There we go, another story :) Thank so so so so much for the reviews! I had almost forgotten how addictive they are! This is actually a B-day gift to my BFF - Sayuri! Happy Birthday, my love! *hearts*

Title: Helping Hand

Rated: K+

Summary: Tony insists on helping Ziva.. Oh well. -not in a relationship-

Disclaimer: I don't own it. And though this is my friends gift, she doesn't really own NCIS either. :(

Tony heard a loud 'crack' from a distance; He and McGee ran to the source of the noise, finding Ziva on her butt, down a rut and looking absolutely not pleased with the situation she was in.

"You OK?" The Junior Agent asked.

"Fine, I think I only sprained my ankle; nothing to worry about." Came her reply as she wiped her hands on her black pants.

McGee stifled a laugh; you have to admit – at least to yourself – that seeing Ziva on her butt wasn't something common at all, so the situation could be considered quite amusing. He felt an elbow on his ribs and turned is head to look at the agent standing by his side.

"Not funny, Probie." Tony said, quite seriously, but the slight gin on his mouth betrayed him, telling McGee that he too was trying not to laugh. He was already going down to help her.

"It's funny when it happens to me." Tim muttered; and if Tony heard him, he didn't answer.

"I don't need your help, Tony!" Ziva chided when her partner tried to pull her to her feet and failed because she wouldn't move.

"Don't make me carry you bridal style, because I will." He warned, pulling her up a little more forcefully and wrapping an arm around her waist.

And again, she didn't move; a playful glint on her eyes that practically daring him to do what he had just warned her about. No, she didn't think he'd do it and he knew that. With a groan he stopped, turned – so he was facing her profile- and, without removing his arms, he quickly scooped her up.

A shriek passed through her lips and she started wriggling on his arms. "Put me down, Tony!"

"If you had just walked, I wouldn't have to do this now, would I?" He said, holding her tighter so she wouldn1t fall.

"Tony, I am warning you, if my feet do not touch the ground in exactly five seconds, I will hurt you!" She was still twitching as he was walking them back to the truck and Tony was having a hard time focusing on where he was stepping while trying to hold her even tighter and closer to him, because if he just dropped her he'd be a dead man.

"You're not going to – "


Tony had tripped on a root ad sent them both to the leaves, with him half laying on top of her. Intense staring. A lip lick from her and a sigh from him. After what seemed like ages, he rolled off her and they burst out laughing.

"I didn't hurt you even more, did I?" He asked her, still laughing.

"No, not really." She shook her head, catching her breath.

He got up and offered her a hand; this time, she took it and allowed him to carry half of her weight on their way to Ducky. It's not like she ever minded having his arm wrapped around her, but she had to keep the act, right?

You guys have thoughts on it? I'd love to hear them! :)