For being such great fans, I'm giving you guys a bonus chapter! I'm flaming Tara's bio! PS: It was last updated December 21, 2009.
Oh, god, she's discovered Twilight!
i will try 2 post a new fanfik maybe derring da summer
Please do. I'm sure my readers would love me to flame another fanfic of yours.
but i probebly wont koz all od u r such idiotz.
Really? Because, the last time I checked, I could read.
u hakked mi account and u flamed mi story.
I did not!
fuk da world!1 fuk all of u bichez!1
Im Tara. Im a Stanistr and if u dont lik me cos of dat den FUK OFF!.
Why would you hate someone because of their religion?
if ur a prep or a pozr den fuk off 2 koz ur gay! here r sum fingz u shud no abot me.
You're illiterate. We know that much.
likez: gothz, being goffik, satan, punkz, da coler black, bloood, ma bf Justin,
So he DOES exist
rok muzik, suicide, vampires, joel madden, edard kullen!
She likes the vampire that sparkles. Oh yeah, she's SOOOOO gothic.
dislikez: prepz, posers, pink, being alive,
Allow me to quote Twilight for you: "- Life sucks, and then you die.
Yeah, I should be so lucky."
Yet you just said earlier that preps and posers are "gay". In this day and age, it's considered a homophobic slur.
skool, life, barbie, flamerz
Fave muzik: GC, MCR, Evinezenz,
Yes, because we didn't gather that much from you stories
Linin prak, BLINK183,
Blink183? Really?
mraliyn manson, panik at da desko,
Because poor literacy is KEWL!
goofik bandz, paramor!1
I would say Paramore is more punk.
lest faveorite musik: ASHLEEE SIMPSON britney spearz, hilery duff, linzee lohan ALL POP
I listen to all of those. (Minus Lindsay Lohan. I only have 2 songs by her on my iPod. Yet, Confessions of a Broken Heart (Daughter to Father) seems like a son Tara would listen to.)
Fav movies: cropse bride, mean gurlz,
She hates Lindsay Lohan, yet loves that movie?
van helsing, any odder horror moviw, nightmare b4 christmas, da ring, da ring 2, da grudg 2, saw2 and saw 3,
Anyone who likes Saw knows what I mean when I say that this proves she's a liar. Saw II sucked! (But at least it's better than Saw IV)
da omen, scary movie 4,
I don't think she realizes that Scary Movie 4 isn't really a horror film.
if ur not a gottik den fuk u!
So, that's it.
You see my Username up at the top there? If you click on it, it'll take you to my next flaming! It may be a Twilight fanfic, but if you like my flaming of this, you'll probably like my flaming of that fic, too. It'll be called The Flaming of… (Yep, that's right. I'm still not telling.)