A/n: READREADREAD Damn plot bunnies P.s. When it gets in Italics it's Shuichi's POV (just the 1st time it's in Italics, the other times it's 3rd person) Oh, yeah BIG THANKS to Innocentheart2 -hugs her- she wrote like half of this.
Kazy: Kah-zee
Dysfunctional Family
Chapter 1- Kazukiyo, Hitomi, and Shuichi
It was a snowy night. Shuichi was sleeping right next to Yuki instead of on the couch. Shuichi had climbed into the bed after Yuki had went to sleep. Shuichi did this just because there was a bad feeling in his stomach.
"It's all your damn fault, Shuichi!" He yelled at me. He raised his hand to slap me again.
"I'm sorry, Kazy!" His hand was right near my face. He stopped as soon as I said "Kazy". "Kazy" was my nickname for him. His real name is Kazukiyo. He held his hand out. I flinched. I reached out for the same hand that slapped me. My 12-year-old body was trembling. His 22-year-old body led me to the bed. I went to sleep.
Shuichi woke up panting and sweating. Yuki was still right next to him. Shuichi went back to sleep trying to forget about that cursed dream.
In the morning Shuichi acted like nothing happened at all. Shuichi was in Yuki's study bothering the crap out of him. "Did you miss me yesterday, Yuki?" Shuichi asked. Yuki just ignored him.
"Oh," Yuki started, "I forget to tell you that your brother called and left a message yesterday and said your sister wanted to see you again. I didn't know you had siblings." Yuki said.
"Y-yeah. I do." Shuichi said, his voice shaking.
"He said that your sister wants you to spend a week with them. I think you should. I'm going to do a book-tour and when I come back you always whine saying 'Yuki~ Why don't you ever come back earlier? I missed you' or 'Can I come with you next time Yuki?'" Yuki said imitating Shuichi.
"Well, when do you have to leave?" Shuichi replied.
"In a few hours actually. I can drop you off but we would have to do it now." Yuki said taking a long drag on his cigarette.
Shuichi opened his mouth to protest, but had nothing to protest about. "Okay." Damn, I have to go back to that hell hole now. Shuichi thought.
"Okay. I'm ready when ever you are." Yuki said getting up to get a beer.
"I'm ready..." Shuichi said.
"Grab your jacket. It's cold." Yuki said. Shuichi grabbed his jacket and then they left. While Yuki was driving Shuichi kept bombarding him with questions.
"Wh-When are you going to be back, Yuki?" Shuichi asked for the nth time as they sat in Yuki's car.
"For the last time, I'll be back in a bloody week!" Yuki snapped, getting out of the car in a huff, "Now get out of the car and up to that house!"
"But Yuki! A week is such a long time for me to be away from you!" Shuichi whined, quickly running up to his lover and clinging to his arm, "Can I please go with you?"
"I thought we agreed it would be a good idea for you to visit your family," Yuki sighed, ringing the doorbell, "You haven't seen them in years right? What happened to keeping family ties close, huh?"
"That's with your family. Mine's different..." Shuichi whimpered, getting quieter as he spoke.
"What was that, brat?" Yuki asked, a little irritated.
Shuichi just sighed as the door opened to reveal a girl of about 28 with auburn hair, deep blue eyes, and about Shuichi's height. She bounded out of the house once her eyes settled on Shuichi, screaming like an insane fangirl. Yuki had to yank his arm out of his lover's grasp when the girl bolted forward to suffocate said boy in an embrace. The writer couldn't keep chuckle from escaping as he watched the two siblings squeeze the life out of each other.
"Who are you?" a cold voice nearly growled from the open doorway.
Yuki looked back to see a man of about 30 with light brown hair, cold piercing midnight blue eyes that cut into Yuki's own golden eyes. He was about the same height as Yuki, though fairly well built.
The man just stood in the doorway glaring down Yuki, giving him the look that Yuki was sure he had used the same day he beat the crap out of Aizawa Taki. Gulping, the novelist could feel a bead of sweat race down the side of his face. Who was this man?
"Ah!" Yuki heard Shuichi squeak, "Let me go, Hitomi!"
"But I haven't seen you in so long!" Hitomi fake whined just like Shuichi does with Yuki.
Guess that's where he learned to whine like that, Yuki thought to himself.
"I'll ask again," the man growled, "Who are you?"
"Th-This is Yuki Eiri, Kazy!" Shuichi shouted, finally managing to break free from his crazy sister, "He's my...lover."
He hesitated...Shuichi never hesitates, Yuki thought in astonishment, What's going on here? Shuichi seems fine with his sister but with Kazy-
"Lover?" Hitomi squealed, hugging the couple as tightly as possible, "That's awesome Shu-Shu! I always knew you'd find the perfect guy!"
Yuki sighed as he held out his hand to shake hands with Kazukiyo. He was sure that this wasn't how he wanted to find out that his baby brother was gay and with a (slightly!) older man. Add that to the fact that both of them were extremely famous and this added up to a very awkward moment for Yuki.
"Hello, like he said, I'm Yuki Eiri," Yuki introduced himself, "It's a pleasure to finally meet someone of Shuichi's family. He's neve-" Suddenly, Shuichi's lips were on his own in a haste kiss,
"I've got to go, Yuki. Be safe on your trip, okay? I love you."
And with that, Shuichi disappeared into the house with his siblings. Yuki touched his lips before sighing and heading down back to his car. He couldn't put his finger on it but Shuichi was acting very different today. Worry for Yuki's sake? No, he knew that Yuki would be safe. After all, K was going with him to protect him from any crazed fan.
Yuki continued to ponder this as he got back into his car and searched for his cigarettes. He had finally caved with Shuichi's doctor and did his best not to smoke around the singer anymore. As he was searching in Shuichi's many hiding places, Yuki happened to look back at the house and saw through a window what looked like that guy name Kazy yelling at Shuichi on the top of his lungs. Shuichi just stood their with his head between his hands crying like crazy.
Starting to get suspicious, Yuki finally found his cigarettes. Lighting one up, Yuki was just about to drive off when he looked back at the window only to see Kazy punch Shuichi as hard as he could, sending the rock star into a nearby wall, Yuki's jaw dropped, almost letting the cigarette fall out of his mouth as he drove away from the house. He really didn't just see that, right? He must be seeing things. But no matter how many times Yuki told himself that, he couldn't bring himself to believe it...
"K-kazy, I'm sorry!" Shuichi cried, holding his cheek where his brother just punched him.
"I told you never to call me that idiotic name!" Kazy shouted, kicking his brother in the head, "Brat!"
"St-Stop!" Shuichi cried out, curling up into a ball to try and protect himself, "I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"
"You're such a pathetic waste of mass," the older man spat, "I used to think there wasn't anything else that you could possibly do that would disgrace our family more than becoming a rock star, but once again, you've proven me wrong."
Shuichi cried out again when his brother grabbed onto his pink hair and dragged him across the room. Tossing him to the ground in the middle of the room, the older man continued to beat the living daylights out of his defenseless brother. He kicked at his sides until he heard the definite cracking of his ribs.
He continued his assault on the poor boy's legs, making sure to break at least one bone in his left leg so he wouldn't be able to leave again. The man didn't stop even when blood from the singer started to stain the floor. The only thing that Shuichi could do was to whimper and pray that his brother stopped soon or he really would die...
"Kazukiyo!" Hitomi screamed, dropping the two glasses she was carrying as she raced towards where her brothers were, "You promised you wouldn't do this this time!"
"It's not my fault he's a total idiot and can't do one thing right!" Kazukiyo shouted back, slowly walking away from the whimpering mass that was Shuichi, "He brought this upon himself!"
"By doing what?" Hitomi snapped, cradling Shuichi's head in her lap, "Being in love with someone! That's not a crime!"
"Shut up, Hitomi!" Kazukiyo bellowed, "You know it's wrong! Don't deny it!"
"It's not wrong! There isn't a single thing wrong with what Shuichi's doing!" Hitomi retorted.
Suddenly, Shuichi's phone started to go off to the ring-tone of Shining Collection. Kazukiyo angrily grabbed it from his brother's pocket and looked at the caller ID and growled. It read "Yuki~ ".
Quickly, Kazukiyo hung up on the writer and flung the cellphone across the room and into the wall. Shuichi screamed as he saw his only form of communication with the outside world break into two pieces.
"Wh-Why did you do that?" Shuichi demanded, struggling for breath.
"You're not allowed to speak with that man anymore, Shuichi," Kazukiyo said, stalking out of the room, "nor can you ever see him or that pathetic excuse of a band again." Shuichi tried picking him self up with his arms. He let himself rest on his sister.
"Hitomi?" Shuichi asked his sister. "My legs really hurt. Did he break them?" Shuichi asked trying not to cry more than he already was.
As soon as Hitomi touched Shuichi's legs to see if they were broken he let out a yelp of pain. "Ah! I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" Hitomi asked.
"...Yeah..." Shuichi said through sobs.
"I think your left leg is broken. Here try moving." Hitomi helped Shuichi get up but when she let go of him to see if he could walk Shuichi began to fall down, though before he could, Hitomi caught him.
Shuichi cried into his sister's chest. "Why doesn't he love me? Why doesn't he love me like I love him? Why?" He kept repeating until he finally passed out of loss of blood and fatigue. Hitomi carried him into her room.
She kissed the top of his forehead and whispered "Sweet dreams." Then went to go find her brother somewhere in the house. She found him washing dishes in the kitchen.
"What the hell, Kazukiyo?" She yelled at her brother.
Kazukiyo cleaned a plate. "What? He just pissed me off a bit." He replied half-yelling half-talking. Kazukiyo dipped a cup in the soapy water.
"Just pissed you off a bit? You fucking knocked the shit out of him! He'll probably have to go to the hospital in the goddamn morning! In fact that might be better for him, so that way he could get away from you!" She spat out at him.
Kazukiyo dried the cup. "I didn't hurt him enough to land him in the fucking hospital!"
Hitomi was fuming. "You broke his leg, and hurt him in several more places. He's going to go to the hospital. And your going to the hospital next if you don't straiten up." She said through clenched teeth. In many ways, Hitomi was like Ryuichi Sakuma. She could act like a spaz but if you get her mad enough she'll bring hell.
Kazukiyo started to put away dishes. "Fine he'll go to the hospital."
"And you promised you wouldn't do this to him. Do this again and I'm going to have to go to jail!" She threatened. For the rest of the day they avoided eachother.
A/N: Is this stoRy too angsty? YEs? No? Once agaIn I would Very much likE to thank Innocentheart2 she is aWesome! REIVEW!