AN:- Oh my God it's done. Just the epilogue.
Epilogue: Rebuilding
She stood off to one side with her arm in a sling and her face covered in gauze as the Council gathered before them. It was over a month later, and the Presidium was beginning to clear itself up after the attack. The final count of the dead had yet to be finished, and the entire galaxy seemed to be holding its breath in preparation for something, but no one seemed to know quite what to do next. The surfaces were being cleaned day and night by diligent keepers, but they were still burned and broken in so many places.
Shepard didn't like watching the keepers work. Despite all the reassurances that they were on the side of the Council, she would never bring herself to trust the unassuming worker species. Not after what they could have done.
"Ambassador," The asari councillor finally called them all together. She stood next to Captain Anderson, with Udina on the far side. "Captain, Commander Shepard, we have gathered here to recognise the massive contributions of the Alliance Forces in the war against Sovereign and the geth."
"Many humans lost their lives in the battle to save the Citadel," I wonder if part of the deal for joining the Council is that you agree to share sentences between each other, instead of all speaking at once? She wondered idly as the turian councillor spoke, "Brave and courageous soldiers who willingly gave their lives so that we, the Council," We all know who you are moron. "Might live."
"There is no greater sacrifice," Really? Shepard couldn't help but think as the asari spoke again, I can think of much worse things to lose. "And we share your grief over the tragic loss of so many noble men and women." There was a long pause, and Shepard found herself wondering again, but she tried to stay focused. "The council also owes you a great personal debt Commander," They were speaking to her now, and she could tell Udina wasn't pleased about the attention. Just because I saved the entire galaxy, it's no need to be snippy councillor. "One we can never repay. You saved not just our lives, but the lives of billions from Sovereign and the Reapers."
Try trillions, quadrillions, numbers too big to even comprehend. They just don't get it, total galactic extermination. How can I ever make the understand? They even saw Sovereign. At least now they can't deny his existence. That was pretty conclusive proof. "Commander Shepard, your heroic and selfless actions serve as a symbol of everything humanity and the Alliance stand for." The salarian at least seemed certain as he spoke.
"And though we cannot bring back those valiant soldiers who gave their lives to save ours," He just can't get over the fact that humans saved his arse can he? She almost smirked at the turian councillor, but managed to hold it in. "We can honour their memories through our actions."
"Humanity has show it is ready to stand as a defender and protector of the galaxy; you have proved you are ready to join our ranks and serve beside us on the Citadel Council."
"Councillor," Oh no. She hadn't even realised that Udina might end up on the Council. She wondered if she would have been so quick to save the galaxy if she had known. "On behalf of humanity and the Alliance we thank you for this prestigious honour and humbly accept." Humbly? And I bet you'd accept, as long as it gave you a chance for the big seat.
"We will need a list of potential candidates to fill humanity's seat on the Council."
"Given all that has happened," They were talking to her again, which shocked her out of her head, "I am surer that your recommendation will carry a great deal of weight Commander. Do you support any particular candidate?"
Oh boy. She looked across, and saw Anderson, a face that could have been carved from stone, and Udina, who had the same smug grin he always wore, whether he was winning or losing. Time to do something about that, She thought. "We need someone with the courage to stand up for what he believes in," She said, and was pleased to see Udina puffing even more full of himself. "Someone like Captain Anderson."
"WHAT!" She grinned evily and turned to see the Councillor glaring at her with open anger. Finally, an honest emotion out of you. "Him! you must be joking," He managed to get himself under control, and turned to the Council, as if beseeching for their help. "Anderson prefers to let his fists do the talking."
"Only with you Ambassador," Anderson still looked just as professional, but she thought she saw the ghost of a smile on his lips, "Only with you."
"Are you sure about this Commander?" She knew asari faces well enough to know that the Councillor was looking bemused at the theatre the Ambassador was putting on for them. "The Captain's a soldier, not a politician."
Exactly, "We've already got too many politicians on the Citadel," She bowed her head slightly to take some of the sting from her words, but the turian councillor still grumbled and crossed his arms. "The Captain would be perfect for this job."
"I think it's an inspired choice," There was the faintest hint of a smile on the asari's lips, and suddenly Shepard wanted to be back with Liara, who was back on the Normandy helping to fix the crew up. "The Council would welcome him with open arms, should he accept."
Now they turned to Anderson, who stepped forward with a purpose in his step she hadn't seen since he was relieved from command, "I'm honoured Councillor. As humanity's representative, I'll do everything in my power to help the Council rebuild."
"Sovereign's defeat marks the beginning of a new era, for both humanity and the Council."
All words, they want this to be over, but I know it isn't. "Sovereign was only a vanguard," She reminded them, "The Reaper Fleet is still coming, hundreds of ships, maybe thousands," She felt a lopsided grin spreading over her face, and knew exactly what it would look like. The last time she had smiled like that, it had been with Hanna, right before a certain space hamster prank. It was a smile she hadn't had in a long time, but it felt right to open herself up to the emotions it represented again. "But I'm gonna find some way to stop them."
She turned on her heel and left them to it, anxious to get back to the Normandy. Behind her she heard Anderson taking charge, "Shepard's right, humanity is ready to do it's part. United with the rest of the Council, we have the strength to overcome any challenge. When the Reapers come we must stand side by side! We must fight against them as one! And together, we will drive them back into dark-space!"
And the Normandy will be right there at the head of that fleet.
AN:- According to my computer this is 106,174 words long. According to I started posting it on the 4th October 2010. It has 12,249 hits at time of writing, 36 chapters, and 48 reviews.
106,714 words, 6 months, 30 something hours of gameplay
Thanks for sticking with me.
Some thanks for the final epilogue:
Thanks of course to BioWare, for making one of, if not the best, Western RPGs of the last decade at least. Thanks to Jennifer Hale, for providing, in my opinion, Commander Shepard's voice, her proper voice. Thanks to RedBull, for providing the stimulus to get through some of the Noveria sections instead of getting me bogged down. Thanks to Aerosmith, for providing the soundtrack for most of my writing, not just this.
Now then, thanks to (in alphabetical order):
Kachie Takahashi
Haven't seen some of you review in a while, but I hope you're still reading. Reviews do really get me through sometimes, and way back when I was starting this, I really did take on those suggestions, and hopefully the story became better for it. Also, alonsis2, I rewrote the prologue almost completely, so I do hope you went back and read it again. (heehee)
Alright then. I will be novelising Bring Down the Sky at some point in the intervening time, but probably I'll jump right in to Mass Effect: Out of the Dark
I hope you enjoyed reading Mass Effect: Into Greatness even half as much as I enjoyed writing it. Pleas read and review.