
A/N: Hello peoples! It's actually past Christmas break now, which sucks, so I gave ya'll an extra long chapter to enjoy! ^-^ I got to go on this skii trip with my 'country folks' and had the best time ever! well...except for the creepy stalker dude that attached himself to me like a FRIGGIN LEECH! but anyways, i have something to say: I think the character that Sam is in this chapter really shows her wild side ;) js, now continue on to the awesomeness that is Seddie!

Alrighty then, lets get this outta the way. I don't own iCarly…but I did have a WONDERFUL dream about icarly and seddie ^=^

ps. oh, and just to let you know, i haven't proof-read this b/c i knew it's been long enough since i updated so if i have tons of mistakes, let me know! i'm also re-reading this and correcting before moving on, i think ya'll will like the next chapter! ;)

Carly's POV

Those two have GOT to get together! I mean seriously, it's ridiculous that they haven't by this point! Well it all changes today! I thought as I reached up to place the final part of my perfection together.

And done!

I gazed up and down before turning around and smiling, hiding my red lips behind an ornate fan Socko's sister Fanny had made me.

I was an exact copy of Mulan. I had gotten Spencer to help me make the costume, and Sam's as well. I had every little detail correct, even the make-up, and I was ready to go.

"Ni-hao!" Spencer called to me as he jogged in from his bedroom wearing pink sweatpants and a gross looking t-shirt. Sometimes I seriously wondered about that guy.

"Hey bro, check out the 'stoom!" I said, laughing over my own little joke. But I stopped once I saw his serious expression.

"Don't mock the 'stoom." He said in a deadly serious voice before launching at me with a raised pillow.

"STOP!" I screamed, holding up my hands in defense.

"Why?" Spencer asked, sounding like a whiney little kid. I didn't know whether to laugh or slap his hand.

"It took me 3 hours to look this good, get all the make-up on right, and do my hair! I'm not letting you ruin it over one joke!" I said, scolding myself for sounding like an uptight teacher at that moment.

"Ugh, fine! Sam needs you to help her in the studio by the way." Spencer said before frolicking back to the bathroom.

"I didn't know a person could really frolic!" I yelled after him, but he just stuck his tongue out over his shoulder and slammed the door. I laughed to myself and began the climb upstairs, being careful about stepping on the hem of this long dress.

"Carly?" Sam called, sounding almost scared. And there were very few times my best friend was scared.

So naturally I shimmied on up the stairs as fast as I could then.

"I…I don't know about this." Sam said, holding her arms around her middle and staring into the full length mirror we'd brought up there.

I couldn't help but squeal and smile broadly at her.

"Oh my god Sam, you look hot!" I said between squeals. Freddie's gonna flip! I thought, nearly hopping up and down with joy.

"Don't get too excited Shay, I might just decide to spill an orange cream soda all over that pretty silk dress of yours." Sam said, grinning slyly.

"Fine, but seriously you look really good!" I said, helping her pull her hair up into the complicated curly ponytail thing. We'd taken the extra time to curl every piece of her hair so it resembled Meg's perfectly, if not better than perfect!

"R-Really though, are you absolutely sure that you don't have a different costume?" Sam asked, acting for one of the first times in her life, shy.

"I'm positive. Come on Sam, you're the one who's always telling me to grow a backbone!" I said, patting her on the back.

"Alright, I'll do it." Sam said after gulping. "Coach me, how am I supposed to act and talk again?" she asked.

"First, you need to get the walk down. The walk is essential to being Megara!" I coached, excited to finally be able to use her as my doll.

"I know how to walk already!" Sam said, trudging forward with her usual stride.

"No! And it's not a pageant walk either!" I said when she tried that. "It's a sassy walk. If you're going to be Meg, you've got to want it! You gotta swagger girl, thrust out your hips, get some confidence in it too!" I encouraged her, watching her attempt to do what I said.

She tried again, but it looked awkward this time.

"No, c'mere and watch the clip again!" I said, dragging her by the hand over to the pop-out TV to watch Meg walking across the screen and talking to Hercules. Sam was perfect to play Meg, she just needed to break through that first self-conscious wall and then she'd be all set.

And then the idea hit me. Why hadn't I thought it before?

"I just got an idea!" I squealed. Sam cocked an eyebrow at me and I just kept smiling.

"Close your eyes and picture the guy of your dreams standing next to that wall. Think about only him. The guy you want to impress. How would you walk towards him?" I asked and Sam got a look of concentration over her face before a slow, cocky grin spread across her face and she opened her eyes. They had that sparkle back in them.

From the first step I knew she had it, she sauntered over to the wall, hips flicking perfectly in sync with her arms and the rest of her body. She was water itself, so fluid and smooth as her eyes never left that wall, but I was sure she was like fire too, passionate and alive. Weird..fire and water in the same person.

Was I a great teacher or what?

"How was that?" Sam asked, spinning around and cocking a hip out, placing a small fist on it. I gaped at her with tears in my eyes.

"I claim the rites, that I am the one who created this…this…masterpiece!" I said, dramatically placing a hand over my heart. Sam laughed and then nodded.

"Yepp, Mama knows just what to do now." She said, walking back over with a swagger.

"Did you know she was always one of my favorite Disney characters?" Sam asked me, playing around on the laptop.

"No, but you always knew about my obsession with Mulan." I said, giggling over the many memories.

"Come over here really quick Sam, I need to finish your make-up!" I said, gesturing to where a stool sat. She groaned and walked over, her dress flowing slightly behind her. I was so proud!

I applied the ruby red lipstick to Sam's lips, making them stand out, as well as putting mascara on her already long eyelashes.

Perfect! I thought again as I smiled and stepped back. Sam really did look like Meg! Except she still had the same blue eyes as always.

Sam's hair still had a red tint, but that made it the perfect Megara color! I had helped make the purple dress. You could tell it was definitely made for Sam's body, gliding smoothly down her curves that I wish I had, and hugging her hips in just the right way before dropping down to the floor. It was all a beautiful purple, but my favorite part was the bodice.

I'd worked especially hard on that part, searching for the right bronze circle-pins to hold up the straps had been difficult. But it set off every feature to…perfection!

Wow, Sam was right I do use that word a lot! I thought as I checked to make sure she still had her pretty sandals on. She did, they were bronze but wouldn't wear through easily.

"Okay, is that it?" Sam asked, standing back up and swaggering over to the doorway, throwing her now brown curls back with her hand. Some were pulled up and some were just left to cascade down her back. All in all, it was, in a word, PERFECT!

"Yeah, you can go downstairs now; the elevators under maintenance though." I said. She just sighed and walked out the door. As soon as it shut behind her, I dove for my phone on the beanbag and hit 2 and call.

Seconds later, a deep voice came out.

"Hullo?" asked my tired sounding best friend.

"Quick! You have to come over NOW!" I screamed at Freddie before hanging up. And right after, I heard a door slam somewhere close by.

I grinned evily. Man I'm so good at this! I thought, skipping over to the elevator.

Freddie's POV


"NOOOOO!" I sat up, screaming in the dark. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was in my room, it was safe, nothing was going to happen, I'd be okay. I breathed hard, my heart pounding relentlessly against my chest as I clicked on my lamp and looked around my room for reassurance.

And I found it in a picture frame on my desk.

There she was, her hair shining in the sun, her eyes sparkling even in picture form. It was a picture of her from the time when she and her mom had to go to therapy, and my mom was freaking out over how I might lose my life. We had just finished another iCarly and I'd snapped a shot of her, I couldn't help myself.

Sam was smiling widely, at the camera, and had pulled some sort of silly 'tada!' Pose for the camera, and she was absolutely adorable.

Of course, seconds later she had grabbed me by the head and given me a really painful noogie, but that's besides the point.

I always drew comfort from seeing that picture, it calmed me down to know she was here.

The dream is always the same. I'm drowning, clawing the water trying to get above the surface, but it's always as if something has grabbed onto my ankle and I'm drowning. And every time, just when I'm about to die, I wake up screaming.

Mom had long since stopped caring about the nightmares or screams, she sleeps with earmuffs now which shocked me, but made me happy. It was easier to do 'Wake up Spencer!' now.

I shook it off, and looked at the time.


Just great, I hadn't wanted to wake up until 6, I seriously needed more sleep.

I reluctantly rolled off of the bed, I didn't want to go another day with only a couple of hours of restless sleep, but I didn't exactly have a choice if I wanted to avoid the nightmare.

I walked over to my costume hanging over a chair in the corner, and slipped it all on slowly, yawning the whole time. After combing my hair down and strapping the whip to my hip,, I smiled into the mirror and puffed out my chest with pride, pulling ridiculous poses in the mirror to get the full effect of the costume.

Indiana Jones was always the best guy ever in my opinion…well, maybe Lord Nub-Nub beats him, but I couldn't dress up like him again.

I flexed my biceps and then grinned cockily. I'd been working out a LOT, ever since my first kiss It helped to know that next time Sam tries to pin me or beat me up, I can stop her. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated violently on my bedside desk.

"Hullo?" I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"Quick! You have to come over! NOW!" I heard the familiar voice shriek before the phone hang up. I didn't have a second thought, I ran out of my bedroom, accidentally slamming the door on my way out. Once I reached her door, I banged on it with my fist before giving up on knocking and just shoving it open. But it was unlocked, which was a very bad sign.

"Carly! Spencer! Where are ya'll?" I yelled as I ran first into the kitchen and then over to the stairs when I suddenly heard footsteps coming down. I backed up around a corner, ready to take on whoever it was.

As soon as I heard the last step creak, I launched forward and grabbed whoever was there, tackling them to the ground. They struggled back against me, but I managed to pin them down, one leg on either side of the person and holding down their arms above their head.

"What the chiz?" the person yelled and only then did I realize just who it was. Sam lay beneath me, her long now brunette curls spread around underneath her like a mermaid. Her chest was heaving up and down and her arms were struggling against mine to get up. She had on a purple dress and from what I could see, it was MADE for her body, perfect on her.

"Sam?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Who else would it be?" she asked, sounding ticked. I released her wrists and opted for putting my hands on either side of her head instead. She immediately began to rub her wrists as if trying to get back circulation.

"I don't know, Carly called and yelled at me to come over and I got worried." I confessed, staring down into her sapphire eyes. I loved that reassurance this was Sam. Even when she was dressed as someone completely different and had dyed her hair, she was still the same old Sam I loved. Her eyes spoke volumes.

"What for? If anyone broke in, I could take them." She said looking up at me.

I grinned cockily. And leaned down, bracing all my weight on my arms as I got dangerously close to her face. I never broke eye contact as I whispered to her.

"Oh really? And what would you call this?" I asked in a deep tone. Her eyes got the fire in them and I began to get worried.

"I'd say I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, and I can handle it. Have a nice day." She said, quoting one of my favorite lines from Hercules. At the end of it, she threw a flirtatious wink at me and I gulped again. Her small, soft hands found their way to my chest as she pushed upward.

Sam's POV

Ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham.

All that was on my mind was ham as I slinked down the stairs, making sure not to trip over the stupid dress. Not that I'd admit it out loud, but it was a really pretty dress, and I actually liked it. Maybe because Meg was one of the only Disney girls that had real sass and wit.

But just as I reached the bottom, I saw a blur in the corner of my eye and something hit me HARD right around the middle. The next second, I was being pinned to the ground but my body reacted instinctively, trying to fight back and push him off but for once, somebody was stronger than me.

Just when I was about to land a good punch at the attacker's head, he blocked it, almost as if he knew just what I'd do. And the next thing I knew, my attacker was resting on my stomach, one leg on either side and grabbed my wrists, slamming them into the ground over my head. I was breathing hard at this point, suddenly a bit scared when I opened my eyes and looked up for the first time to see who it was.


The guy I love.

Sitting on top of me.

I'm gonna kill him.

"What the chiz?" I asked angrily, staring up in surprise at how strong he was, I still couldn't wriggle out of his grip.

"…Sam?" he asked, tilting his head to the side in curiosity as he looked down at me.

"Who else would it be?" I asked, growing more frustrated. Seriously, he was strong! My hands began to tingle as they lost circulation.

It seemed almost as if he sensed this because he released my wrists, placing his hands next to my head, still acting like a cage, holding me in to the ground. I began to rub my wrists, he'd gripped them pretty hard.

"I don't know, Carly called and yelled at me to come over and I got worried." He said, his eyes starting to kind of glaze over as he looked into my eyes. What the heck? I thought, completely confused.

Strangely enough, he looked pretty comfortable considering the fact that he was about to die. Oh yeah…I'm in a dress…not the best outfit to attack someone in. Stupid dresses. I thought.

"What for? If anyone broke in, I could take them." I asked, annoyed.

And then he completely surprised me, something that was really hard to do.

He smirked and began to slowly lean down, impressively putting all his weight on his arms, almost in a push up of sorts.

"Oh really?" he asked, his breath flowing across my face, warm and smelling minty. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but luckily I have some self control.

He got closer until I could literally feel the heat from his face radiating towards mine.

"And what would you call this?" he asked, his voice growing lower and more gravelly by the second, I shivered hoping he wouldn't notice.

Inspiration struck all of a sudden, and I grinned slowly up at him.

My voice changed on cue, sounding more like Megs as I let her personality take me over. Don't doubt my acting skills.

"I'd say I'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle it. Have a nice day." I said with a cheeky grin as I lifted my arms, placing my hands on his surprisingly bare , warm chest and pushing against him, seeing if I could push him off. I was giving him false security, soon he'd meet his maker.

But shockingly, he didn't budge. I pushed again against the rock-hard chest of the formerly squishy nub-nugget who was apparently now a buff nerd.


"What's the matter, Miss damsel, can't handle this situation?" Freddie asked cockily, refusing to move even an inch.

And that was when my anger was unleashed. I shoved out my legs, knocking his wider open so he lost balance as my hands came up to his shoulders and flipped us over so I was now straddling him, looking down from my perch on his stomach and holding his wrists down now so he couldn't fight back.

"Rule number one, never leave your opponent with a defense at his/her disposal. Big mistake to let go of my wrists." I snarled, glaring down at him.

The only problem with this position was the fact that the 'cascading curls' as Carly called them were falling over my shoulders and around my face, blocking the view of our two faces as we met each other's eyes. And that is where the problem lies.

"OH MY GOSH!" a cry came from both the stairwell and the doorframe.

Freddie's head craned upward as mine whipped around, looking towards the directions of the two voices. And there were Carly and Spencer with shocked expressions on their faces as I realized just how this might look.

"Uh…I was…" Freddie stumbled around for words, trying to pry his wrists from my small but very capable hands.

"He tackled me! Like the nub could think he'd win against Mama!" I said, laughing as I pushed up off of him and then proceeded to grab onto his hand, pulling him up to stand next to me. We dusted ourselves off, Freddie reached over to brush a stray curl back into place as I fixed his shirt, making it hang straight and letting my fingers linger on his chest for a moment longer than I should've.

When I turned back to the Shay siblings, they were both staring at the two of us with expressions of confusion and…Carly actually looked like she was about to burst into squeals or something.

I saw a hat on the floor and reached down to get it.

"Oh, I thought you were missing something." I said, walking back over to Freddie and reaching up onto my tiptoes, placing his hat back on his head so he really did look like Indiana Jones. But then something bad happened.

I got knocked off of balance and began to fall forward, right into Freddie's arms. But I fell in such a way that he had to spin me around a little so he ended up holding me in a dip, his face right next to mine and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, my hands against his chest again.

Blushing (which I never do!...Unless Freddie's around.) I tried to stand up properly but Freddie only held me closer into him, now pressed flat against his chest.

"You okay?" He asked, concern radiating from his chocolate eyes. I think I melted.

C'mon Sam, don't be such a girl! Toughen up, show him who's boss! I thought, but my heart had other plans.

"Weak ankles." I muttered, chuckling softly as I stared up into his eyes.

He grinned down at me and slowly released his grip, backing away cautiously making sure I wouldn't fall over again. I was unwillingly touched by his concern, and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks nub." I said, quickly reaching up to give him a kiss on his cheek before sauntering over to Carly, practicing my Meg walk. Carly was grinning, surprisingly, while Spencer looked as if he was about to have a heart attack. As we all walked out, he called after us.

"Wait, what just happened?" I simply chuckled and closed the door behind all of us.

"You don't wanna know Spence!" I yelled, winking before shutting it.


Later, during 6th period, I was pretty pissed. I couldn't even count how many guys had tried to hit on me so far that day. All the guys at this school are pigs! Well…almost all of them.

As soon as I walked into Literature class,, late of course, everyone stopped and stared.

"Who's the new hot chick?" one of them whispered to his friend, blatantly checking me out. I walked over, making sure to put as much seduction in my walk and talk as I could.

"What's the matter? Too scared to ask me to my face?" I asked, adopting a falsetto to my voice. I could see him visibly get a little warm and sweaty. I wanted to laugh but held back.

"N-no." he said, his voice breaking. I flashed him my trademark smirk, chuckled darkly under my breath, and punched him hard on the arm. He gave a little yelp and jump.

"Ha, wimp." I said, walking on past him and sitting in my seat next to Freddie.

"Did you have to hit him? You might get in trouble Sam." He whispered, already done taking his notes from the board.

"He had it coming to him." I said back, flashing a smile at him. He just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Miss Puckett, please refrain from punching the young men.." The teacher called out in a tone that hinted she was covering a laugh. This was definitely my favorite class, the only one I ever showed any visible interest in, although Chemistry is pretty neat too.

"I don't know about that Ms. Mitchell, I'm so used to it that I can't help but do this all the time." When I said this I socked Freddie on the shoulder and he just shrugged off the pain, grimacing as he felt the spot. I guess he was pretty used to it by now too, the boy had toughened up.

Ms. Mitchell just rolled her eyes and turned back to the board, copying more notes.

"Can I see your notes Fredweird?" I whispered, taking out my notebook.

"Of course." He said, giving me an odd expression as he passed over the notebook. Once I was finished, I turned to the next page in his notebook and wrote:

What's up with the stupid face?

Nothing, I'm just not used to you being polite.

Well I do have manners, I just don't use them.



I always thought you were just a Neanderthal ;)

Watch it Benson!

Yeah, yeah. I know the drill.

Shut it!

Then quit responding.


Oh great, you're ignoring me now?

You're the one who said not to respond! Make up your mind nerd!

Alright, the bell's going to ring soon anyways!

I know! I'm not stupid!

I know you're not, you're pretty smart actually


You're welcome.

The bell rang then, and we stood up together. I grabbed my bag (Carly'd made me switch out my backpack with a Grecian-style bag) and Freddie grabbed his leather messenger bag. As we were walking out, I felt a hand stroke the area right above my butt and turned around quickly, but before I could land a punch on the pervert, I heard a yelp of pain and saw a certain tall, brunette, very buff guy pounding his fist into a much smaller, creepy looking blonde's face.

"Ow! What the hell man?" the guy exclaimed, holding a hand to his cheek.

"Watch your damn mouth, there's a lady present!" the Brunette growled and I shivered with pleasure. Who the heck is that? I thought, but I already knew the answer.

Freddie Benson (aka Indiana Jones) stood up fully and glared down at the shorter blonde.

"A-alright man, chill!" he said before running off.

"Wow Benson, when did you grow a backbone?" I asked sarcastically, trying not to show how shaken I was by seeing him more manly than I ever had.

"I don't know, about two years ago, same time we kis- uh, just a while back." He said and I was almost sure he was going to say same time we kissed… but couldn't be sure so I just shrugged.

"Cool beans. C'mon before we're late and your hemroids start acting up again." I said, teasing him before turning to the opposite direction.

"Wha-SAM!" he yelled before running up to me and bending down to whisper in my ear. "I don't have hemroids!"

"I know but with me as a friend, you just might some day!" I said, pinching his cheek as if he was a little boy before slapping it hard and running off laughing.


We all walked into the lobby where Lewbert promptly began his abuse.

"NOOOoOO! TEENS IN MY LOBBY! GET OUUUUUT!" Lewbert shrieked, throwing a telephone at us. it looked like it might hit me, but a hand shot out in front of me, catching it first.

"Watch it Lewbert!" Freddie barked again, getting that defensive posture back and I raised an eyebrow.

I wonder what he'd do if it was Carly getting threatened. I thought, and I instantly got a bit sadder at the thought. He'd probably kill Lewbert or something.

"GET OUT!" was Lewbert's only response other than cowering behind the counter. It was funny how rough and tough Freddie could look when I knew what a softie he was inside.

We all ran to the elevator (after I had kneed Lewbert in the place where the sun don't shine) and crammed inside laughing as Lewbert moaned in pain.

As we rode up, Carly kept glancing at me and Freddie and I just raised my eyebrows at her.

"So, what are we filming for iCarly again today?" I asked, leaning against the back of the elevator.

"Random debate." Freddie replied before Carly could.

"On what?" I asked, closing my eyes for a moment. I had a huge headache and the lights in here were killing me.

"The existence of Unicorns. Guess which side you're arguing." Freddie said, smiling slyly. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hmm…the winning side." I said, grinning right back.

The doors finally opened to the studio and we promptly tossed our backpacks down in the corner and ran over to the electronics cart.

"Okay…let's get ready." Freddie said.

"I need to go guys, Spencer has a drop-off for his art and you know how he gets around fancy people. Especially since that fancy chick he met when you were in juvie, Sam." She said apologetically, grabbing her jacket and purse.

"Alright, see ya!" I called out, waving to her.

"Bye Carls!" Freddie called and we both went back to setting the lights.

"We need more lighting over there." Freddie muttered to himself, raising it.

"But that puts the lighting here out of balance." I said, pointing over to the spot we'd be debating. I already rigged the swings and trapeze rings. It'd be one interesting argument, that was for sure.

I reached over across from him and dimmed it slightly until it was perfect. But then I noticed just how close we were, me leaning over his lap, my face inches from his, and almost sitting on him. His heart was beating at the pace of a bee's wings. It matched mine. So I did the only thing I could think of.

I pushed myself back and punched him.

He grimaced as I smirked, "See? Mama knows her chiz." I said before standing and going over to the swings. "One minute, I need to change." I called, switching directions and heading to Carly's room.

"Hurry! Celebrities Underwater will be on soon!" he yelled back.

"Don't tell me what to do!" I said loudly as I half-closed her door and tugged off the dress. Carly had already planned my outfit, Fredbag could stay in the Indiana Jones get-up.

It was like a mixture between the tightrope walker costume, a ballerina, and a trapeze artist's garb. It was all made up of a deep blue with bits of silver lining around the puffy skirt, light blue silk ballet slippers with laces long enough to wrap around my legs. There was also a silver headband with blue gems to hold my hair slightly back.

Even though I'm a tomboy, I could still appreciate the obvious hard work that had gone into this, and just how beautiful it was. It looked like something a Disney princess might wear. I quickly slipped off my dress and the sandals and then laid down for a second on the bed. A lot had gone on today, and I was kind of exhausted. After a full minute of deep breathing, I rolled off the comfy bed and went over to the costume.

Halfway through pulling it on, I felt a cold rush of air on my back and turned around, holding the top half of the dress against my front. Luckily it already covered my butt, but my entire back was exposed.

"S-Sam?" Freddie stuttered, eyes wide and mouth opened as he stared. It seemed like he couldn't even help himself.

"Get out!" I shrieked, holding it to my chest desperately as I ducked out of sight behind the bed. Freddie shook his head hard, as if to clear it,

"Sorry! Wasn't thinking, thought you were already dressed, I'll just…yeah." Freddie stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What did you want Benson?" I asked angrily, frantically reaching back for the zipper. Ah! There it is! I thought as my fingers latched onto the annoying metal square and I pulled it all the way up until it fully zipped and ready to go. I moved out from behind the bed, now a lot less caring that he'd nearly seen me out of the dress.

"You were taking a while so I wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay." He admitted.

"And…how long were you standing there?"

"I just came in, I didn't really see anything but your back. I promise." He said, finally looking me in the eye again.

"Good. Nobody gets to see any of this without my permission." I boasted, smirking as I gestured down to my body. Freddie raised an eyebrow in my direction, but I just shrugged and passed by him.

"Okay, lightings set, ropes are secure, everything's ready pretty much. Well…except for the fact that your butt's not in that swing and the camera's not running yet." He said, finally getting back to normal and teasing me.

I glared.

"Don't talk about my butt!" I scolded as I skipped past him, flipping over into a quick cartwheel to try out the costume. It was tons of fun, I'll admit!

"Yeah yeah, Puckett." He mumbled, following after me.

By the time we reached the studio, any awkwardness was gone and we were back to our old bickering selves.

"Look, all I'm saying is that he is a douche bag and you shouldn't even give him a chance. He's a total jerk, I'm not kidding Sam! He was dating three girls at once and bragged about it in the locker room!" Freddie said, trying to sway my opinion of this unbelievably gorgeous guy who'd been flirting with me earlier.

"No chiz! I don't care, we were just flirting, it's not like it was anything serious Fredgerm. Now start the camera, this costume is giving me a wedgie!" I lied before walking over to the swing and sitting with my back facing the camera.

"Alright, get ready." He said, messing around with a few buttons.

"Hold it! I gotta get my-"

"Noise box, got it." He said, finishing my sentence and throwing me the little blue box.

"Okay, come on! Get over here!" I called, swinging myself lightly.

"5…4…3…2-" he called out while I bent until I was upside down with my ballet shoe-clad legs wrapped around the swing like a trapezist. Freddie was sitting next to me, hat on his head and whip in hand.

I pressed the button and on the screen came the traditional 'Random Debates' greeting.

"iCarly Presents:" I heard Freddie's voice.

"Random Debates!" Came my own voice.

"Today's Random Debate is…" he said again.

"Unicorns: Fact or Myth?" my voice said before I clicked the button that switched to our camera.

"Hello my beautiful guests! You've all come to see the greatest show on earth!" I called out in a Russian accent, slapping a broad grin onto my face as I shook the hair out of my eyes.

"What? This isn't the circus!" Freddie said using his funny English accent. It was hard work not to giggle at this.

"Oh yeah! Oops! Welcome to iCarly! Today, since we haven't had a random debate in quite a while, Freddie and I decided to bring you a special Halloween-ish one!" I said, swinging slightly back in forth.

"I will be arguing on the behalf of Myth!" Freddie announced, standing up and hopping up and down randomly.

"And I will be arguing on behalf of Unicorns' existence!" I yelled, flipping myself over until I was right side up.

"It's a fact that Unicorns do not exist, there have been many investigations into this and all have proven my side true." Freddie said, nodding to me to let me know it was my turn.

"Unicorns are real and I can prove it! I went on a family trip when I was little out in the mountains when I saw one with these two eyes!" I said, pointing to my own as I got more into the argument.

"Unicorns are a physical impossibilty, a horn sticking out the middle of their head would probably kill them!" Freddie said, his voice getting more gruff. Atta boy Benson, Mama likes it when you talk like that. I thought before mentally slapping myself.

"The horn was a whole foot and a half long and came right out in the center of it's head, between the eyes!" I cried out.

"Scientists can easily show that their existence is impossible!"

"Throughout the ages, unicorns have been mentioned in literature and stories so obviously, they have to be real!" I defended, glaring over at him.

"Those 'stories' are just tales that people told when they got bored!" Freddie called out. That's it, this calls for cold, hard evidence!

"Oh yeah? Well I have photographical evidence!" I said, reaching into my top and yanking out the photo of the 'unicorn' I'd seen on the trip.

"You see that? Photographs don't lie!" I exclaimed, now not able to help myself from grinning broadly.

"Photographs can be easily forged, just as this one has obviously been!" he yelled, grabbing the picture right out of my hand and taking a second to examine it before giving an offended little noise.

"This picture is a total fake! Look, all you did was tape a horn to the head of a picture of a horse!" he shouted, holding up my picture to the camera so the could see.

"Watch it Benson!" I growled, already standing up slightly in my swing, but I guess he didn't notice.

"Do you see the trickery to which my opponent will stoop in order to win?" Freddie ranted, but I didn't care.

I leapt up onto the little handle bars he'd attached to the ceiling and swung from there with my legs as my hands reached around to grab the rings. And from there I launched myself onto him.

"NO! Sam, don't!" he shrieked in terror as I laughed and grabbed his whip out of his hands while punching him at the same time.

By the time I was finished with him, his hat lay of the floor, his shirt was half-off his body, and the whip was wrapped tightly around him. As he squirmed I laughed again.

"Aw Sam, C'mon!" he whined, but I just grabbed the scarf I had on and wrapped it around his mouth to shut him up.

I pointed my face to the camera now and smiled.

"Well folks, I guess we all know who wins! Me! Unicorns rock!" I exclaimed, doing a spontaneous cartwheel again while pressing the button to turn the camera off.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get a smoothie. See ya later Benson!" I called out, skipping over to the doorway with my coat over my arm.

"No you don't! Sam! Come back!" he called desperately, now on the floor to try and get the ropes off.

"I don't know…what would make me want to do that? You got something for me?" I asked sweetly, swinging back around until I was standing over him.

"I buy your smoothies for a week if you let me go." Freddie said.

"A month."

"Deal." He sighed after saying that, sitting up and waiting for me to come untie him. I smirked down at him. And then I pulled the little bit of whip poking out. He instantly came undone, sprawling out onto the floor and breathing hard. "Thanks." He breathed out, rubbing his arms and legs as if he was trying to get the feeling back into them.

"Hurry up, I want my smoothie!" I said, already out the door. But I waited in the hall for him to catch up.

"One sec, your shirt's still messed up." I commented, reaching out to tie one strand together and straighten it into place.

"Um…thanks." Freddie mumbled before tapping my shoulder and turning me around to walk to the stairs.

Okay, that's it for Wednesday! Wait…it was Wednesday right? Or was it Monday? GAH, I'M SO CONFUSED! :P Anyways, I'd like to apologize profusely for my tardiness and procrastination! I truly meant to work on it and I did, but it took FOREVER! And I can't wait for more new episodes of Season 4! Ever episode from Season 2, 3,4, and the icarly videos that we get on the website are so awesome and Seddie filled! Thank goodness! ^-^

! Okay, now a serious topic, I'd like to thank these people who voted on which character to use:




anonymous person


Thalico 4 evah



Mardelzor fan ^-^ (I'm honored btw)



Thanks again! Please continue to read, I'll definitely really try my super hardest to update once a week or once every two weeks.