An Empire…

Part 13- Forgotten Britain

Rome had left them.

That was obvious. And it was made all the more obvious when his men had left their land to go to the mainland. "Maybe they'll come back?" Albion had optimistically claimed, but Cymru doubted it… and just when he was beginning to trust the Roman bastard.

They were left defenceless and at the hands of their brothers and Picts, and whenever they tried to fight back Éire would just use their names against them. They were too weak to use proper magic and were too physically weak to gain the upper hand. Éire was practically an adult now, his almost orange hair long enough to plait, the freckles that used to give a childish pixie look to him, highlighted his older bone structure and made his glorified smirk take on a cheekier look. Alba hadn't grown too much older than them, only half a head taller than Cymru… if that, but he was older, muscles coming through; a few hairs growing along his chin and a horrible scar smirking along his neck: his smile was horrible and relentless. Picts just looked old enough to die.

Cymru had watched their brothers earlier as they attacked again. It was as painful as usual and the two elders had stopped after they got into an argument between their selves and now Cymru sat in an open field by a river, somewhere between his and Albion's borders. Albion is a little distance in front of himself talking with the Fae and he can't help but smile, but he's worried.

Neither of them have grown, especially not Albion. Their brothers have shot up, both strong enough to probably protect their land, both probably strong enough to take more. But he and Albion are still children, they both look so young.

He saw his reflection in the waters earlier that day, he saw a child who was at the awkward stage between adulthood and childhood. He looked over at Albion after he takes in the looks of his scruffy curled hair and his dull grass green eyes, and he sees a child who is a bit taller than someone his age should be (and seeing as he's so short he has to question what they're physical ages actually are), but that only makes him look skinner than he actually is and he doesn't like how unhealthy he looks… Though that may have been because of the invasions they couldn't counter…

They were useless… but at least they were useless together.

"Albion," he notices how Albion's started flinching at his old name. He doesn't like the name Rome gave him, but he's scared of the name his Mother and Greece gave him, others can control him with that name.

"Cymru," he looks over at the older male, who smiles encouragingly and gestures that Albion go over to him with a simple hand movement.

Albion stumbles over. He doesn't like how weak he feels. But his older brothers have made him feel weary and he feels ill, but he hasn't fainted and he hasn't fallen over from this invasion. He's stronger than the last time he was invaded.

When he reaches Cymru his brothers pulls him into a comforting hug.

"How are you feeling?" His brother's much larger hand rubs gently up and down his back in soothing circles. He rests his head on his brother's chest and listens to the musical heartbeat that lovingly lies under his brothers clothing.

"You alright?" Cymru questions after his brother just silently leans against him, one of his hands finding its way into his brother's hair where he continues to rub soothing circles in the hopes of easing any pain his brother may be going through.

Albion nods.

"You sure?" He further questions after they had been in a comfortable silence for awhile.

Another nod.

"You're not in any pain?" Albion nods his head and moves his head to the side slightly when he feels Cymru's fingers stop comforting; he looks up at Cymru's grinning face. "If you're fine then you don't need to be treated like a little kid."

And Cymru pushes them both off the ground and starts walking in the direction the river's flowing in. Albion runs to catch up.

"I'm not really ok…" He mumbles tugging on Cymru's sleeve. "I feel really, really dizzy! And… and… and… sick..." he finishes off lamely and Cymru stops and grins down at his little brother.

"Then why did you nod yes to my questions?" He hums and taps the top of Albion's head.

"Because… because, I didn't want to cause trouble…?" He sends the most broken hearted look he can to his brother and Cymru kneels down to his brother's height and rests his forehead against his brother's.

"Well, you aren't any trouble, so make sure to say if there's anything wrong ok?" Albion nods as well as he can against Cymru's forehead and his brother grins. "Would you like to be carried?"

A few hours later after Cymru's back and arms ache from carrying Albion for so long, not that he's complaining or going to stop anytime soon, they come across two frantic boys who are searching everywhere.

"Have you seen a man!" The oldest runs up to them yelling, he looks desperate. "He's tall, brown hair…"

Cymru shakes his head.

"We haven't seen anyone along the river…" he explains slowly as a sleeping Albion slowly blinks his eyes awake. His green eyes meet the boy's in front of them and the boy doesn't know why but he curses and explains everything to them.

He explains of the vile man Vortigern. He explains of the man being his older brother's adviser, of his brother who was ruler of them. Explains of the treachery, describes his brother's death, the soulless eyes, the blood. And he tells them of their search, they are far from their home, there were two ways of which Vortigern could've gone and they must have chosen wrongly. Gives them his name: Ambrosius Aurelianis, his dead brother's name: Constans, his little brother's, the boy he's with, name: Uther and their Father's name: Constantine (the third).

And Cymru hearing the name, seeing the blaze in the boy's eyes decides to share their story, their plight and who they are.

Cymru decides this to be the greatest choice he has ever made…


They had spied on the Saxon settlers every now and then. Ambrosius was further angered when he saw it was Vortigern who had invited them, but they hadn't done anything yet so they let the new settlers stay, but they were always careful of them.

The two boys had grown into fine men, Cymru had noticed as he looked proudly at his and Albion's men. Both strong, both wonderful sword fighters and both wanted what was best for their two Nations, which is why they hadn't done anything to Vortigern yet, who had invited the Saxon settlers over to help defend their land against their brothers.

Albion and Cymru had both gone to the border when Alba had decided to start another fight. Cymru had run with Albion on his back after the little Nation had tripped, and swallowing a mouthful of dirt had made breathing even harder for the exhausted Nation. He was sweating by the time they reached the border and was in no way suitable for a fight. He cursed the fact his land was so far from Alba's.

"Oh the cowards' got more Nations on their land to protect them?" Cymru heard Alba spit, he sounded injured and he heard laughter that he had never heard before, but it sounded gleeful and proud.

"We haven't met the little Nations!" The same voice cheers. "I don't think they really want us here," the voice just sounds nonchalant as though he was talking of what a wonderful day it was. "They didn't welcome us at all!"

"Angle," a stern voice chides. "Vortigern didn't even know about Nations, the little ones are probably hiding scared they're being invaded again."

There's laughter. "You always were a push over when dealing with other Nations, Jutes!"

"Enough." A third unknown voice commands and there's a growl from a voice that Cymru knows to be Alba's.

"So what now?" Their older brother barks out, and Cymru is reminded of a trapped fox.

Cymru manages to sneakily hide in a bush without making a noise and he manages to catch a glimpse of what is happening, before he sees a sword strike towards their older brother. He feels the smallest of impulses to go and save his older brother, but he quenches the feeling fast, he has the only brother he needs on his back.

There are three Nations standing in front of their brother, who's sprawled out on the floor, the sword sent towards him landing right beside his head. The tallest of the three Nations had calm blue eyes, long murky brown hair that to Albion seems almost like how Germania's hair was held. The smallest has wild blonde hair cut in different lengths, hung in different ways, plaits, ponytails all just hung limply or up at odd angles, it's such a strange hair style that Albion just assumes the man couldn't make up his mind, but his eyes are a smug grey like a storm that was having fun. The third Nation standing over their brother holds himself awkwardly as though he wasn't sure where he stood; his hair, a blondish brown that was somewhere in-between that of the other two was pulled into a short ponytail and his eyes stared out at Alba as a foggy blue.

They stand strong. All three of them though so different stand together as though they are one Nation standing strong.

"Now, you head back to your land," The grey eyed Nation's smile can only be described as victorious. "And you don't return, or I'll kill you and take your land as my own."

"Angle," the tallest Nation's tone is warning, but Angle just shakes it off and crouches to be in eye level with Alba.

"And don't think I won't go through with my threats," the storm contained in his eyes moves in such strangely calm ways. "I'll end you if you dare touch the little Nations again."

And Cymru doesn't want to watch anymore or to be caught so he sneaks off and runs. He doubts Alba will listen to their order, but he hopes he does… those Nations are terrifying who would even let them come anywhere near their land?

But, he's glad they're on their land. They stop their brothers and Picts. And Cymru can peacefully sleep with his brother in his arms, neither of them have to worry, because the scary Nation trio are fighting for them and Albion isn't even disturbed or irritated with them on his land anymore, it's like they were always meant to be on their land, like they were always meant to protect them, to look over them.

And he's glad.

Cymru and Albion spend time finding out about the three Nations without them knowing. They don't feel ready enough to trust another Nation yet especially such scary Nations, but they hope that one day they won't be as scared of their saviours.

So they watch them from a distance with Ambrosius and Uther always nearby to run and help without a second's hesitation. It's through their observations that they learn of the threesomes leaders Hengist and Horsa. Their leaders are brothers like Albion and Cymru, like Ambrosius and Uther.

Cymru is grateful for the two and their Nations. He's grateful that Albion can sleep peacefully again. He's grateful he doesn't have to fight anymore, which is why he's so confused.

Why the hell did those three Nations ruin the peace…?


Ambrosius stands tall and proud, watching the flickering flames with pride. Cymru stands beside him, both wear armour. "The last of the Romans," the winds whisper as the Saxons make their move, getting closer to completely conquering Albion's land and approaching Cymru's, but they all agree that can wait a moment they have one very important thing that must be done before then.

Albion rests slumped in Uther's arms. He's tired of invasions and he has to wonder if they ever stop, or is he forever going to be stuck in the cycle of one invasion followed by another, until it all ends… he can't wait for it to end…

The flames of the castle ascend to the heavens. Cymru's proud of the work. Ambrosius finds peace in this.

They had let Vortigern escape his home, gave him permission to hide in exile in Cymru's land, they hope he holds his head down in shame for the rest of his life. How dare he invite invaders to their land, how dare he kill a better leader.

"I feel at peace my Nation," and Ambrosius looks it.

"I know."

And that's all Cymru can say to that as they continue to watch the flames. It's the next morning when both of their younger brothers have long been coaxed into sleep's open arms that they look away from the burning ashes, their eyes meet.

"We must fight this new threat," Ambrosius says it as though it wasn't such a huge task, the Saxons had defeated their brothers after all. "And win."

Cymru nods and as the sun's morning rays bake the land in a warm glow to warn the world that it should be awake already; the Nation finds himself kneeling in front of Ambrosius, a fist across his chest and he hopes this is the correct way to show respect.

"Ambrosius can you lead our people to fight the Saxons? Can you save my brother as our king? Can you be a king that isn't nearly as fake as Vortigern?" Cymru feels a hand rest on his shoulder but doesn't look up.

"I shall do my best, my Nation."


Cymru holds his brother's hand tightly in his own as they run and search, they need to find this healer. Uther was defending and fighting in the place of his brother, but his brother…

Cymru panics…

"Ambrosius is dead," they find the healer around Stonehenge, the healer is looking at the stars above them, his eyes never once meeting theirs, though Albion looks more interested with the stones around them. "He defended your lands and gained much of your land back, but he wasn't meant completely save you both, he wasn't the saviour you need."

"How would you know!" Cymru cries out and Albion's looking at him; eyes worried and sympathetic, Cymru really liked Ambrosius. "You're just a healer!"

"Just a healer?" The man laughs; he holds his hand out in front of him, and after muttering a few quiet words fire of different colours appears from each finger. "Can just a healer do that?"


"A wizard," the man nods.

It's quiet, the wizard continues to stare at the sky, Albion continues to stare at the stones around them and Cymru stares at the man.

"Teach me…" Cymru mutters. "Teach us… Please…"

The man doesn't reply and Cymru's about to beg… plead, he's willing to grovel on the floor if that's what it takes, anything to get strong enough to get rid of the three new threats. Anything…

"Your brother has you both under a name spell," the wizard says after a moment's pause. "You'll need a new name to be able to use your magic again."

Cymru's about to question why a name spell would affect their magic, when the wizard continues.

"You both think of this land and the land to the west as 'our' land right?"

"Because it's mine and Cymru's," Albion explains simply as though that's all the explanation something needs.

"Then you'll represent Briton together and that shall be your new name," Cymru thinks it'll be weird sharing the same name, but he likes sharing with his little brother so he doesn't complain, he also feels that something should feel different about having a new name… he doesn't feel anything though. "And my name is Merlin; I shall be your teacher."

"Why do you keep looking at the sky, Merlin?" Albion questions, finally looking away from the stones.

"Because a miracle is about to happen…"

The two brothers manage to look at the sky in time to see a comet shaped like a dragon soar across the sky, both brothers are left speechless and in awe, neither knowing the true meaning behind such a wonderful omen. Neither knowing that their soon-to-be-King Uther is being watched by such a mighty comet as he wins his first victory on his own, but Merlin does know and he can't help but feel lucky at bumping into the two Nations that will lead him to the prophecy…


Uther has proven to be a wonderful King and Cymru can forgive the man taking over his brother. Merlin has taught them magic of all sorts, they're learning fast and the wizard has proven to be an amazing ally against the Saxons as their new King's adviser.

But its moments like these that Cymru can't stand. Uther has fallen in love with another married woman, Merlin as adviser advises him to stop being fickle and choose a wife marry her and only her even if she's already married he must choose soon and have a son, so he has an heir. Cymru can never remember Ambrosius falling in love, marrying or having an heir so he doesn't see the point in it really.

He has Albion resting against his chest, as his arms wrap loosely around Albion's waist, in a room where they won't be in the way of the adult festives that are taking place as another well done for another battle won. This is a position they've taken to using a lot recently, happily together and since the new joint name Cymru's feeling stronger especially around his brother as though they are completely sharing land and strength.

"I don't get it," Albion mutters sleepily, snuggling into his brother's neck.

"Don't get what?" Cymru questions curiously, neither had broken the companionable silence in a while.

"Why Uther wants to kiss lots of woman…" he yawns and his green eyes search for his brother's.

"Well…" Cymru struggles for an answer, he's not explaining why to his little brother, but he can't just leave it hanging or Albion will just ask someone else, probably Merlin.

"I mean…" Albion face flushes frantically. "I know they do that to make babies, but… why do they kiss and everything… in the first place…"

"Well," Cymru stutters and feels like this has become all the more awkward, who the hell taught his brother about THAT. "When you love someone you want to kiss them and do that kind of stuff with them… just because you love them… ok?"

"But, why all the kissing? It doesn't look loving at all…" And Cymru suddenly realises that Albion can see Uther and the woman he's with and pulls Albion's face into his hands. "It looks like they're trying to eat each other…"

Their green eyes meet and Cymru struggles on what to do next, Albion's so small and he doesn't want to let his little brother know anything about that!

"Well…" He starts uneasily again, before getting an idea. "There's different type of kisses, there's the one Uther is doing with Igerna, because he loves her and wants to have children." He pauses and hopes his brother doesn't think on this anymore. "Then there are kisses between families like this..."

And he pecks Albion on the lips, it doesn't last any longer than two seconds, but Cymru still feels weird about it, because he's never really kisses anyone on the lips before, family or otherwise, his Mum always used to kiss him on the forehead. Albion still looks a bit worried as though he still doesn't get it, but at the same time he looks enlightened.

"So brothers can kiss?" He questions and Cymru nods and feels like this shouldn't be as awkward as it is. "So that's why Gallia kept kissing everyone."

"Gallia… everyone…?" Cymru looks at Albion's enlightened eyes in a panic. "Has someone kissed you before? This Gallia? You shouldn't let just anyone kiss you!"

"Ah… No, not me!" Albion shakes his head and Cymru feels less worried suddenly until the next bit is added. "Gallia used to kiss his brothers opened mouthed on the lips."

And Albion opens his mouth and points to it as though demonstrating and Cymru panics, what the hell were other Nations teaching his brother? And when?

And it was with both little Nations distracted that neither felt the sparks of change as a boy is conceived in the room next to theirs…

A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLHEROESWEARHATS, I thought I'd give you an actual present as well as an early one and wrote this in a panicked frenzy all day and I have managed to get this up in time, even if you probably won't read this until tomorrow XD

I hope this comes out better than last chapter! Also don't expect another fast update like this one I promised to finish some new chapters for my others stories before Sunday, but heard it was AllHeroesWearHats birthday today so though I'd surprise ya! Also thank you people who are still lurking and new passengers on my bumpy story, I hope you continue to enjoy and leave your wonderful, encouraging comments!

Onto not so historic notes!

-Why not so historic? Simply, because the time between the Saxons completely taking over there's only a few things that have been proven completely correct a lot has been shrouded in mystery and thus made up characters and mythical stories have become the facts, instead of actual proof why did this happen? Without the Romans there were no historians in Britain for awhile and his is the time where there is none, thus the title Forgotten Britain.

-What is known is that King Vortigern (one of the only leaders in England at the time to call their self king, because the Romans were very fearful of monarchies and again there's no proof he called himself king) he invited the Anglo-Saxons to Britain to stop the Irish and Scottish from attacking, he may have even been rejected by the Romans before that as they had bigger problems at home to deal with. When the Anglo-Saxons betrayed the British he became known as one of Britain's biggest betrayers.

-the Anglo-Saxon army is three separate armies, the angles, the Saxons and the jutes (thus three different Nation, who would represent three of Germania's tribes, so they'd probably be his son) and when they attacked Britain they were led by famous Anglo-Saxon leaders Hengist and Horsa, who are brothers.

-When the Anglo-Saxons attacked, those on England's land were pushed into Welsh land, the Welsh were very inviting to their brothers (take in the fact they're both Roman-Britons, abandoned by the Roman Empire) and it's at this point with Britannia not completely whole and not having named the land they're on yet, that the Roman's Britain is called Britons and the Saxon's gets dubbed the Anglo-Saxon Britain.

-Now onto the iffy facts. Ambrosius Aurelianis where there's evidence he existed and was a leader, and he seems to be called the last of the Romans thus being suggested he was related to an old Emperor, there's not much more other than he really didn't like Vortigern. Arthur's legend states he's his uncle, who had been seeking revenge on Vortigern for killing his older brother when he was a child. He succeeds when he's an adult and the Saxons have betrayed the man and he burns Vortigern alive in his castle. He's also poisoned, but that's found out after his death they thought he was ill, when Uther won his first battle on his own.

-Why didn't I burn him alive? Why have him exiled to Wales? Because there's evidence that suggested he lived a very miserable life in Wales with every hating him, also I doubt Vortigern would've got a castle set up for himself in the short time he ruled.

-Uther Pendragon (he'll get the Pendragon added in next chapter you'll understand why) is King Arthur's Father in myth. He got Igerna into an affair (she was already married), and the sin of adultery brought Arthur into life.

-Merlin, was said to know of Arthur and Uther's greatness from seeing a comet shaped like a dragon. He's a wizard (we're go into more detail of that next chapter) and helped Uther get Igerna and distract Igerna's husband (a ruler in Cornwall).

-Why Stonehenge? Because there's legends that says Ireland stone Stonehenge through the Roman's departure and this is why Uther originally searches for Merlin, but I felt that would be silly to put on here!

Ok, so someone asked if I would be adding romantic pairings and if I would, would it be Wales and England. So, I thought this would be the perfect time to set a sort of example for you all. See that last bit? Right, a story where I'm going through all of England's life can't exist with him being oblivious to love, sex and romance, he's a Nation for God's sake and one that's probably got around with all his history! But I know of very good stories like this that their favourite pairings ended up distracting everything and ruined it for those who didn't actually like the pairings they were using, so I thought would you like me to put things in like that at the end that could suggest some innocent/platonic or if you want to take it that way something romantic and more?

Anyway I think that's everything, thank you for sticking with the story those of you who are still around (and I love for being so). Those who have just joined us welcome you found this story at a good time! And those of you have yet to find this story a greeting from the past! Welcome one and welcome all, I hope my story is entertaining enough to keep at least one or two of you here till the end (it's a long way off yet).