…Not my longest fanfiction. Not really that fond of it either, I feel like it broke the formula too much, especially near the end. Nevertheless, I thought it was…decent. Here's a chapter analysis of the story…those of you who read my Zelda fanfics (more Zelda/P&F fans than I thought actually) will be familiar with this.


I was staling beginning the writing for quite some time. I didn't even bother thinking of ideas for it until…a day before I wrote it actually.The reason for this was

1) I am a Phinbella fan and I thought the idea of keeping in character and adding a lot of Phinbella was impossible. I read a lot of fanfiction writers try and many failed attempts; honestly, I don't think I was any better. Another reason is, unlike Zelda, Phineas and Ferb gets updated very often, so it was only likely my fanfiction would be too…oh what's the word? I would like to say "Uncanon" but it's already not canon so…eh you get the picture. In the end, I figured if I wrote it after the show was over, it would be too long, Phinbella might already be canon, and people wouldn't read it.

When I DID write it, I had several problems on my hands. First were the relationship issues. I foolishly decided to write this soon after "Summer Belongs To You" right when CandacexJeremy was official and FerbxVanessa was unclear. Is Ferb done with her? No matter, what's done is done. Another thing was Melissa, I didn't (and still don't) know if she would be coming back. Isabella hinted she might. As some of you know, there is a Phineas and Ferb movie planned in which they discover Perry's identity. Should I make it so Phineas, Ferb, and the others know he is an agent? Well I reasoned that they didn't seem to know in the future and that the show must continue after it. I mean the movie is planned for next summer and we haven't even started season 3. So…well, I could be wrong, but I doubt Dan and Swampy would make the rest of the series go by with Phineas and Ferb knowing Perry's identity. So I predict they will get their memories erased by Monogram at the end of the movie. Well that's how I fixed that problem, I decided not to add Melissa in because I doubt her absence would make too many people raise eyebrows. As for pairings…I decided to put little emphasize on CandacexJeremy and was very careful with FerbxVanessa…and that was also because of the age difference. I'm not even sure if Dan and Swampy plan to add some closure on that one. Now…onto the chapters.


I decided to take it slow with the Phinbella, I wanted to warm the fanfiction up because it feels like a lot of other fanfiction writers really make the plot go out of it's way to please the love pleasures of Phineas and Isabella…in the end, I think I kinda did that too. Anyway I wasn't even going to print this chapter at first, it was originally just a practice so I could get the feel of writing Phineas and Ferb style instead of Zelda style. My sister liked it though and said it was stupid of me not to print it. In the end, I figured I spent a morning on it, so I may as well.


I actually wrote the Perry plot first for this one. I was having lunch with my friend and had less money than I thought. So I had to grope around for small change and everything, other than the quarters, was a pain to get out and pay with. And with my evil mindset and all, it was easy to make this into a Perry plot. After I wrote this, I considered taking out the invisible clothing bit…it felt too….perverted….for Phineas and Ferb. But reading through it, it felt too included in the beginning of the story to take out…OK, you got me, I was too lazy to do it. I made the leprechaun thing for the story because it fit the Perry plot. I wonder if I should have mentioned the prom…usually Phineas and Ferb plots don't build on each other like this…oh well.


I don't think there's much to say about this chapter…except it was the first of mine to more closely connect Plot A and Plot B. I wasn't feeling to sure about it, but by the time I started seriously considering getting rid of it, I was already halfway through and running short on time. It seems to have done fairly well though, so it doesn't bother me too much. Oh, and one other thing I feel like I need to say…I've been reading these fanfictions for awhile and always wondered why people make Ferb talk so much…it's not as easy as it looks to keep him silent! Seriously, it makes me respect Dan and Swampy a whole lot more, I don't know how they do it!


And again…I question how they can keep Ferb so silent! I think I made him talk to much again…and again I think I made the plots too close together again. Not much else to say about this chapter except it was the last before the prom chapter where everything changed.


It's the big one…the one we've all been waiting for…nah not really, I don't think I made it that suspenseful. But seriously the story changed a lot from here. It was pretty worried about this chapter too. I was afraid people wouldn't like it. The Perry plot was pretty poor…I didn't have any ideas this time, but I decided it was, in a way, better this way. This chapter was to supposed to be heavily focused on Phinbella after all. I already said this on DeviantART where I originally released the chapter, but I forgot to add it in the notes…I kinda botched up the kiss on purpose. I didn't mean for it to be poorly written, but I wanted it to be written simple because Phineas and Isabella are a bit new in the who romance thing…yes even Isabella, she's still fairly young and Phineas is obviously the first she would go for. Speaking of the kiss scene, that was pretty hard to do. I was wondering for awhile how I was going to do the confession scene. I have read other fanfictions and every time Phineas or Isabella cofesses it feels off and out of the blue. Phineas just comes off as the too secure and confident kind of guy to be caught of guard and appalled at Isabella's feelings. He doesn't show it well, but I find it hard to believe a kid who builds all of this stuff with a few other kids can't see Isabella's obvious feelings. After pondering how Dan and Swampy would do this, I figured Phineas would know about it and I doubt it would be something complicated or heartbreaking. So I decided to make it that he knew and loved Isabella all along. A new problem arouse, others have done that too and in their case Phineas just seems to love Isabella for no reason and there is no reason why he never said anything before and it doesn't make sense. I figured I ought to give an explanation, but was having trouble making it so it didn't get too complicated. Well…you saw the result. I hope I did that well…


The sleep over seems to be a popular idea with this series' fanfiction. That worried me. I was wondering if I was making the same mistake the others made and ought to not do it. In fact, I was wondering if I ought to continue writing at all when I finished chapter five, but like the Zelda romance, I wanted the reader to see how the relationship works out. That's something I always hate not being able to see in stories. I like the excitement of the characters coming together; it's a big part and some of the most fun in the relationship. This is why PhineasxIsabella is my favorite pairing in the show. It easily works but isn't too obvious, there's still some to see. I like FerbxVanessa and CandacexJeremy but FerbxVanessa has the age boundary and whatnot. In Candace and Jeremy's relationship, it's obvious they both like each other and will be together. Because this is a TV series on Disney, I'm confident it will happen to Phineas and Isabella too, but without that logical reasoning, there is some wonder, hope, and excitement in this relationship. Anyway, I thought the reader would (like I often do) want to see how exactly it works out. This chapter was preparation for the next. By the way, I decided not to have them sleeping in the same bed like other fanfiction writers do and I did with Link and Zelda. This is more modern and they actually have parents, sure my flashback of them as little kids was one thing. But I couldn't possibly see Dan and Swampy having Phineas and Isabella sleeping in a bed together, even if I didn't care about that, I would be hard-pressed to find a logical reason for Lawrence to say "Oh! I have a simply smashing idea! Let's have Phineas and Isabella sleep in the same bed for no particular reason!" and have Linda follow up by saying "Genius!"

…The couch scene worked for me. Although, I still feel like I may have overdone it. Maybe they can sleep in the same bed in my next fanfiction…

Anyway, I don't know where I got the Vanessa idea from; it didn't feel all that impressive to me in the end. Gah! Two failed Perry plots in a row! =(


Phew! I had to write three plots this time. The Perry plot was…OK…I guess. The Ferb plot was also…OK. The Phineas plot was just god-awful. What was I thinking? This doesn't sound like Phineas and Ferb at all! I realized that as I was writing it too, so why did I continue? I must be crazy…oh and Rodney's name was annoying as hell to write! I originally planned a joke where Doofenshmirtz says "Look, even the narrator refers to you as "Rodney"! See that sentence right there? Oh and look, he calls you "What's-his-name! Bwa ha ha ha!" or something like that, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to break the fourth wall like that so I kept it out.


OK, I have a confession. When I was 15, my Mom's boyfriend accidentally gave me a pot brownie. Why do I say this? Because it's chapters like these that make me wonder if there's some sorta permanent effect the brownie had on my brain! I must have been high when I wrote this! What was I thinking? The entire chapter was nothing more than an excuse to ship Phinbella! It sounded nothing like the show and neither did the Perry plot…terrible….just…terrible.

This is seriously the reason why I'm not sure I want to write another fanfiction. Once I unleashed Phinbella, I think I lost control. Suddenly, I write these long-as-hell chapters that are made for the sole purpose of promoting this pairing! They're all just…awful. Plain awful. I don't want to ever read them again. Phew…rant over.


I'm pretty sure I ticked off at least one person with the length of this chapter…anyway there's a joke I was going to add on to the end. Feel free to read the last sentence of the chapter and pretend it continued on from that. It went like this:

Phineas: Oh, I see…

Isabella: I think it could have been even more cliché, if that's what you were going for.

Phineas: Yeah, it would have worked better if we all started laughing after I said "Well…I don't know what we're going to do today, but as long as I have my best friends, I'm sure today will be a great day!""

Ferb: That wasn't funny…

Phineas: I know, I know, it's just how the cliché endings work.

Ferb: I see…shall we try again?

Isabella: Nah, it's too late now.

Phineas: She's right, we lost the moment. Why do you want a cliché ending anyway? Nobody likes those.

Isabella: Not true.

Ferb: Indeed, people will whine about cliché endings, and use them to demean something, but in reality they really enjoy them.


OK, I might write another fanfiction. My sister has requested I do so, but it won't be now. Another thing my sister asked is that it's rated M…it's because she's a perv. And again, I'm not even sure I want to write another one. And if I did…it would be rated M. The reason why is because I already gave out Phineas and Isabella's relationship and they've kissed and stuff. They even had a romantic swim together. Where's the suspense? What's the next step? Yeah…sex. Normally I wouldn't do this but…I'm going to make them a bit older if I try this. I'm not too sure about the idea, because I can't help but picture them as kids when read or write this stuff. So I'd only age them by a few years…

I'm still not sure. I have a bad feeling in my conscious about making Disney cartoons have sex. I'm not going to write this unless people really want it. Even then I'm going to just consider it. My last M-rated fanfiction was a fiasco. People overall enjoyed it, but I couldn't stand it. I think this is a good ending for now…


I'd just like to thank you for reading and reviewing and inform you I am going to put a poll up about an M-rated sequel. If you don't want it, please vote anyway. Don't make me waste my time.