A/N: Here we go guys, the last chapter. I want to thank everyone that's ever reviewed, favourited or alerted this story and the original WILAY. If it wasn't for all of you, this would never have been so successful. I love you all so much.
Anyway, a few people have asked if I'm going to write another part to this. The answer is... I don't know. As far as I know up to yet, there won't be, but I know what I'm like when it comes to this story. I miss it too much and I end up writing more for it, so yeah. We'll see I guess.
Blah, I'll shut up now. Once again, thank you all so much. Here we go...
Chapter 26 – You Saved Me
Once things between Randy and myself where back to the way they'd always been, time seemed to pass quicker than ever. We spent the next three months being practically inseparable. I helped him with his recovery, and he showed me that the person he'd been when he'd first become injured was well and truly gone. There wasn't a day since I'd moved back home that we hadn't spent together. We hadn't even argued once. Everything was perfect again, and I couldn't have been happier.
I stood at my make-up station, packing away the last of my things as I heard the music for Raw blast through the building, meaning the show was well and truly on the way. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. I never usually got nervous at a show... I didn't have a reason to. But tonight was different.
Once I'd closed up the now full case, I let out a sigh, running my hand through my hair in exhaustion. I'd been so tired as of late. If I wasn't at work, I was usually at home sleeping.
Rolling my eyes at myself, I picked up my things and quickly made my way down the corridors, smiling at those few people who I met along the way. I stopped for a few moments for a quick chat with Ted, who seemed about as happy and nervous as I was for what was happening tonight.
Waving goodbye to him after saying myself and Randy needed to catch up with him, I was on my way again. It didn't take me long to find the locker room I was looking for, and I quickly let myself inside without knocking. A huge smile appeared on my lips as I spotted Randy sat on the sofa. It was automatic now, being happy when I was around him.
"Hey baby," He looked up from lacing his wrestling boots as he heard the door close shut, grinning when he spotted it was me.
"Hey," I placed my things down and quickly made my way over to him, taking a seat beside him on the couch and cuddling into his side, "How are you?"
"I'm good," He nodded, his eyes on the floor, and I smiled lightly to myself. He was the world's worst liar, and I could always tell when he was nervous. Not that it was a surprise; it would have been insane if he hadn't been.
"Uh-huh," I laughed lightly, reaching over and gently lifting his chin. He turned towards me, his eyes meeting mine, and I smiled his way encouragingly, "You don't need to be worried, Randy. Everything is going to be fine."
"I know," He nodded my way, a sigh slipping from his lips as he shrugged, "I guess it's just because it's been so long, you know?"
"It has... but I promise you the minute you step foot on that ramp, all your worries are going to disappear. It'll feel like you never even left."
Randy smiled my way again, and I pulled a face back, making him chuckle as he pulled me in for a hug. I closed my eyes as I leaned against his chest, smiling at how many times we'd been here. It felt like so long ago that we'd only been friends and working together.
"Can I ask you something? Will you come to the gorilla with me, when it's time?"
I pulled back, tilting my head slightly as I watched him. The beard that he'd grown for months was gone; he was completely clean for his return. I had to admit, I did kind of miss the rugged look... but he looked so much younger without it. That, and just like the Randy I'd fallen in love with all those years ago.
"You know I will. I'll be there the entire time," I nodded, leaning in to press a soft kiss against his lips.
"Thank you," Randy whispered against my mouth, kissing me one more time before he pulled away, the mischievous look I knew all too well brightening his features.
"What?" I eyed him suspiciously, not being able to hide my own smile.
"I just need to ask for one more thing..." He spoke slyly, and I wasn't surprised when he reached behind him and pulled out a bottle of baby oil, the disgusted look on my face making him laugh loudly.
"Good luck, Randy."
"Be careful out there, man."
"Show them what you're made of, Orton."
I squeezed Randy's hand tightly as the pair of us made our way through the arena corridors, and I had to smile at all of the people who spoke to him as we walked by them. I guess I'd never really realised how much he meant to so many people. It was things like this that made me love him that little bit more every day.
"It's nice to know everyone still likes to kiss my ass," Randy joked when we were out of earshot of everyone, and I nudged him with my elbow playfully, sending him a glare.
"Shut up, they're just trying to be nice."
"Whatever you say," Randy smirked, the pair of us slowing as we reached the gorilla. There were a number of crew and other wrestlers already watching the monitors, their eyes glued to Alberto Del Rio as he made his way down to the ring, dressed in his familiar scarf and wrestling gear.
I turned back towards Randy as I heard him let out a shaky sigh, and I sent him an encouraging smile.
"You're gonna be fine, baby." I cooed, standing on my tiptoes to give him a quick hug, before the pair of us turned our attention towards the monitor, where Alberto now held a mic, the crowd booing him as he tried to speak.
"Last night, I had a match for my WWE Championship against CM Punk... and as I told everyone I would, I defeated him. None of you idiotic people believed that I could do it, but I did. CM Punk is not the best in the world. I am. I'm better than each and every one of you. I'm better than everyone in that locker room. And I'm not being arrogant; it's just the way it is. It's my destiny..."
It was nearly time for Randy to make his way to the ring, Alberto was about to call out anyone he hadn't faced for the title before, and he was going to surprise everyone when his music hit. I swallowed the lump in my throat, hating how nervous I was for him. I couldn't even imagine how awful he felt right now, waiting for it all to happen.
I turned to look at him, watching as his wide eyes stayed glued to the screen. It was more than obvious to me that he was terrified.
"I'm so proud of you, Randy."
He slowly turned towards me, a frown distorting his features. I smiled his way, shaking my head.
"When you first became injured... when things turned bad, there was a time I thought you'd never recover. I thought you'd never make it back to the ring... but you did it. You're here."
"Yeah... but only because of you," Randy whispered, ducking his head closer to mine so that nobody else could hear what he had to say, "I was so lost, Ella. I didn't think I was going to make it back, either... but you saved me. I owe you everything, and I love you so much." He shook his head my way. I don't think I'd ever seen him as serious as he was in these few moments.
"I love you too," I whispered, resting my forehead against his before I leaned in and kissed him.
"I'm sorry Ella, Randy... but it's time."
I pulled away reluctantly, turning to see a crew member awkwardly waiting for us to finish. I smiled his way, quickly turning to look at Randy once more.
"Be careful out there, okay?"
Randy nodded my way, giving me one last lingering kiss before he pulled away from me and walked towards the curtain. I crossed my arms over my chest, watching as the other people waiting gave him words of encouragement. The next few seconds of silence seemed to drag for what felt like forever before Randy's familiar music hit... the fans going absolutely crazy as they realised what was about to happen.
I saw Randy take in a deep breath, his eyes turning to find mine. I smiled his way, and I watched on as all the nerves that he'd had seeped away. He smirked back, sending me a wink before he pushed open the curtain and walked out to a standing ovation.
I moved closer to one of the screens, shaking my head and smiling at the familiar, stone faced look Randy was sending Alberto as he stalked to the ring. The Viper was definitely back. I couldn't take my eyes off of how amazing he looked. It was like he'd never missed a beat.
I grinned as he climbed into the ring, taking a hold of a mic himself and smirking as the crowd cheered even louder. It was perfect, seeing him back where he was supposed to be. It was like he was home...
Randy began to talk, holding the fans in the palm of his hand as he did, and I sighed, my hand automatically falling to my belly. I hadn't forgotten that I had to tell him something later that night. I'd known for just over a week now, but I hadn't wanted Randy to have anything else on his mind than returning to the ring. After all, finding out you were going to be a father was a pretty big thing...