Summary: You hold a book in your hands, it's been torn up, beaten and thrown about like it was nothing. On the first page was this, "Okay, you might want to grab a chair…" Spoilers for pretty much the entire series.

Disclaimer: I do not own, in any shape or form, the TV series Generator Rex.

Chapter 2

Hi again. Since you've made it to the next page, it still must be me, right? Okay. Pop quiz. How many enemies do I have?

Answer? Too many.

The big cheese of the bunch is Van Kleiss. Basically, he's every mad scientist you ever saw only a lot freakier and more dangerous. I would use worse words, but I want to set a good example for you to follow.

He is the leader of Abysus, a.k.a. the sad remains of the Nanite explosion I told you about earlier. The ground was shot though with Nanites; making it the perfect thing for Van Kleiss to control. Be warned, he and I were at the explosion together, and he might have known our parents. Don't stop to listen-he'll get away. Don't worry, he's stuck on Abysus until further notice. It's his Pack you have to worry about. He's not that hard to miss, long black hair with two strips of white in the bangs, golden mechanical fist that could kill you and this divertidísimo theory that involves me joining his side.

(There is a drawing of a person getting punched, Van Kleiss, maybe? It's hard to tell. You stare at it for a few seconds, wondering how much hate went into it. The door opens, but you don't notice it and continue reading.)

Next on the list is Biowulf, his perro faldero. He runs the Pack, a crack team of crazies ready and willing to do whatever Van Kleiss wants. Biowulf is a mechanical werewolf, watch out for the claws. He gets antsy when Van Kleiss doesn't give him attention.

Skalamander: You'll know him when you see him. Big, green fellow with the wicked teeth and crystals jutting out of his shoulder. Doesn't talk much.

Circe is the kind of girl…gah. How can I put it? Almost crazy? A survivor, like us. She looks normal until she activates her powers, sonic screams. There might be something there, but I'm just not sure. She runs with Van Kleiss, which makes her really hard to catch.

Breach: Let's not go there. Seriously. She stuck me in this crazy world where everything had to be perfect or she'd go insane. The worst part? It was her mind. I don't know where she is, but you don't need to look hard if you want to find her. Pale, with four arms and a need for everything to have order.

There's also a few non-EVO'd humans in the mix as well. Maybe they might accept me later, but for now it doesn't matter what they think. If they still hate us, just work on your PR. Save a puppy or something, that might help.

Scared yet? Well, lucky us, we're not alone. I've made a few friends since last time. Providence did help me out on that one.

First, the ninja nanny. Also known as Agent Six. Will work you to the bone. Never takes off his sunglasses, fights with katanas (a.k.a. epic awesome swords), and always wears a dark green suit with a mint in the upper left pocket. He might as well be the closest thing I have to a real dad, but never ever (and I'm being serious here) ever say that. Forget I wrote it. Bleach it from your mind like the last few years…Oh, and don't forget to ask if you can learn some dulce fighting moves from him.

(You wonder if there's more instructions; a grocery list maybe? He could at least try to be sympathetic! Too many don'ts, not enough do's. Someone pulls you from reading, a girl about your age with red and black hair.)

The other person I care more about than comida frita de chili (It's a compliment, I swear!)is Doctor Holiday. Always has a lab coat and boots. She's a she, in case you were wondering. Continually tries to make things better for me at Providence, so break her heart and I'll break your face. This is a heavy book after all…Has an EVO'd sister that White Knight keeps locked up in The Petting Zoo. I'm not allowed near her anymore…they might think I'll cure her so that Holiday can go free. Smart people.

Bobo, he's my sidekick, bad influence, and mi amigo all rolled up in one. Now a lot of you are probably worried about the monkey, he can handle himself. Unless it's Vegas. I would say 'don't let him run off with your money', but you know that.

Then there's Noah. If he tries to set me up on a date with Annie one more time it's gonna be the death of me. He's one if the best friends I have, mainly my only one. My personal slice of normal, cut out of someone else's life and grafted onto mine.

He was also a fake. Still a good friend, after that. Blame White Knight for setting up the deal. If I guessed right, he won't tell you that, though. You can sort it out yourself.

(The girl had a sad look in her eyes as she led you out, your fingers' still clutching the journal.)

And the big bad boss, Caballero Blanco. Also known as White Knight. A jerk who's head of Providence, and tells the soldiers to their face that they're expendable. Stuck in a Nanite-free room of his own design would make anyone crabby, but something else is bothering him…You're free to insult him, I don't care.

(You now find yourself in a larger room with no ceiling, the sky painted red and the clouds barely a whisper. At the other end of the table sit's a man in his late thirties, a bit rough around the edges. He had a golden mechanical hand hidden under the table. But you don't know that. 'Hello, Rex, come join me for dinner…' he said, smiling.)

The people I have grown around, friends and enemies, are going to change. And so are you. Hopefully I can record what happens so you won't get confused, but the future isn't set in piedra, okay?

Aaaannndd…now it's time for mission briefing. Lovely. Write later.



divertidísimo: hilarious

perro faldero: lap dog

dulce: sweet

comida frita de chili: chili fries

mi amigo: my (male) friend

Caballero Blanco: White Knight

piedra: stone

Author's note: It's now a chapter story. Yay! I hope I didn't go overboard with the Spanish this time.

Guess who took New!Rex out for a walk! There was a coin toss on the ending, though. Heads was that Rex woke up in Abysus. Tails was that Rex woke up in Providence. Thanks, Niromi, for playing the game!

Another thanks to the reviewers, and a bucket of digital chili fries for all of you! Don't go killing over them! (You know they're worth it!)

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