Yo, new chapter.
Guess I had 5 written out.
Time for me to go find those drugs I was on hahaha jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk
Review please! Thanks to the faithful readers and reviewers!
*dinner time*
Axel's dad is a big, huge scary man. Roxas is 's Dad: So Roxas, you're a sophomore.
Roxas: No... f-freshman.
Axel's Dad: You're a shy one ay? *big booming laugh*
Axel: Daaa-ad you're creeping him out!
Axel's Dad: Hush boy! Hey Aria? Where's Axolla?
Roxas: Axolla?
Axel: *whispers to roxas* My little sister. *to his dad* Remember she had a play date with cousin Rina? YOU were suppose to go get her.
Axel: Ugh you know what I'LL do it. *whispers* Thiz food sucks anyway.
Axel's Mom: What?
Axel: Nothing. Come on Rox!
*at the Tanaka residence*
Axel: *rings doorbell*
A woman with long silver hair down her back opens the door. She has aquamarine eyes and looks JUST LIKE RIKU!
Riku's Mom: Axel! Thank GOD! Rina and Axolla are wreckless!
Axel: Sorry. My dad forgot to get her... AGAIN.
Riku's Mom: I see. Axolla! Your brothers here to get you!
Two cute little girls come to the door. One had very long silver hair and aqua eyes (must run in the family). Her eyes were huge. She was kind of pale and had slanty eyes. The other had long, wild red hair and bright green eyes. She was smiling.
Axolla: Buwn baby! *hits with a chakram she drew*
Rina: You get him giwl.
Roxas: Aww! lol.
Axel: That's not cute! Come on Axolla.
Axolla: I not going wiff you Ax-Jewk!
Axel: Rawr come here!
Axolla: *runs off*
Riku's Mom: *sighs*
Rina: *grabs her leg* Hi-ya!
Riku's Mom: Ugh Rina please cut it out. *pick up*
Rina: *looks at Roxas. eyes get big* You're pweeeetty.
Roxas: Aww thanks. You are too.
Rina: *blush and giggle*
Riku's Mom: Oh no young lady. Don't get into the habit of outrageously older men. *laughs*
Axel: *walks in struggling to keep hold of Axolla*
Axolla: Wah! Let me go! Let me go!
Axel: Nope. Thanks for dealing with her Aunt Rikka. I think she's a bad influence on Rina.
Riku's Mom: *laughs* She's a handful on her own though. See you later. Nice to meet you... um.?
Roxas: It's Roxas. Nice to meet you too.
Riku's Mom: *smiles* Oh Axel? Have you seen Riku? He didn't call home.
Axel: He's with Sora, Roxas's twin.
Riku's Mom: Oh I see. *smiles* Okay. Good to see friendly kids these days.
Axel: Hell yea. So damn FRIENDLY hehehe.
Riku's Mom: What?
Axel: Nothing. Bye Aunt Rikka.
*heading back to Axel's house*
Sora and Riku both got back dressed. Riku's eyes went wide.
Riku: Oh my goodness I can't believe I just did that! You don't have sex on the first date. Oh my goodness that wasn't even a date. You could AT LEAST buy me dinner Sora!
Sora: WHOA! Calm down. *laughs* I will then.
Riku: *calms down and laughs* You don't have to. I just... I don't know freaked out. I mean, I've only known you for 8 hours... well... 11 now. *smirks*
Sora: True. *smirk*
Riku: *laid back. blinking slow* Ugh see now I'm sleepy.
Sora: Glad to have that affect. *laughs*
Riku: ...Why are we so calm about this?
Sora: Should we panic?
Riku: Some people would, but I... *fell asleep*
Sora: WTF? Tenshi...*shaking Riku* Ten-shi.
Riku: Huh?
Sora: You fell asleep mid-sentence.
Riku: Your fault. *laughs* (cell rings) *looks at it* (uh-oh) Um...
Sora: ?
Riku: One... One second.
*on the phone*
Riku: Hello? (changed voice again)
Heavenlii: Hey. You didn't call me like you said. *laughs*
Riku: Oh yea. Sorry. Family stuff. *laughs* I hope you're not mad at me.
Sora: ? Riku who's that?
Heavenlii: Who was that?
Riku: Umm...
Sora: Riku?
Heavenlii: Riku?
Riku: (pitch in voice goes up) Hey I'll call- *ahem* (goes back down) I'll call you later.
Heavenlii: O... Kay?
Riku: Bye. *hangs up*
Sora: *looking at him suspiciously*
Riku: *stares at wall*
Sora: Riku?
Riku: Yes? (pitch back up)
Sora: Who was that?
Riku: *looks at him* Who was who Sorami?
Sora: ... On the phone?
Riku: *looks utterly confused* ...the phone?
Sora: Yea... who called you?
Riku: ... I have NO CLUE what you're talking about.
Sora: ...*laughs* Okay no who was it? I won't be mad.
Riku: *REALLY looks TRULY confused* What are you talking about?
Sora: Are you okay?
Riku: *smiles* Yes *kiss. looks at clock* It's past 6... I should go.
Sora: Oh... uh... want me to walk you there?
Riku: *smiles* Sure.