Author's Note: This is a grey's anatomy crossover fic with Lilo & Stitch. I wrote it for a challenge on LiveJournal. For those of you waiting for me to continue Memories or write a sequel for The Truth Behind Arizona's Past, just know that eventually I will get back into them. I really do love those two fics and don't want to end them where they are. I will finish them.

The Best of The Best

"What are you doing?" This weird-voice asks from up above Derek Shepherd in his OR.

"I'm trying to get this brain tumour out of Mr. Perkins so that he will live," Derek looks around trying to see who asked the question. "Whose question was that?"

"Mine," the voice appears again. Just then this blue little dude falls from the ceiling landing on a table nearby. His big black eye curious as ever; a scrub mask is covering his big mouth and he seems to have a scrub cap covering his big ears.

Derek looks at him for a second then realizes who it is "Stitch! What did I tell you about coming into my OR?"

One of Stitch's surgical gloved hands reaches one finger to his mouth as he ponders the question "Umm... I believe you said to never come into your OR."

"So then...what are you doing?" Anger a bit evident in his voice but he's trying to stay calm so that he doesn't hurt his patient.

"Umm...I'm seeing what you are doing in here."

Derek's eyes widen, "Stitch, this is my OR, now get out!"

"Fine, I will." Stitch jumps off of the table, throwing his gloves, mask and scrub cap into the bin before exiting the door mumbling to himself.

"STITCH!" Lilo yells racing down the hallway. She practically tackles him over in a huge hug, "Where have you been, I was worried?"


"Oh, sorry. Wait, were you just in there in Dr. Shepherd's OR because you know he said you weren't allowed in there ever since last time. He was really angry when you were messing with his lights. Lucky for you he is a brilliant surgeon and can deal with distractions." She messes his hair. "Come on, I told Dr. Robbins, we'd come to PEDs. That's where you will be able to cause as much damage as you want."

Stitch's eyes go wide, "Really? The let's go." He grabs her arm and sets off at a run down the hallway to the elevator.

Getting in the elevator, two doctors walk in next to them. Stitch looks up at the two women, "Hi."

"Stitch, have you gotten in anymore trouble since yesterday?" Callie asks as she knows they are all headed for the PEDs floor and doesn't want him causing trouble on that floor.

He averts his eyes, "No."

Cristina Yang looks between the two, "Of course he has Callie. This is Stitch you're talking to; he's always doing something he shouldn't be."


They've reached the PEDS floor, and just as the door open Lilo is being dragged once again by Stitch towards the blue-eyed, blonde surgeon Arizona Robbins. Callie and Cristina close behind.

Callie reaches Arizona, "Hey babe, how's it going?"

"Great," she says all cheery turning around to kiss Callie's lips gently.

"Yuck," Stitch's face looks all grossed out. "Get a room."

Arizona ignores the comment and looks back over to Lilo and Stitch, "So, basically you two can do whatever you like on this floor as long as it involves playing with the kids, got it?"

Stitch's head nods crazily before running off into one of the kids rooms.

"You do realize he's probably going to make a complete mess right?" Cristina states leaning on the PEDs counter.

Arizona just nods, "Yup, I do know that but he is the best of the best for making kids smile and that's all that matters."

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