Nice too meet you ^w^
This my first Hetalia fanfic, I hope you'll enjoy.
Well, the grammar sucks, and I felt bad that it has more dialogue than actions, and the storyline is a bit screw up, so I just leave the impression to readers T_T
There are a lot, lot, lots~! of OC's here, so beware XD
Disclaimer: Only Hidekaz Himeruya (and the company who contracts him) owns Hetalia, I'm just screwing up with the characters (and insert some of my own)
Please read, enjoy, and review XD
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"Ana~, as we decided with WHO, they entrusted us to discuss about bird flu" a Thai man with glasses cheered as he faced the other nine nations "Please give out your best opinion about this problem ana~"
"Bird flu, also known as H5N1, is a contagious illness which infected birds and poultries, but can also infect humans. The cause is usually... "
"Singapore, you don't need to explain all of it in details" Brunei intruded as he touched his beard "It's pretty hot today, isn't it?"
"Of course, we live in the tropics, hot climate and rainy monsoons" a Filipino girl said in a Philippines accent "Can I get my ice coconut?"
"Not now Philippines" Brunei sighed "We should get into the meeting."
"By the way, the monsoon is pretty heavy, no?" Philippines tilted her head
"Well! These monsoons has causing floods everywhere in my country!" Indonesia slammed the desk.
"Well Indonesia, you have to improve your sanitary system and…"
"I know Singapore" she grumbled "And there are a lot of stupid rats in my government right now, it's making me distressed"
"You sure are something with those KFC restaurants that lines up in every district of yours, Indonesia" Laos sighed.
"Pretty much from a cultural crisis" Cambodia also sighed.
"Nyei~ want your chicken sate with nuts~" Burma cheered.
"Shut up you three!" Indonesia snapped "Is it wrong for me to open a bunch of franchise stores! And I prefer spicy things for now!"
"Ana~ Indonesia, we've gotten a bit off topic" Thailand sighed, while petting his pet elephant "What do you think, Vietnam?" he faced Vietnam.
"It's pretty hot to go to the rice fields, right Malaysia?" she mumbled
"Surely is" Malaysia smiled "Anyway, anyone want beef rendang? One hundred percent Malaysian"
"Stop stealing my recipes, Malaysia! Cook your own food!" Indonesia snapped again.
"But sister, I putted my own taste in it, and it's one of your islands who taught me how to make it"
"Even still, stop claiming them!"
"Sis" she smiled politely "It's still my cooking, so it'll be okay"
"Why you!"
"Hey you twins, stop the personal kitchen war" Vietnam growled.
Indonesia sighed "Now, I prefer cold and sweet things"
"Sis, if you want I can give you an ice cream just for 2 ringgits"
"Really? Thank you sis~ I'll pay later" Indonesia hugged her sister.
"Indonesia, your way too creepy" Laos sighed.
"I agree with brother, I want to go home" Cambodia also sighed.
"But I want to go to Petronas Towers first" Burma whined.
Indonesia glared at them "Hey…you want me to poke your f***ing heads deeply with a bamboo shoot?"
Those three silenced at Indonesia's intimidating stare.
"Ana~ we really are getting off topic here! It's bird flu! Not food or climate changes, ana~!" Thailand said desperately.
"Climate changes are caused by the greenhouse effect, which is when the atmosphere..."
"Singapore, you don't need to explain that" Brunei sighed.
"I almost forgot that I have a meeting with Sir England" The Singaporean said as he closed his laptop.
"Sorry, I have to play golf with the sultan" Brunei scratched his head.
"I want to watch a favorite Spanish romantic drama of mine and drink some ice coconut" the Filipino girl stood.
"I want to go home" Laos and Cambodia sighed.
"Nyei~ want to eat" Burma cheered happily
"Wait! Ana~ we didn't even finish yet" Thailand pleaded, but those nations already left "Ana~ why are they always like this" he cried.
"Be patient" Vietnam patted Thailand's head "It's a good thing that the blonde, disgusting, hamburger loving idiot didn't intrude this time" she scowled, irritated by her own thoughts.
"What are you saying Vietnam?" Indonesia murmured disappointedly "Hamburgers are kind of delicious"
"Sis, you shouldn't eat too many fast foods" her sister sighed "I prefer China's or England-sama's cooking rather than those things that can make you obese"
"I agree with Malaysia" Vietnam said sharply "Except for England's cooking though"
"Don't say that Malaysia, our own cooking is the most delicious, right?" Indonesia smiled "And don't compare them with England's, my food are way better"
"Of course" Malaysia also smiled.
Indonesia cheered "Okay, let's go travelling and eat!"
"I'll go with you, sister" Malaysia insisted.
"Okay sis~ ready, rock!"
"Ana~ if its fun, I'll go too" the Thai man sighed "You're going?"
"I have no obligations" Vietnam smiled.
"Is there any pad thai, ana?" Thailand looked at Indonesia with puffy eyes
"No~ just eat my cooking and be grateful" Indonesia frowned.
Thus, the usual meeting of the Southeast Asian countries ends just like that.
How is it? I hope it's good. I still use the nation's name here, next time I'll try to brainstorm the human names (which will be quiet difficult)
About the ASEAN, it's a regional political and economical cooperation between the 10 nations in Southeast Asia (the same as European Union, probably). I somehow interested to write about this organization, and felt like publishing it XD
I leave the impressions to you though =w=d
This chapter is meant only for introduction for the characters though, but the discussion about bird flu actually happened (at the ASEAN 11th Summit in Kuala Lumpur), but I made it a failure (for pure humor)
And for those 10 countries, only Thailand and Vietnam has a clear personality noted by Hidekaz Himeruya, so I created my own for others (Sorry if anyone got offended by my fanfic, since this is only for humor, I don't mean to offend any country ^^)
I made Burma have a verbal tic (Nyei~), well, if anyone oppose, Gomen m(_ _)m
And also note, that Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam(of course) are females XD
This fanfic will be political one based on the present events, but I'll try to make historical ones for each countries. Not only for the ASEAN countries, but also other Asia countries XD (the author is a little bit crazy, so please forgive him)
And if anyone wanted some pairings, I'll do something later, although it will be complicated =="
Other Hetalian characters will be added in later chapters ^w^
And finally, REVIEW PLEASE XDDDDD (critics are welcomed, but don't be too mean)
See you at the next chapter, ana~ ^w^/