Disclaimer:I dont own Disney or Daughtry


Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly
But the memories remain

By: Daughtry

Lights dimmed bay windows ajar, the bright LA moon, shinning down through the dark skies; one couple lays, instinctively intertwined. Her head next to his heart, his arms skimming her skin; the serenity of those moments had become common in those beautiful summer months. And now as they lay, knowing that those days were quickly concluding, their minds were trailing through those memories.

"Are you even watching?" he gently whispered, conscious of the rare tenseness consuming her body. Clearly, her mind was in a different arena.

"It's just…." she trailed off, not knowing how to explain her troubled thoughts. "It's just that these months have been… heaven, and knowing that, it might be over soon, it's… hard" she slowly explained as she looked into those blueberry eyes.

"Van" he tried to slow her pessimism

She interrupted, "You need to go, don't ever, even think that I don't want you to go, we read the script together Hun, and you know that I can't wait to see you in uniform" she added cheekily trying to lighten up the moment.

He swiftly flipped them, so that he was on top of her, his legs on either side of her small body, and his eyes inches from hers, their foreheads touching. Zac knew his girlfriend, knew her well enough to know that she would support him with anything regarding his dreams in acting. She was unconditionally supportive and in that she would give up her wants and needs in order for him to follow his dreams. He knew exactly that, because he himself thought of her as a shining star and would go to the ends of the world to support her goals in this troubled town.

"Van baby, can I just speak for one second" he needed to have her full attention. She nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean baby, having you here, in our home, being together through all those months, it was real. It was a new life, one that I have never ever thought to believe in. I never knew just how much, you truly meant to me until these days"

"What do you mean?" she questioned

"It's just that, we grew up together, it's been beautiful. But, the truth is we were young back then, we are still young. The first day I met you I knew that I had fallen for you… but this summer, it's reached these new heights that I can't even explain."

Her eyes were now twinkling with tears, she understood what he was saying, they had matured, they had become adults who fought and even discussed topics that required unconditional trust.

"We finally got a break; it was like getting to know you all over again. It was like being able to fall in love with you all over again. Every day we are away from each other, its hard baby, but, we have learned to live with it."

Vanessa nodded, nudged him away, and walked into their balcony. She knew he was her heart. Hearing him say those touching words, it was eye opening. They truly were so young when they had gotten together, and to realize that their love continued through the times, it just made her conscious of just how serious their relationship was.

Beyond the laughter and the flirty jokes, beyond the obvious physical attraction, and even beyond the unique connections and similarities they had, their relationship was about much more.

Zac had walked out into the balcony after his emotional girlfriend. "Hey, why did you walk out?"

"I just needed to be able to breathe" she replied

"Oh, do you still want to talk about it?"

"Remember the day you gave me the bracelet?" she asked

"Yeah, of course"


The sun was barely beginning to dazzle the skies, yet the two sweethearts were sitting. Vanessa in front of Zac, his arms capturing her body. Her back was leaning against his chest, their cashmere blankets protecting their bodies from the chilly beach winds. Happiness was radiating between them, effortlessly and beautifully.

"So are you going to explain to me why you felt that six in the morning, would be the appropriate time for us to be in the beach?" she asked

"I have a surprise for you" he nervously stated, "You remember when I went to Cartier to get my watch a new battery…" he trailed off

"Yeah" she was confused, in the early morning, her mind was not functioning fully, "I'm still not following you"

"I saw this bracelet that made me think of you"

"Oh really, and why is that?"

"Because it's the love bracelet" he added sweetly, as he brought out the infamous ruby box.

Vanessa slowly opened it, sleep clearly the last on her mind, as she could not come to fathom how thoughtful and sweet the gesture had been.

"Zac" her tears had slowly been triggered, and the emotions in his eyes only brought her emotions to a greater high, "Thank you, it's beautiful"

"Just so you know- with every screw I fasten, I hope I am able to prove to you my love, with a million actions of devotion"

Clearly, he had thought this through, unable to contain her emotions; she pulled him into a beautiful kiss. His hands dived into her hair; her hands migrated to his heart. After minutes of containing their breaths and emotions, she finally spoke

"You have no idea how much you mean to me, I love you so much"

"I do. You have no idea how much I adore you baby"

The beach now the last on their minds, the September winds seemingly invisible, as the invincible couple basked in the beauty of their relationship. The love Bracelet providing another token portraying an ounce of the emotions that they felt for one another.

***End of Flashback***

"I hope that I prove just how much you mean to me everyday baby" he kissed her neck softly

"We're together huh?" she asked the obvious question

"We're more than together, you're stuck with me baby"

"Hmm…. And I could not be happier" she was serene, watching the skies.

"This summer proved it baby. We don't need the glitz of Hollywood, all I need is you by my side and I will be more than happy" he whispered in her ear.

"I love you"

"I love you too Van, forever"

"Forever, that's new" she giggled nervously.

"it's the truth, I'm never giving you up, better get used to doing my laundry" he jokingly added

She rolled her eyes, "The only reason you like me doing your laundry is because you just sit and watch me bend so you can check out my ass"

"Hmm, maybe. Rent, made me such an ass guy" he laughed

"Your ridiculous, when I was just starting to think, that finally I could get a romantic boyfriend, he ruins it with his nerdy horniness"

"How is it nerdy?" he raised his eyebrows

"I don't know" she pouted… "Your still a nerd, even if you look like a hot caveman"

He rubbed his beard across her neck, her laughter echoing through the dark neighborhood. "You want caveman, you shall get one" he threw her on his shoulder and set her on their bed. Intertwining their hands, as he straddled her waist, he pulled her into a passionate kiss.

The rest was a display of the domesticated bliss that nearly no one could understand. It wasn't one of just love; it was passion, and adoration. He and She were determined to continue their lives, together. Because those summer days of 2010 proved that it was true and honest, and that bond of mature love, couldn't be broken.

Zac and Vanessa would prove that it isn't just a teenage dream, it was a relationship of unconditional love and it would last till the end of times.

Just wanted to say thanks to the FF girls for inspiration and adcgordon who was sweet enough to help me with editing this oneshot. Senior year has been filled with stress and writing has been helping me, so I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Always: Live In Love

Review :)
