Summary: This story will be done in chapters, each on centered around one of Elliot's children.

Author's Notes: Hello people this is my very first fic dedicated to the one and only Bucken-Berry. Keep in mind this is my first time posting so keep your insults to yourself and review s are to be kept as constructive criticism. All thanks goes to Bucken-Berry who gave me the idea with their story "Psychology 101."

Disclaimer: I do not own this series nor do I make any money from this story

On with the show

Chapter 1:

Maureen's Discovery

Maureen didn't know what to expect when she found out her parents separated. She just thought that they'd be back together after a few weeks. That was until the divorce papers were signed.

Then when she found out about her new sibling that was about to arrive she had renewed hope. Her parents got back together just like that. She should have known not to get her hopes up because as soon as they were built up they were torn back down.

A few weeks after Eli was born her parents arguing was restored with a renewed vigor. Her mother and father attacked each so angrily with words they might as well have been fighting with swords and firearms.

Kathy continuously accused Elliot of cheating on her with Olivia and every time she did Elliot would yell right back that he hadn't cheated on her with Olivia. Each time this was said Maureen would just let go of a breath she didn't know she was holding because she knew her father was telling the truth. Even though there was always a nagging feeling that there was something more to it than she wanted to believe.

A few weeks later Maureen tried the direct approach. As soon as they were alone she tried talking to her father about constantly nagging him to tell her something, anything about the fights that would ease her racing thoughts.

Eventually Elliot gave in with a sigh and went through the details of his arguments with his most likely soon to ex-wife. He said that Kathy was upset with how much he worked and how he was never home. Then he explained that she accused him of constantly lying about work and then going to keep up his alleged affair with Olivia.

Maureen hesitantly asked "Well did you?"

"Did I what?" responded Elliot already knowing what was coming.

"You know exactly what! Did you sleep with Olivia!"

Maureen instantly took in how her father stiffened trying to hold back his anger.

Then he calmingly said "Maureen I promise you that I haven't and never will sleep with Liv. I can assure you that what we have is nothing more than friendship."

When he said he looked at her in her eyes with a deep look that said 'I would never lie to you' and she couldn't help but believe him.

"I believe you." she said quietly.

A smile instantly graced her father's lips.

"That's good to hear now how about we go get something to ea-"he said cut off by his phone.

Maureen gave a look of understanding and went into the kitchen to let her father talk.

All the time she was in the kitchen she could hear her father laugh and happily talk with amusement and cheerfulness in his voice to the person on the other end of the line. Something she hadn't heard in a while.

Then he walked in with that same smile and asked if they could reschedule their lunch plans.

"Why? What happened?" she asked a little surprised. Usually when her father cancelled a day's plans it happened with a frown and look of annoyance.

"Nothing," he responded "just some unfinished work at the office is all."

She questioned that, her father never left work unfinished.

"Sure dads go ahead." Maureen said with a wondering expression.

He gave a quick look of apology before heading for the door and saying a quick 'I'll be right there' into his phone.

As soon as her dad's car was far enough away Maureen grabbed her coat and drove off after her father to his office. She was going to get the truth one way or another.

As soon as she got there she found the door closed and as she opened the door to the office she couldn't believe what she saw.

Right before her eyes was the proof that her father was having an affair, but not with Olivia. Oh no in front of her was her father half undressed with his zipper down as he was kissing the precincts psychiatrist George Huang who was also in a similar state of undress.

She did what any other girl would do: scream in utter disbelief.

This obviously seemed to catch the attention of Elliot and his lover as they looked with disbelief, fear, and nervousness at the open doorway.

All Maureen could do after that was faint.

When she woke up she was underneath the covers of an incredibly comfortable bed dressed in silk in a room completely foreign to her of which she could only assuming belonged to the Asian doctor.

"It's about time you woke up." A voice said beside her.

Maureen looked to see her father with look of worry on his face.

"Well that was quite a shock you gave me back there." she responded hesitantly.

Silence quickly took over the room.

"Look dad" Maureen said "I just need to know how long has this been going on?"

"Ever since me and your mom started fighting" he began "that first night we fought I left and had a breakdown at work. I punched the lockers until my knuckles bled. That's when George found me. He helped bandage the wounds, never even speaking the entire time."

Maureen nodded in understanding, her father had come home a few times complaining about the doctors questioning.

"Then after he helped me finish cleaning up and left me with a smile something just clicked in my head. After that we were closer than ever with me trying to sort out my feelings for him. Then one night at the office when we alone, one thing led to another and a few things were said that led us to…"

Maureen couldn't help but blush at what her father was implying. It shocked her to no end, her father was the straightest man she knew.

George chose that moment to walk in.

"I see she's up" he smiled "how's she feeling?"

"I'm fine" Maureen replied "Just a little shocked is all."

George blushed "I'm sorry about all of this I understand if you-"

"George I never said I was mad I'm just shocked."

"So you're ok with this?" asked her father.

"Is this like a serious thing between you, like are you in…"

"Love" George finished "very much so."

"Then I'm fine with it" she said "now why don't I let you continue what you two were doing."

The lovers just smiled at her as she gathered her things and then she saw it.

There was her father and George in a loving embrace kissing one another ever so sweetly looking into each other's eyes with nothing but love in them.

Maureen couldn't help but think that maybe her parents were better off divorced.

First chapter done

Read and review people tell me what you think.