to feel like, but this exceeded any expectations. There was pain mind you, but there was also indescribable pleasure, not just physical, but also emotional. Finally. Finally I am really one with Yami. The thought brought tears of joy to his eyes. However Yami saw them and immediately became concerned. "Aibou! Are you alright?" He choked out in panic. "I-If it hurts too much I'll stop, and we ca-" He was cut off from his hysterical ranting by Yugi's lips upon his. Yugi blubbered out laughter and assuaged his beloved Yami's concerns. "I'm so *sniff* happy Yami. I've always *sniff* loved you s-so much *sniff* and now we're... *sniff* we are..." He didn't finish, but instead kissed Yami again, who kissed back happily. Yami felt his own eyes prickle as well as his hikari's mood spread to him as well. The broke from their kiss and just held each other in their arms for a little while.

After a few silent minutes, Yami picked himself up on his elbows and asked Yugi if he was ready to continue. The amethyst eyed boy gave his hips and experimental wiggle, noticing the initial pain had receded and that he was feeling less tense. "I'm ready Yami. You can move." He smiled up at his dark.

Yami picked himself back up and gripped Yugi's hips. He slowly pulled out until just before the tip, then thrust back in. He started at a slow pace, enjoying the small whimpers coming from his aibou. But he wanted to make Yugi moan, so he changed the angle of his thrusts a few times, looking for the bundle of nerves that Yugi had a brief encounter with during preparation. The place that would make him scream with abandon.

Yugi could feel the level of pleasure building with every thrust dealt to him. Then his eyes widened. "Aaaaah!" Yami hit a different place inside him, making sparks fly behind Yugi's eyes. What was that? Apparently, Yugi realized, that had been what Yami was searching for with his thrusting but a minute ago He quickened his pace and pounded into the same spot. "Aah! Yami... there...harder!" Yugi wrapped his legs around Yami's waist, trying to drive Yami in as deep as possible. "Again! Please, again!" He wished that place could be hit forever.

"Y-You feel so" Yami moaned. His thrusting became harder and faster as he let his body be run by carnal desire.

They groaned and moaned as they continued to rock and gyrate and move with one another.

"Oh...oh...oh... Y-Yami...I'm getting close...nnn...I'm- ah! Gonna..." Yugi tried to warn, pulling at the sheets beneath him. Yami responded by picking up one of Yugi's legs and hooking it over his shoulder, thrusting faster and more erratically.

Yami grunted, "Me too...ah...together..." He began pumping Yugi's member in his hand, and that did it for the amethyst eyed boy.

"AAAH! YAMI!" He called out in his climax, spraying his chest in pearly white cum. His entrance contracted around Yami and he gave a few more thrusts before coming as well. "YUGI!" He moaned as his semen filled his little love.

For several tense moments the pair tried to catch their breath. Yami finally collapsed onto Yugi's stomach, getting himself sticky with release but not caring. Yugi was exhausted. Thoroughly satiated, but exhausted nonetheless. He looked down at his dark, only to see Yami looking back up at him with a tired smile on his face. "I hope I made your first time enjoyable, aibou" he said as he scooted up next to Yugi. He shimmied the cover out from under them and pulled it over their spent forms.

Yugi cuddled in close to his dark. "It was marvelous Yami. All the more so because you were my first" he sighed, completely content. "I love you Yami" he whispered before succumbing to his sleepiness.

Yami smiled and kissed his sleeping lover's forehead. "I love you too Yugi."


When Yugi's grandfather came home, the first thing he noticed was that the house seemed completely quiet. "Yugi? Yami? Are you two home?" he asked aloud for anyone to hear.

Then he heard a repetitive thumping noise coming from upstairs. Concerned, the old man rushed up the stairs, and was about to open the door that the noise was coming from when he heard voices.

"Aah! Yami...there...harder!" More thumping and low moaning followed after.

His face now beet red, the elderly man turned back to the stairs and decided, "I think I'll stay out a bit longer..."

Loralei: Now that you've gotten this out of your system, write more chapters for RL.

Ilana: I will, I will. I just need to take care of my school stuffs, then I can really get writing.

Artair & Drystan: Reviews are love. Show give us some love, please!