I was a freakin chibi! Out of all things that could have happened, I got turned into a chibi. It didn't help that I had my clothes from when I was little in Germany. They were fuckin historical clothes too (ya know, dress, apron, puffy sleeve shirt. My aunt had a terrible sense of style back then). Just my luck.

Then I heard "Keseseseseseseses"

I turned around to see the laughing albino man.

"Shut the fuck up you dumbass eastern kraut!" I hissed

He simply rolled his eyes and kept laughing.

"STOOOP!" I whined

Then I ran off and hid in a corner of the ship. Tears filled my eyes. I hid my head in my small hands. How did this happen?

"Annie! Annie! Annie!"

"Don't call me Annie! I told you my name is Anya!"

"Why do you always look so old fashioned Annie?"

"Not you too Abel!"

"Hey! She's running away! Let's go after her!"

"You're such a baby Annie!"


"Look Odell! She's crying!"

I wiped my eyes.


"Get the hell out of here Odell."

"What the heck was that for?"

"OWW Scheiße!"

"Don't ever forget my name. Even in America I'll know whether you remember it or not. I'll come back to Bavaria and kick your ass until you can't see the light of day."

I laughed softly. Good times! I was such a bad ass during my early teenage years.

It took us a few hours to get home. To me, it felt like it took days. I just wanted to go home and turn myself back. What more could I ask for?

As soon as I got to the front door of my house, I ran into my room. I grabbed chalk, extra clothes, and my magic book. Then I snuck outside to the backyard and into the woods. I hoped that no one would see me out there and come out.

When I got to the center of the woods I set my extra clothes down and I pulled out a stick of chalk. Within minutes I had a magic circle drawn. It was the most elaborate one I'd ever done. Then I pulled out my book and flipped through until I found the right page.

"Meramera to, yaki tsukuse

sumi kara sumi made sono gouka de

atokata mo nokoranu you ni tamashii made mo yaki tsukuse

Meramera to, yaki tsukuse

ware no yobikake ni, kotae ima orokanaru monodomo wo guren no honoo de yaki tsukuse

Santra ba~dra winza~na~ wonpa~to~rana intrakantera

Santra ba~dra winza~na~ wonpa~to~rana intrakantera

Meramera to, yaki tsukuse

sumi kara sumi made sono gouka de

atokata mo nokoranu you ni

tamashii made mo yaki tsukuse

Meramera to, yaki tsukuse

ware no yobikake ni, kotae ima orokanaru monodomo wo guren no honoo de yaki tsukuse" I sang

A light enveloped me and then the whole area around me. It cleared in a second and I saw that I was the same. It made me so pissed off. I wondered if anything had changed.

"Wo bin ich?"

I knew that voice. It made me think happy thoughts, but I didn't need another one. Three was bad enough. Maybe he wouldn't be that bad. After all he would be good at helping me with them.

I ran over and hugged him. He seemed confused. Then he picked me up.

"Are you lost or something?" he asked

"Nope" I said shaking my head

"Who are you?"

"Anya Himmelreich. Who are you?" I asked him, even though I knew the answer.

"Ludwig Beilschmit"

"Well Ludwig, I'm gonna be your big sister from now on."


"I'm 19 you douchebag. I some how ended up looking like I was a little kid when I got drunk at a bar on Pelee Island, Ontario, Canada. And before you ask, we're not in Germany even if we wish it."

A/n: Ok, I know I haven't been uploading much. I'm not sorry. Btw, that weird part with Anya talking to two boys isn't why she is the way she is (so you don't ask me about it). Don't feel like explaining why she is like she is.

To Dot The Amazing: I update when I feels like it. Btw, I've been uploading at a fuckin amazin rate on my other account. Break started on the 9th and I've had tech camp until the 16th. I like the other story that I run on my other account more and thus I give more time to it (over 10 chapters in 3 weeks). So I have been using summer to write more.

People, don't bug the crap out of me. I was burned out on this and I lost interest. If you have ideas, send them to me via reviews.