This story takes place in the middle of h2o season 2.

All rights of H2o just add water and twilight go to Jonathan M. Shiff and Stefanie Meyer.

I also have a poll so you guys can choose with who you want Rikki to end up.

The beginning of the end

I hate churches, always did and always will. They remind too much of death. But still here I sit, wearing my best dress. My dad deserves it. Damn, here go the tears again. Zane, who is sitting next to me, gives a squeeze in my hand. He has been a great support these last few days, so where Cleo, Emma and Lewis. It got a little annoying after a while like I needed to be taken care off. If there is one thing I'm sure off, it's that I can take pretty good care of myself. I guess I have to do so from now on. Cause my dad is…. I can't even think it, but I still remember the look on the doctors face when he told me. I remember it as yesterday.


I was on my way home when I saw the police car riding by, immediately followed by an ambulance. I know it was probably nothing, but still I began to walk a little bit faster. When I came around the corner of our street and saw that the ambulance and the police car had stopped right in front of our house, I began to run. There were already some people looking at whatever had happened. I mad my way through them to get to the side of the police rope, that was keeping the people on a distance. I was just in time to see the paramedics roll my dad out of the house. I tried to go under the rope but an officer, I can't even remember his face, stopped me.

"You can't come trough little missy."

"But that's my dad, I'm family."

"Officer, that's Rikki Chadwick, his daughter."

Bill, one of my dad's friend was sitting on the steps in front of the house. A doctor was looking at his bloody shoulder. The officer didn't give much resistance anymore and let me trough. They were already riding my dad in the ambulance, so I immediately went towards it.

"Do you want to ride along with the ambulance?"

A nurse asked me. She must have heard that I was family.

"Yes please. Can you maybe tell me what happened?"

"I'm sorry, but I only got here in the end, apparently there was a shooting, but I don't know much of the details."

"Is my dad going to be alright?"

"I can't tell much right now, but I promise you that we will try everything we got to keep him alive."

At that moment I realised for the first time that I could loss him. The only family I had left. I didn't remember much of the ride to the hospital, only that it took forever to get there. Once there the nurse leaded me towards the waiting room.

"Is there somebody I could call for you? Maybe family?"

"He's the only family I have left."

I could see the pity in the nurse's eyes. I couldn't stand it.

"Maybe a friend then?"

"Yeah, there is someone, Cleo Setori."

Hopefully, she would bring Emma with her. They were the closest I had to a family, they felt like sisters.

"Alright, I will look it up. You can wait over there."

She pointed towards the chairs in the waiting room. They looked uncomfortable. They were uncomfortable.


It took not to long for Cleo and Emma to come. No surprise, the hospital lay next to the water. "Rikki!" Cleo took me in her arms. "I came as soon as I heard, I also called Lewis and Zane, they are also on their way over."

Emma took my other arm and made me sit down next to her.

"So how is your dad?"

"Don't know, the doctors are still busy with him. They told me that there is a possibility that he is not going to make it. I can maybe lose him."

And there they were, the tears I was holding down. Cleo took me again in her arms. Emma rubbed my back.

"I'm sure everything will be alright, Rikki. He is strong Rikki, just like you."

Zane and Lewis came trough the door. Zane gave me a kiss on the top of my head, took my hand and sat silently next to me. We didn't need words to understand each other. And for the first time since I known Lewis, he didn't know what to say either. Luckily for him, Cleo helped him out.

"Lewis, would you mind to go and ask how Terry is doing? You're the only one of us who actually understands anything of the medical language."

"Sure, be right back."

He looked relieved that he could do something helpful.


A quarter later, although it felt longer, a doctor came into the waiting room. He came towards us, I stood up. "Are you Mr. Chadwick's daughter?" I could only nod. Both Cleo and Zane took a hand. "I'm sorry to inform you but your dad was unable to make it. We could get the bullet out, but we were too late to stop the bleeding. I'm sorry."

Cleo took me in a hug, while Zane was striking my hair. I didn't even know what he said after his first sentence, the only thought that kept spinning in my mind was the fact that my father was gone and he was not going to come back. The tears started falling and with a huge scream I fell on my knees. I was still clinging to Cleo while I sat on the floor. Cleo started rocking me back and forth while speaking soothing words. She pushed back the tears in her own eyes so she could be strong for me. Emma also sat next to me, but was unable to say anything.


A while later I woke up in a familiar bed, Cleo's. I didn't even know when I had felt asleep. The tears started falling again when the memories of yesterday slipped into my head. The fact that I was in Cleo's bed must mean it wasn't just a bad dream. I got up and saw that I wore one of Cleo's pyjama's. She must have changed me. I changed back into the clothes I wore yesterday and went downstairs.

"Good morning Rikki, what do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry, thank you Mr. Sertori."

"You've got to eat something. And please it's Don."

"Alright, toast then please."

"Coming up."

Mr. Sertori put a plate of toast before me when I sat down. I started eating with less appetite. I looked around.

"Where are Cleo and Kimmy?"



I remember, yesterday was the last day of vacation.

"Nobody expects you to go."

"I think I'm gonna take a bath if that's alright with you."

"Wait a second Rikki, I need to talk to you about something." I stopped. "The police wans to talk to you about your father and the social services are coming with them."



When I came back downstairs, everyone was already sitting. The company consisted of a woman and a man, Mr. Sertori and me. I sat down in the empty couch.

"Hello Rikki, I'm Katy Newton and this is Michael Francis. We know that this must be difficult for you, but we have to ask you some question about yesterday."

"Alright, but could you maybe first tell me what happened?"

"Oh, did no one told you yesterday." I shook my head. "Alright, we only have Mr. Bill Applegate's testimony, but apparently a man broke into your house yesterday. He started shooting and hit Bill in the arm and your dad in the chest. We still don't know the identity of the shooter, that's why we need you to ask some questions."

"Did your dad have any enemies or something?"

I thought about all the times my dad had told me about his childhood and nodded yes.

"In his youth my dad wasn't exactly the straight A kid, if you know what I mean."

Katy showed a little smile.

"That's what Mr. Applegate also said, is there anyone of his past that made contact with your dad the last month or so?"

"No, but my dad was a little worried about the fact that someone got out of prison, a certain Jack or John. I can't remember his name. My dad said that that guy thought my dad was responsible for his years in prison. God I wished I could remember his name."

I started to get wet eyes again. Why couldn't I remember one stupid name?

"That's alright, at least now we have something more to base our investigation up."

The woman started talking again.

"Sorry Rikki to bring this up but I have to ask? Do you have a place where you can stay until we contact your mom?"

"Rikki can stay here, that's no problem."

"My mom?"

"Yes, she lives in Forks, a little town in the north off America, in Washington."

"I know where Forks is, I used to go there on holiday." But the last three years I made up excuses so I didn't had to go to rainy Forks. "Do I really have to leave here?"

"Sorry Rikki, but there is no other solution."

"Can I at least stay for my dad's funeral."

"Off course Rikki."


And so here I sit, in church. My bags are packed and I'm leaving tonight. Zane gives another squeeze in my hand, apparently the ceremony is over. I stand up. Bill comes up to me. He gives me a hug with one arm because his other one is still in bandages.

"How are you holding up Rikki, girl?"

"Not good, I have to leave tonight. To my mom, in Forks."

"Yeah, well if I never see you again, I hope you'll have a good live, but I don't think that will be difficult for you, with your talents."

"Thanks Bill, for everything."

"I'm going to miss you little girl."

When everyone got out off the church I realised I had to say goodbye now. Don, he insisted that I have to call him that from now on, is giving me a ride to the airport. Cleo, Zane, Lewis, Emma and Kim are coming with us.

"Don, at what time do I need to be at the airport?"

"Half past two, why?"

I look over to Cleo and Emma.

"Maybe that's long enough for one last swim?"

They smile at me and off we run. Luckily, nothing in our town is far away from the beach. As soon as we hit the water we dive under and off we go, off towards Mako for the last time.


Well this is it then. I have to say goodbye to everyone. I stop before the gate and turn around.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then. Thanks for everything, Don."

"You're not getting away from me that quickly." Before I realise what is going on, Don gives me a hug. Uncertain about what I should do, I give him a little one in return. "Be safe Rikki, don't get into trouble and if there's anything, and I do mean anything, just give me call and I will be on the next plane towards America."

"Thanks Don, that really means a lot to me."

He goes off to the side and takes Kim by the shoulder. I wave her goodbye and she waves back. I notice that Lewis is holding a package.

"What is this?"

"Open it and you'll know."

It reveals a huge umbrella.

"They say it's really wet in Forks, so to be sure you can't get too wet."

"Thanks Lewis. It's great."

Emma brings Lewis and me to a group hug, while talking to me.

"Well Rikki, I'm sure that this is not for good. I'm certain I can convince my parents into a trip to the coldy Forks."

"I'm keeping you up on that one."

"You should."

They turn to the side and Zane comes up to me.

"I also have something for you."

He gives me a little box.


"Sorry Rikki, but I can't return it, so you'll have to accept it. I wanted to buy you a necklace first but I know you would never replace your locket, so…" I open it and find a bracelet. "Look at the ingraving."

It says: Rikki, forever my girl, Zane.

"Thanks Zane."

"Just know that I will never stop loving you and I will be waiting for you to come back."

"I love you too."

He leans in and he gives me a last kiss. When he releases me, I could have sworn I saw a train on his cheek. But I couldn't get a good look, because the next second all I saw was dark brown hair. I hugged Cleo back hard.

"I can't believe this is happening. I don't want to lose you."

"You can never lose me Cleo, not even if you try." We both laugh. "And remember we're mermaids, we can meat each other in Hawaii."

"Yeah and at least we'll be looking at the same ocean. Do watch out, alright Rikki? Don't reveal you're a mermaid, I don't want to see you get into trouble."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't tell the secret to anyone."

"Oh god I'm so going to miss you."

"Last call for passengers to Seattle."

"I guess that's my call. Bye guys, I'll miss you."

I give them one last glance and then I walk trough the gates, no longer looking back. Watch out Forks, here I come.