The Little Mermaid
Chapter 3
Luffy looked at the ocean ceiling while she lay on a rock that was positioned on the rock bottom. A smile grew on her face as she thought of the green haired prince from the day before. Ace sighed as he watched the girl through his black eyes before looking up at Sabo who swam over to the young princess.
"Luffy you have to stop this, if your dad figures out that you've fallen in love with a human do you know what he'll do?" Sabo asked and Luffy turned on her stomach and faced the crab.
"He will lecture me, yell at me, ground me and turn you into lunch." Luffy said with a smile and Sabo sighed at the girl's unwariness.
"Yes and those people are barbarians." Sabo said though he himself wasn't sure.
"I'm sick and tired of this royal life." Luffy said and Ace sweat dropped.
"So marrying a prince is going to fix that?" he asked and Luffy puffed her cheeks out.
"I mean that I hate the rules that dad gives me are too strict and I hate rules." Luffy complained and her two friends sighed knowing that it was true.
"Why don't you like life under the sea?" Sabo asked and Luffy sighed.
"it's not that I don't love the ocean, I just want to know what life is like above it." the girl said with a smile and Sabo sighed. "Don't you dare start singing under the sea."
Ace started to laugh as Sabo just puffed his cheeks and watched Luffy swim away before Ace turned to him. "Remember that you don't tell Luffy's dad anything." The fish said.
"Don't tell me what?"
The crab and fish, along with Luffy who had recognized her father's voice turned to see the long black haired man. Luffy froze and instantly swam over and tried to get her dad not to think about anything. "It's nothing Dad." Luffy said frantically. "I mean it's not like I saved a human and fell in love with him or anything."
"YOU DID WHAT!" Dragon asked as Luffy quickly covered her mouth.
"Nice going smart one." Ace muttered and the girl glared at him.
"Luffy, I told you not to go to the surface and to ignore the barbarians and you tell me that you not only saved one but wish to mate him?" the black haired man asked and Luffy puffed her cheeks.
"They aren't barbarians Dad, they are people like us." Luffy said in hopes of defending them.
"They eat fish." Dragon said.
"So do sharks." Luffy muttered and Dragon glared at the girl.
"You are not to go to the surface again and stop collecting their things." Dragon said and Luffy's brown eyes widened as she looked at her dad.
"You didn't..?" she asked glancing at Sabo who looked at her apologetically.
"I'm sorry Luffy but it is for your own good." The green crab said as Luffy's eyes began to fill with tears.
"Dad, what did you do to them?" Luffy asked and Dragon looked at her while firmly gripping his triton.
"I got rid of them." The man said and Luffy's eyes went wide before the girl swam away.
"I HATE YOU!" the girl screamed as she went in the direction of her hide out with Ace behind her, the fish didn't even look back at the two of them.
Yeah I messed up part of it but I like it better this way and I hope that the characters aren't too OOC. Hope you liked^^