Julie and Samantha Kanisky walk in the door. Nell is walking down the stairs dusting.

"Hi Nell!" Samantha exclaims.

"Well hello Samantha, hi Julie." Nell replies.

"Where's dad?" Julie asks looking around the living room.

"He hasn't gotten home yet." Nell responds.

"I'm curious to see what his big surprise is for us." Samantha says with a huge grin on her face.

"Now Sam; we aren't going to bother him tonight, ARE WE?" Julie asks looking at her sister.

"Come on Julie, don't you want to know what it is?" Samantha questions. Julie holds her school books closer to her chest.

"I am fine if I don't know." Julie says and then saunters up the stairs past Nell.

"Maybe I can get Katie to help me." Samantha responds.

"Samantha honey, come here." Nell says. Samantha walks over to her. Nell looks down at her. "Samantha, you don't have to know what you're father is going to say before he says it. He will tell you tonight."

"Alright." Samantha says disappointed and walks up the stairs. Nell walks down the stairs and continues to clean. As Nell walks into the kitchen and brings out the plates to set the table Chief Karl Kanisky walks in the front door.

"Hi Chief." Nell says.

"Hello Nell." He replies. He walks over to the closet, takes his gun out of its holster and puts it in the lock box. "What's for dinner?" He asks with a cringe.

"Well, the girls and I assumed that we were going out since you had that special news to tell us." Nell responds with a smile.

"Oh yeah, that." He says with a sigh.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" Nell asks sitting down on the couch.

"Margaret and I always wanted to take the girls to New York City. Since the girls have a break from school this week I want them to go." He replies.

"Oh I would LOVE to go to New York!" Nell exclaims.

"Who says you're going?" The chief asks looking at Nell.

"If I don't go, the girls won't want to go." Nell replies crossing her arms.

"Okay, you can go." He responds.

"Thanks Chief." Nell says.

"Now, we just have to tell the girls." He states.

"Oh I think Katie, Julie and Samantha will love the idea." Nell says.

Park Avenue, New York City

"Mrs. Garrett! Mrs. Garrett!" Mr. Drummond says as he walks into the apartment. Mrs. Garrett comes into the living room from the kitchen.

"Yes Mr. Drummond?" Mrs. Garrett asks.

"Where are Kimberly, Willis and Arnold?" He asks. Mrs. Garrett wipes her hands on the towel in her hand.

"Well Kimberly isn't home yet. Willis is upstairs doing his homework and Arnold is in the kitchen eating an after school snack." Mrs. Garrett replies.

"Nothing too sweet I hope." Mr. Drummond says. Arnold walks into the living room holding a piece of chocolate cake.

"Oh hey Mr. Drummond!" Arnold exclaims.

"Arnold, is that chocolate cake on that plate?" Mr. Drummond asks.

"No." Arnold replies quickly. Mr. Drummond laughs.

"I guess it is okay for now. Don't eat too much sugar." Mr. Drummond says.

"Not a problem, Mr. D." Arnold replies. Mr. Drummond nods with a smile.

"Hey Arnold, how would you like to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art tomorrow?" He asks. Arnold looks at him.

"I'd love to go! I've always gone past it, but never been able to go in." Arnold replies.

"Well that just happens to be Kimberly's favorite museum and I thought that you, Kimberly, Willis might enjoy going." Mr. Drummond states.

"Oh, I think it's a great idea, Mr. D!" Arnold exclaims. He puts his plate on the table and runs into Mr. Drummond's arms.