They had nothing to say to eachother as they went thier seperate ways, the rest of thier group torn between the two.

Shippo chased after his mother, as did Sango, who wanted to comfort the time-traveling miko. Miroku on the other hand, decided to deal with the stubborn hanyou.

"What is your problem Inuyasha? It'd not like she did anything wrong. She was just asking if Kikyou had any news on Naraku or the jewel shards."

Yes. It was one of those fights. Inuyasha had gone after Kikyou after spotting her soul collectors. Kagome asked if there was any news and Inuyasha blew up in her face.

Sango ran after Kagome who was at the river staring into it. Her aura was dejected. Sango swore to herself that she was going to slam Inuyasha so hard, he would wish Kagome had sat him.

"Why does he always come back when he is done talking to Kikyou? If he loves her so much shouldn't he just saty with her?"

"He wants both of you. Question is do you want him to use you like your his back-up plan?" Came a voice neither had expected to hear.

Shippo had finally made it to the women, when Sesshomaru came our from the forest.

"Sesshomaru-sama? What do you mean by that?"

"He is only using you when he is not with his dead lover. Do you want him to use you like that?"

It was silent for a few minutes. Sango had heard a nearly silent note in his voice. Did he love her? The human-hating Lord of the West?

Kagome looked up from the water and watched Sesshomaru as he held his hand out to her. She hesitantly takes it and allows him to pull her up.

Once he had his hand around her, he wasn't about to let the little miko go. He wasn't as foolish as his half-breed brother was. He could love her better then anyone else could, and he was going to prove it.

He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her cheek affectionatly, earning a surprised gasp from both the miko, and the slayer. Shippo just smiled.

He knew about Sesshomarus interest in his adopted mother, and smiled. She deserved someone who would'nt hurt her like Inuyasha always did. He watched as Sesshomaru told her that he wanted her as a mate and her yes to it.

Sesshomaru lifted her face with one gentle finger, and kissed her, in plain sight of the kitsune and his mikos friend. Sango just smiled and led Shippo away so they could have some privacy.

Inuyasha didn't take the news so well, and if it wasn't for Miroku and Sango, the hanyou would have attacked his older brother for even touching her.

Sesshomaru took her and the kitsune to his palace, with promise that they will visit them. As long as it made Kagome happy.

"I can love her better than you." Was the last thing Inuyasha heard from Sesshomaru before their departure.