Hey, guys. Chiutane13 here! I'm back for the next chapter and sorry for the late update^^. Please do read and REVIEW! Thank you.

'kay , 2nd chapter's up and hope you guys like it.

DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, I don't own Gakuen Alice.


Chapter two

The next day…

"Hey Mikan, wake up!" a pink-haired girl named Misaki said. "It's already noon!"

"Ahh… Misaki. Why are you girls gathering here?" Mikan asked as she get up and start fixing herself.

"What are you saying?" a dark blue-haired girl named Nonoko and a dark green-haired girl asked in unison. "We planned to go shopping today," a short, pink-haired girl named Anna explained.

"Is that so? Sorry, I forgot." Mikan told the girls in a soft voice.

"Are you okay?" Hotaru asked.

"I am." Mikan answered as she stand up, facing the girls with a bright smile. Hotaru barely wanted to ask Mikan what had happened last night. But she knew it'll just change the mood.

Mikan went to the shower room while the girls waited in the living room. It took almost one hour before Mikan came down from her room.

"What took you so long, baka?" Hotaru asked.

"I' sorry" Mikan said as she and the girls went to the car to go on to their plan.

While they are on the food court…obviously eating, can't help it, they're doing the girl thing, 'talking about boys.'

"So, how's Tsubasa, Misaki?" Anna started the topic.

"Why are you asking first? It's not fair!" Misaki yelled as she look away to cover her blush which is obviously seen.

"It's because you and Tsubasa were the first couple in the group." Sumire explained with a wink of an eye.

"Well…" Misaki started.

"Well…?" Anna and Nonoko repeated while Hotaru and Mikan remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

"He just proposed to me last night." She bursted out.

"What! He proposed to you?" Sumire shouted. Hotaru was choked while drinking her juice. Mikan widened her eyes but still remained silent while Anna and Nonoko just giggled.

"Yeah…Yeah…Let the whole world know," Misaki said as she already turned pink.

"Then…"Mikan finally talked.

"Then what? I told him YES because there's no reason for me to say NO and his been my boyfriend and I've been his girlfriend for 3 years. And I love him. That's all." Misaki bursted out.

"Okay, okay, we won't ask for more." Anna said.

"So, when's the wedding?" Hotaru teased.

Misaki just pretended that she didn't hear Hotaru's question.

"Then, let's go on to our next victim!" Nonoko said excitedly as she roamed her eyes to the girls.

"Why not you, Nonoko?" Anna said as she raised an eyebrow to Nonoko.

"Wha…wha.. Why me?" Nonoko asked nervously.

Nonoko and Yuu are the shy-type person in the gang but their actions can tell that the two of them is now in relationship. That's why the gang thought that the two of them are already going out.

"Let me explain it," Sumire started. "It's because we thought you are already going out with Yuu," she continued as she glance at the girls.

"Yeah, we really thought that you were now in a 'special' realationship." Misaki commented.

Hotaru heard what Misaki said and added, "Oh, by the way, I accidentally caught a picture of you and Yuu together at the park last week."

Anna's eyes widened. "What? That was a misunderstanding. We just accidentally met there, I was looking for tools for my experiments, and Yuu was buying a book at the bookstore. I saw him and I approached him. That's all. No other things attached." Nonoko denied.

"Hn. You're just denying. I can see it by the way you talk. We're friends since we're four and I we almost knew everything about each other." Mikan said.

The other girls nodded their heads. "Alright! Alright! We're now in a relationship. Are you now contented?" Nonoko said honestly. She looked away to hide her blush. Anna saw it and said, "Nonoko, your blushing!"

"Yeah, blushing madly." Hotaru said to herself as she took her camera silently. The girls heard a click and looked at Hotaru, glaring. Hotaru stood up and run.

"Hotaru, gift me that!" Nonoko yelled at Hotaru as she stand up and start running after her, trying hard to get the picture.

"Hotaru sure is a paparazzi," Sumire stated. Mikan, Misaki and Anna nodded while sipping their juices. They watched silently to their friends who were running around the food court. People stared at the two and started whispering to each other.

After five minutes of running and chatting, Hotaru accidentally bumped on a certain blonde-haired guy.

"Ohh…sorry. I was just…" Hotaru tried to apologize but was interrupted by the blonde-haired guy.

"Ho… Hotaru?" Ruka asked as he stand up.

"Ruka, what are you doing here?"

"Ahmmm… we, the boys decided to play DOTA,"

"DOTA again? And 'we, the boys', your alone! Where are the others? And by the way, why on earth in the mall, specifically in the food court?" Hotaru asked continuously.

"Hey! Hey! What's gotten unto you?" Ruka asked back. Hotaru was about to answer but was interrupted by Nonoko.

Trying to catch her breath, she said, "Ruka-kun, where's Yuu?"

Hotaru raised an eyebrow to Nonoko, confused. She asked suspiciously, "What do you mean, Nonoko?"

"It's just that, I told Yuu that we will be here. I did not expect that all of the boys will be here also. I just overheard in the food court," Nonoko answered as she totally calmed herself.

"Oh, DOTA huh?" Hotaru said as she glared at Ruka. Ruka looked away to avoid eye contact so Hotaru punched him on the stomach.

"Ohh…" Ruka assumed that it hurts (which actually really hurts).

"That hurts, sweetie!" Ruka continued as she kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.

After a few seconds, the other boys came, surprisingly, with Natsume. Hotaru and Nonoko lead them to where the other girls were.

"Natsume, it's surprising that you're here." Hotaru said, with Ruka's arm around her waist.

Natsume just answered Hotaru's question with a "Duh."

"Hey, Hotaru give me that," Nonoko said as she remembered the camera (Hotaru's holding it actually).

"What's 'that'?" Yuu asked curiously, putting his arm on Nonoko's waist.

Nonoko twitched and said, "I-it's nothing."

When the other girls were visible, the boys did not waste a second. They ran hurriedly to hug their loved one except for Natsume and Mikan. They just stand and stared at each other. After a few seconds, Natsume came closer and hugged Mikan tightly while kissing her forehead. Then, they all decided to settle down. The sitting arrangement: Nonoko, Yuu, Misaki, Tsubasa, Ruka, Hotaru, Mikan, Natsume, Koko, Sumire, Kitsuneme, and Anna.

"It's quite odd, why are all the boys here? It's supposed to be a GIRLS' shopping." Misaki asked curiously as she looked at her fiancé. "Don't you want me here?" Tsubasa teased his fiancée as he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, Misaki's right!" Anna said as she leaned on Kitsuneme's shoulder.

Yuu answered, "Nonoko told me that you guys will be here so I told the boys to surprise you."

"And besides, Natsume has something to announce," Koko continued.

The girls raised their eyebrows. "What is it?" Nonoko asked excitedly.

"You're going to be married?" Sumire asked eagerly.

Misaki continued, "Is that he reason why you've been so silent earlier?"

"It's not that thing!" Mikan justified herself. Even though she loved Natsume a lot, she still waits the right time for them to be married.

Hotaru calmly asked, "So, what is it?"

"We're all going to Hawaii for vacation," Natsume answered coolly as she put his hand on Mikan's waist.

"What?" the boys asked in chorus while Nonoko, Misaki, Anna and Sumire left their mouth open. Hotaru just closed her eyes and continued sipping her juice.

Mikan's eyes widened while looking at Natsume. "I thought that… that vacation would only be you and Mikan!" Koko commented.

"But it wouldn't be enjoyable if there's only the two of us, right Mikan?" Natsume said as he smiled at Mikan. "Since I propose this one, I'll cover all the expenses." Natsume continued as he hold Mikan's hand.

"What does that mean?" Mikan askes her boyfriend silently. "Do you really think the girls will come without their boyfriends?" Natsume whispered, "I guess so, the more the merrier."

"Thanks!" Mikan said with a bright smile as she hugged Natsume and kissed him quickly on the lips. She then leaned on his shoulder.

The gang smiled at each other. Sumire suddenly asked, "When will this vacation be?"

"Yeah, right. So we can pack our things as soon as possible and more time to prepare." Koko said as he caressed Sumire's hair. Sumire giggled.

Natsume raised an eyebrow at Koko. Koko then stopped touching Sumire's hair. 'Oopss…' Koko thought.

"Hmmm…the day after tomorrow?" Natsume asked the gang for agreement. He looked at everyone but no one ansewered for a while. Maybe they're thinking… Natsume thought as he waited for their answers.

"It'll be alright for me. How about you guys?" Anna asked as she raised an eyebrow at Kitsuneme. "It'll be alright for me." Kitsuneme said.

"A vacation will be alright to escape company works, right?" Ruka asked Hotaru. "Maybe," Hotaru muttered. "So, me and Hotaru agreed for the day after tomorrow. How about you, Tsubasa?"

"We'll go the day after tomorrow." Tsubasa said. Others nodded their heads.

"So it's settled then, our vacation will be on the day after tomorrow." Mikan announced. A bright smile was seen on Mikan's face. Others smiled as they saw Mikan's smile.

Natsume will do everything just to make Mikan happy.


The gang then decided to go home but Mikan and Natsume wanted to go to their sakura tree first. They went to Natsume's car and drove away. On their way to the park, thw two lovers remained silent, until the sakura tree can be seen. They went outside the car and walked slowly. It is still 4 pm. Mikan tried to open up a conversation.

"Hey, what made you decide to let them come with us in Hawaii?" Mikan started as she look Natsume in the eyes.

"I thought of it last night. You said that it'll be no fun if there's only the two of us so, I decided to invite them too. And as long as you enjoy and your happy, I'll be happy too." Natsume explained as they reached their sakura tree.

Mikan smiled. Natsume leaned on the tree while Mikan leaned on the tree while Mikan leaned on Natsume's shoulder. They hold each other's hands and closed their eyes. They remained like that for a few minutes.

Mikan moved her face to Natsume's ear and whispered, "Thank you and I love you." Natsume heard Mikan. He opened his eyes and said, "You're welcome." He moved his face to Mikan's face and said slowly, "I love you too." Mikan knew that Natsume was about to kiss her, so she closed her eyes. Natsume was about to kiss her but was interrupted by his phone. His phone rang repeatedly.

"Shit." Natsume muttered.

"Hey answer the phone. Maybe it's important." Mikan said as she patted his shoulder, with a you-should-answer-the-phone look.

Natsume stood up answered the phone. "What is it?" Natsume asked in an irritated tone.

"Ms. Aoi is here in your office, she wants you Sir," his secretary, Narumi answered.

"Alright!" Natsume said as he hang up the phone. "Aoi's at my office, she has a business with me." He said coldly.

"Oh, Aoi," she paused. "So, let's go." She continued as she stood up and walked to the car.

"Sure you're alright?" Natsume asked worryingly.

"yeah, yeah. Maybe Aoi's in trouble, hehe." Mikan joked.

Natsume chuckled and went inside the car and headed to Mikan's house. When they arrived, Natsume went outsid e the car first and offered to open her door.

"So, take care." Natsume said as he kissed Mikan on the cheek.

Mikan nodded her head and said, "Take care too," as she kissed Natsume on the forehead. Natsume then drove away going to his office.

~end of the chapter~