Growing up

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters

Rated: T

Summary: Growing up is a part of every teenager's life. It wasn't easy for neither Lisa nor Bart of the Simpsons.

Reviews are most welcomed.




Chapter 1: Breakfast

Bart had never been so nervous before.

And it's so wrong.

This is the tacky and rebellious Bart we're talking about. The one great inventor of all the nastiest pranks in town. People are nervous whenever he's around.

He does not do nervous! Okay, except for Nelson and his mom.

He stole a glance at his rivalry of a sister.

She kept on stuffing salads into her mouth.

Then he's caught. She glared back as if he's the most disgraced thing on earth.

His face immediately turned tomato red at the remembrance of what recently happened.

God, if Nelson was here right now, Bart'd rather be beaten to death than being in situation like this.


Lisa can't take it any longer.

She's gotta flee from this place. Technically anywhere else to keep that thing out of her sight.

She tried hard to finish the meal.

Any second spent here is shortening up her life.

She caught him glimpsing at her. And what's worse? He ...blushed.

That's it. She's out of here.



It's Sunday and the Simpsons were having breakfast. The atmosphere's getting so odd. Marge's just happened to know exactly why.

"Well...Lisa, are you still mad at your brother?" –She finally cleared her throat.

Mom. Not now, please!

Lisa swore her luck had never been this bad.

"I didn't even mean to... She's already 17... How could any girl leave the room door open while...changing..." – Bart's muttering while his face's burning red.

Lisa eyes shot open wide.

"Oh yeah? Doesn't any 18 years old adult know what "knock knock" means? Hello, my room, my privacy. You tacky empty headed... pervert!"

Muttered out those words, Lisa felt a strange pang of guilt. Getting it off her chest didn't feel right for the first time.

What did she just say? Thanks to her last night carelessness, her birthday party was ruined. Bart came just to gave her a little surprise. Just at a wrong time. She knew it well. And all she did was to make a bigger mess. She doesn't understand why she's doing this either.

She heard a slight snort and instinctively gazed up at Bart. It's too late. His face was already turning pale.

Insults like ever.

"Pervert? Come on. Look at yourself." -Bart's face reddened once again but for a different reason.- "I sympathize for anyone who's your boyfriend gonna-be...blerg..erg...erg..."

His face returned to being pale. Their dear father was choking him.

"Alright Lisa, I'd punish him. Bart, you bastard."

"Homer! Stop it. You're killing him."- Marge started to panic.

No one pay attention to Lisa as she got up and grabbed her handbag.

"I'm ...leaving...I got a practice section for my band's upcoming state competition."

She walked away.

"Lisa?" – Homer finally let go of his son's neck.- "Let me drive you to school. You don't have a license."

The furious Liza insisted on taking a bus while her father persistenly dragged her to their house's garage.

The atmosphere's quiet and suffocating again. Marge turned to the troubled and confused son sitting next to her.

"Bart, don't take it so hard son. Your sister is at her adolescent stage. Her emotions and hormones are changing and everything. It's awkward and embarrassing for her. You know...Maybe she isn't even dating anyone yet. It's simply...shocking."

Marge kept on babbling, unsure how to fix the situation. In fact, she might be making it worse.

"Got it, mum. I'll apologize to her later. Now I got a soccer match to go."

Bart disappeared after the door. His mom let out a soft sigh. Her kids have grown up so much.