AN: Here we go! New chapter just for you. I will attempt to get a new chapter for you pretty soon!


The first thing Murtagh noticed once he recovered from the sudden, jarring sensation of being compressed into the size of an atom, was that Kael was awake. He had drug himself up the steps to where Harry lay, his long neck curled around the fire, his head resting beside Harry.

Murtagh. The deep voice echoed in the rider's mind. Kael sounded tired and sore. Help us.

I'm trying, brother. Murtagh responded, disengaging himself from Dumbledore and hurrying to Harry's side. He fell to his knees beside Harry, Dumbledore following suit a moment later.

"A dragon?" Dumbledore looked the green-scaled creature up and down quickly.

"He's perfectly safe." Kael growled softly in his belly. "More or less," Murtagh amended.

The old man's gnarled hand draped over Harry's brow. Kael's head rose a few inches off the ground, a lip curling.

Who is this? What is he doing? His voice came through haltingly, as if the dragon was having trouble remembering words.

"Don't worry, he's a friend," Murtagh laid a hand across Kael's snout. "How are you feeling?"

My heart-and-soul is dying, Kael said. His big green eye stared unblinking at Murtagh for a long, uneasy moment. I do not want Harry to leave me.

"That won't happen, Kael. I swear." Mrtagh gulped, then looked up at Dumbledore. "You can do something?"

If he cannot, he will answer to me, Kael gave Dumbledore a steely look as his head thumped back down to the stone floor.

Unable to hear Kael's words, Dumbledore answered Murtagh's question evenly. "There is little I can do for Harry." Murtagh sat up straighter, glaring at the man. Before he could say anything, there was a loud crack that thundered through the church. Murtagh whirled.

Ron and Hermione sat on a nearby pew, watching the proceedings in silence. They leaned against each other, but as far as Murtagh could tell, they hadn't spoken to one another yet. Behind them, at the back of the church, the door leaned open, and a robed figure stood in the shadows, the setting sun silhouetting the shape. It moved forward slowly, obviously a bit concerned by the bulk that was Kael. Murtagh stood and turned, drawing Zar'roc. He crossed the room with long strides, covering the distance far quicker than most people would have.

A couple of steps out, he realized it was a woman. It didn't matter much to him, man or woman, so he grabbed her by the arm, and twisted her around so her back was to him. Using one arm to pin her against his chest, he used the other to bring the point of his red blade up to her neck. In this manner, he whirled the two of them around to face the others.

"I trusted you!" he growled at Dumbledore. He briefly considered reaching out and attacking the old man with his mind, but with no way to know how strong Dumbledore was, Murtagh couldn't risk getting embroiled in a mental battle. Right now, his physicality was his strength.

As soon as Murtagh spoke, Kael lashed out; pinning Dumbledore to the ground under a massive claw and turning his ivory-spiked head to Ron and Hermione, who had surged to their feet to defend the old man. Kael's mental exhaustion prevented the dragon from moving as quickly or as fluidly as he normally did. However, he was more than a match for the humans surrounding him.

"You brought us an uninvited guest," Murtagh continued. "We don't appreciate surprises." He shoved the woman forward and up the short stairs to the dais. Her eyes dropped down to Harry, then up to Kael.

"What'd you do to him?" the woman's accusatory tone echoed off the walls. Although she was looking fearfully at Kael, she was undoubtedly speaking to Murtagh.

Ginny, Kael said, his voice soft in Murtagh's mind. Upon hearing the name, Murtagh nearly released the red-head like she was cast of hot iron.

"Are you sure?" he said instead. Kael blinked twice, as if to say, "You take me for a fool? Of course I'm sure." Martagh's grip slackened ever so slightly. Kael's access to Harry's memories would allow him to recognize any old friends.

"Ginny Waesley?" The point of Zar'roc dropped ever so slightly. She wrestled against his grip half-heartedly. He tightened his grip once more. "You're Ginny Weasley?"

"Yes!" she said, wrenching against him. He released her suddenly, causing her to tumble to the ground, unexpectedly off-balance.

"Oi!" Ron exclaimed. "That's my sister!"

Murtagh sheathed his sword. "Let him up, Kael," he said, ignoring Ron. As Dumbledroe sat up, Murtagh spoke to the old man. "In the future, keep in mind that I do not like surprises."

"I believe I can remember," Dumbledore assured Murtagh. He moved back to his position beside Harry. "Let us see what I can do here."

Murtagh barked out a laugh. "I thought you just said you couldn't do anything."

"I don't believe so," Dumbledore said.

"But, Professor," Hermione began, confused.

"I doubt if I can do anything," Dumbeldore said, looking directly at Ginny. "But Miss Waesly may he able to help quite significantly."

Ginny looked up from Harry's fevered face hopefully. "What do you mean, Professor?" Murtagh glared at her before sinking down beside her.

"Mr. Potter requires an anchor, Miss Weasly," Dumbledore explained kindly. "A mooring to clutch to amidst his mental storm."


"Once he regains consciousness, I should be able to guide him back to us." Dumbledore rocked back on his heels, gesturing for Murtagh to do the same. Confused, the Rider hesitated, then shuffled back a foot or two.

"Harry?" He could barely hear Ginny as she clutched desperately to Harry's hand, stroking his brow with her sleeve. "Harry, can you hear me? I need you to wake up now Harry."

Murtagh gasped when he saw Harry's finger tighten around Ginny's, if only for a moment, before they slackened. Ginny did gasp, and Kael's head twisted to the side in response.

"Harry!" Ginny shuffled closer, till she was almost sitting atop him; her face mere inches from his. "Harry wake up!"

Harry remained stubbornly still.

When Ginny twisted her head to face Dumbledore, Murtagh could see tear-tracks glistening on her cheeks. She choked back a sob. "What do I do?"

Murtagh cocked his head to the side; she really did care for Harry. Possibly just as much as Kael did. Murtagh couldn't imagine feeling anything like what he felt for Thorn directed at anyone else – save perhaps for the Queen.

"I think you know what to do, Ginny," Dumbledore said softly. Ginny looked back to Harry slowly.

"Harry," she whispered, "please, wake up."

Then she did what Murtagh least expected. She leaned down and covered his mouth in a kiss. Kael leaned forward, barring his teeth as she deepened the kiss, her eyes closed and completely oblivious to the dragon.

Slowly, painfully, a great weight lifted from the old church. It was as though someone had thrown wide the drapes in a musty attic. Ron, the big brother, moved several feet forward, covering the first two steps, before Murtagh stopped him.

"It's working," he said. Ron just glared at his sister kissing his best friend. "Can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Ron growled.

"The evil in the air is leaving," Murtagh explained.

Just then, Harry groaned and stretched his legs. Dumbledore immediately scooted forward and pushed Ginny back softly. Ron's reaction was to pull Ginny even further away, though she still insisted on holding Harry's hand.

"Mr. Potter," Dumbledore said, his hands wrapped around his face. "Concentrate, my boy. The Dark Lord cannot enter your mind if you do not allow him. Push him out. You can do it."

Dumbledore continued coaching thus for what seemed like an age, with Murtagh occasionally adding his own voice, and Ginny giving a reassuring squeeze every so often. Finally, Harry's eyes fluttered open, and the bright green eyes shifted around the room unsure of his surroundings. Then, he focused on Ginny. He smiled.

"Hi," he said.

She smiled back. "Hi."

Know what got this chapter up? A review! So, please review!